Media Ninja Gaiden OVA

Lorenzo Buti

Active Member
Has anyone ever heard or watched this obscure anime from the late 80s/early 90s? This is basically the Ninja Gaiden OVA which came out in 1991, it’s centered around Ryu Hayabusa and Irene Lew with a couple of others that assisted which were Robert T. Sturgeon along with Jeff and Sara.

I think the Story so far is supposed to set between the Ninja Gaiden II and Ninja Gaiden III games on Famicom/NES. This anime has some neo noir which makes it rather fascinating to look at how it reminds you of the 1980s.

So far I think those action scenes featured in this OVA has got some ninja action violence with some bloody dismemberments, just like in the reboot Ninja Gaiden games!! No wonder why people never talked about this anime! There’s even action towards the end where Jeff and Robert ride on a motorcycle and barge into Ned Friedman’s building just like in Golgo 13: The Professional, and they shoot a bunch of monsters which all spew out blood too!! And at the very end where Bucky Wise turns into his monstrous form, you can see his human skin getting peeled away revealing the green armor inside and showing his awesome appearance! Ryu fights him at the end, and let me tell you they don’t make animes like this anymore. This anime was made entirely by hand drawing animation and they did an amazing job making this one in a style of the 80s.

I definitely hoped and wish that this Ninja Gaiden OVA should get a DVD and Blu-Ray release with 4K quality. But right now it’s still stuck on VHS and Laserdisc, when will an anime distributor company ever get a hold of this?!

But what do you guys think of this Ninja Gaiden OVA? Do you really enjoy it like myself?


You can watch this Ninja Gaiden OVA by checking it out in this link:

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