New Costumes of Last Round

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Well-Known Member
God I still hate that art for the Mila one. Its pretty obvious that it won simply because it was "cute", even though it doesnt even look like Mila, nor does it suit her at all. I seriously can't see her doing that jpop idol kinda pose. The "cutest" thing she does is freaking WINK while throwing a punch.

I wish the other other military one had won instead. The Sarah Connor style submission.

Just....god. The reasons I was against it from the start

1) The cutesy art, which ticked me off because I knew people would immediately vote for it for the cute art, despite that going against the character, and the choice was made entirely on the cute art.
2) The short shorts. Again, fuck em, go with full pants like the OTHER military submission
3) This one only dawned on me recently with the cop dlc, but I hate that we literally already have this outfit in the game, 4 times, just palette swapped with a tweak here or there. (C4, C7, C18, C30, C32, and now this Metal Slug outfit as well.) All the same "Short shorts, crop top, boots and gloves" outfit, making this choice extremely redundant. To the point where with the Cop dlc being out, now this is literally just a camo palette swap.
4) It doesn't....FIT at all. I mean, that's been the complaint with virtually all the dlc, but with all the options that DID fit (there like 5 others or so), they coulda gone with something MUCH better.
5) it KEPT me pissed because I knew from the BEGINNING that this would be the outfit to make it in, simply because the art was cutesy, so I've known for a year now that my main wouldn't be getting worthwhile.

No offense to the artist themselves, glad their work made it in, yadda yadda, I just don't like it, and won't be using it.

Also, side note, bugs the shit out of me when people depict her as a solid redhead, when she's dyed black with red highlights.

Also, they should have kept the hairband and messier hairstyle for Ayane, without it, the look just falls apart from "Son Goku reference" to "Ivy knockoff".


Well-Known Member

Alpha-152: (of course not her schoolgirl outfit, but maybe what could have inspired the idea?)


Well-Known Member

I think that Alpha-152 has so much potential for both cool skins or hilarious outfits, and the ideas from the fans are not missing: together with skins simulating ice, fire, lghtinging, etc... I really would have liked an outfit like the one posted, the idea of the fishes swimming inside her as a living acquarium (funnily enough thought in contemporary from a Japanese fan and synce too), an astronaut outfit with her natural floating perfect for simulating the absence of gravity. Maybe are silly ideas but I think that the final outcome in the game would be nice.

A shame that there is some not written rule for Team NINJA because the boss characters have always to be treated in a poor way in the game. Yesterday I was sure to see a Tag Team between Phase 4 and Alpha-152, but now I'm not so more convinced about it... (and even in the eventuality, be sure that this would be something done more for Phase than for Alpha, exactly as the team Raidou + Honoka - that I'm glad for existing - it's very likely more addressed to the sake of the girl).


Well-Known Member

I think that Alpha-152 has so much potential for both cool skins or hilarious outfits, and the ideas from the fans are not missing: together with skins simulating ice, fire, lghtinging, etc... I really would have liked an outfit like the one posted, the idea of the fishes swimming inside her as a living acquarium (funnily enough thought in contemporary from a Japanese fan and synce too), an astronaut outfit with her natural floating perfect for simulating the absence of gravity. Maybe are silly ideas but I think that the final outcome in the game would be nice.

A shame that there is some not written rule for Team NINJA because the boss characters have always to be treated in a poor way in the game. Yesterday I was sure to see a Tag Team between Phase 4 and Alpha-152, but now I'm not so more convinced about it... (and even in the eventuality, be sure that this would be something done more for Phase than for Alpha, exactly as the team Raidou + Honoka - that I'm glad for existing - it's very likely more addressed to the sake of the girl).

