Noob Looking for Advice


New Member
Okay, I've been reading through the forums for the last day or two, trying to find something similar but I couldn't. I apologize if there is another thread covering this exact stuff.

So, I started playing UMVC3 a while back but couldn't get that into it. I sucked. Anyway, I'm completely new to the DoA series and almost completely new to fighters in general. I'm not sure how easy this game is to learn, and if I picked the wrong game to learn fighters on, but here I am.

I realize there isn't a quick way to become pr0 overnight. I just really like the competitiveness of these games online, and am trying to improve. I'm pretty awful. I've spent probably 6 hours in the Dojo trying to learn different combos I see on Youtube, but I lose alot of matchups online.

Anyway, here's the point of this whole post:
What advice would you give someone who is new to the fighter scene and wants to improve?

Should I go learn combos in Dojo, and then play online to try and gain experience? Who should I watch, and where's a good resource to find matches to watch of solid players? I've been trying to play Leifang, she's the most appealing to me. I've read on here she isn't very easy to pick up, but I'd really like to stick with her if I could.

Thanks in advance. Any and all advice is welcome!


Active Member
Play the game and don't be afraid to fail. Most importantly, when you are having problems always try to understand what went wrong and how you can improve. If there's a lot of problems, just pick some and think about them, ask here somewhere, etc. Concentrate on those select things during your matches.

Practicing combos is fun and useful, but you also need to pay attention to how you intend to land them. You need to check what opportunities you may have during a match and what combo you can land then. Do note that combos vary depending on character weight normal/counter/hi counter/back hit states, distance to wall and other things.

Practice your execution. Ensure that you can do your practical selection of moves and links ten times out of ten.


Well-Known Member
Stick to playing the game offline until you''re confident enough to go online. Learn whatever combos and setups you can by watching tourney players in action (like Rikuto or Dr. Dogg who browse this forum) or experiment until you find something that works for you. Play some AI matches in VS mode, save replays, and analyze what you can improve on. Don't forget to work on how you defend against attacks. It's good to know a little of every character for match up purposes, but this is crucial to DoA because of its unique counter system and stun-game. That's all the 2 cents I can offer I'm afraid : P


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
First of all, I'd say it's a fine fighter to start with. I started with Soul Edge and moved on to DOA2 from there, personally. Anyway, the trick is it's mostly about mind games. That means practicing against the AI sadly won't help too much, as that's an entirely different game. Think about what your opponent is going to do, and adjust accordingly. Memorizing combos n' juggles is actually not as important as improvising your opponent's behavior.

I currently "second-main" Lei Fang, and PMed you a few beginner tips (undoubtedly other LF mains can help you even more with her). Are you on Xbox or PS3? If you're on PS3, I wouldn't mind starting up a dojo lobby and giving you a few pointers.


Active Member
Find out what are Leifang's top 10 moves. Go online and try to beat people using them. Her juggles are extremely easy and don't require practicing as much as 'oh i can juggle them now'. Just go online and lose games. Practicing against bots or training mode won't help you if you don't have the experience playing other players (even in lag).

Dr Sexual

Choose a character you like and then just stick with that character. Avoid tier list discussions and talk about why this character is bad or this one is good ect. Dont waste time bouncing around, pick a fighter and really commit to them. No matter how many times you lose.

Next really work on learning the basics of that character and the game system itself. This phase will be the hardest because you WILL LOSE. ALOT. But you really need to just stick with the character and the basics.

"Combo's" are not the basics in my opinion. As a new player you should NOT be worrying about combos. You need to work on learning which moves are effective in what situations and when and where you should attack and defend. Keep it simple.

Once you've progressed enough with the fundamentals then you can begin adding more advanced stuff by watching and playing with more experienced players. Much of the cool shit you see pro guys do will serve absolutely ZERO use to you without a foundation of the fundamentals. You may be able to see something in a video and do it in training mode right now but without the basics you'll never be able to pull that stuff off in mid match against almost anybody. So any time spent training these advanced techniques are more or less just a complete waste of time.