That aquarium Alpha was the best. Loved that design


Well-Known Member
I'm just happy I'm one of the very few people who actually like Helena's new costume. :helena:
I can understand why people are disappointed. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting either but IT IS. BY FAR. Her VERY best costume. Screw all the other costumes in Helena's "catalog." I haven't felt excited at all about the other outfits Helena's gotten. I haven't purchased a single one. Not even her Halloween (no offense to whomever designed her costume). Even with all of TN's liberties they took with the costume it's still her best one. It's really why I've stayed away from the internet. I didn't even know people were unhappy with it. And there's only a few of us?! HOW?! You know what?

To all the nay-sayers to Helena's costume I say:
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Well-Known Member
But side note, do you guys think I could/should put the leon outfit on a resume? Not sure, since its technically Fork's submission, but if I could point out I was involved to pad the resume a bit, not sure if thats reaching or not.

I would think not, unless you're applying for some kind of art-related position, where someone might actually be receptive to you tossing in "oh, by the way, something I worked on/drew was professionally featured in a video game." But even then, I kinda feel like that's stretching the significance of these contests a bit.

For me, I've never really thought of these contests as much more than bragging rights, not something that could potentially score me a job.

But that's just me. If you want to give it a shot, then go for it. But since you asked, my first gut reaction is that it probably couldn't do much, if anything for you.
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Well-Known Member
I can understand why people are disappointed. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting either but IT IS. BY FAR. Her VERY best costume. Screw all the other costumes in Helena's "catalog." I haven't felt excited at all about the other outfits Helena's gotten. I haven't purchased a single one. Not even her Halloween (no offense to whomever designed her costume). Even with all of TN's liberties they took with the costume it's still her best one. It's really why I've stayed away from the internet. I didn't even know people were unhappy with it. And there's only a few of us?! HOW?! You know what?

To all the nay-sayers to Helena's costume I say:
Hun, I love that costume too! However, in my opinion, this has to be her best costume ever. Hands down:

This happened to be my first DLC that I bought for this game and I'm absolutely satisfied that I did. Praises to Team Ninja for keeping it intact. They could have butchered it like what they did to Tina or Leifang but thank God they didn't! Now they've given her a majestic as fuck braid! Glory!
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
They could have butchered it like what they did to Tina or Leifang but thank God they didn't!

I think, they kinda butchered it. XD I mean, the cloth physics. They were amazing in DOA4. It really was a marvel to look at during a fight in DOA4. *__* Now not so much anymore...worse animation, ugly clipping...


Well-Known Member
I think, they kinda butchered it. XD I mean, the cloth physics. They were amazing in DOA4. It really was a marvel to look at during a fight in DOA4. *__* Now not so much anymore...worse animation, ugly clipping...
Oh I don't mind the physics. What I meant was they could have given her an unnecessary boob windows like Leifang. heh


Active Member
Helena's one is not my favourite of the choices, but it's still not bad. I would've loved them to include the hair bun the artist had given her too.


Well-Known Member
I can understand why people are disappointed. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting either but IT IS. BY FAR. Her VERY best costume. Screw all the other costumes in Helena's "catalog." I haven't felt excited at all about the other outfits Helena's gotten. I haven't purchased a single one. Not even her Halloween (no offense to whomever designed her costume). Even with all of TN's liberties they took with the costume it's still her best one. It's really why I've stayed away from the internet. I didn't even know people were unhappy with it. And there's only a few of us?! HOW?! You know what?

To all the nay-sayers to Helena's costume I say:
LOL definitely not one of her best costumes. By far. Helena has one of the best wardrobes in DOA.
By saying that I mean no offense to Tirahrr's design. I quite like the design and think it's a very cute casual outfit that fits Helena. It was just how it looks in game ad some of TN's changes.


Well-Known Member
cmon guys Helena's is fine. shes not the majestic heavenly angelic queen that many helena fans make her out to be and must always wear clothes fitting of a goddess. shes another pair of tits and ass like the rest of the females as seen by her vast amount of revealing outfits. at least this submission she looks pretty damn classy and it suits her fine. Ein,Jacky,Momiji, ayane,kokoro got it way worse than her
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