Official Dead or Alive Xtreme Thread


Well-Known Member
Well I guess this is how they are ending the free dlc... it's a bang for most people I think... haha.


The DOAX3 twitter posted this less than half an hour ago.


Well-Known Member
Thats that gold one from X2 right? Artemis or whatever

Pretty meh if you ask me, out of all the skimpy ones pistachio was my favourite.


Well-Known Member
Wow that's pretty awesome that they are ending the free sets with that! People have been asking for it for a while so that's nice, I'll be getting that. I wonder if it will be like 1.5 mil though?

And then that will be the free ones done and then we can just hope there's more stuff for this game to come.


Well-Known Member
People are really crushing that joke dead with debris.

Also I saw the artemis on DeviantArt... its ALOT skimpier than I remember buuuut its still not something id re download the game for.


Well-Known Member
@UpSideDownGRUNT that's the Aquamarine dude from Christie's collection.
Not as skimpy as Pistachio but still nice.
@Jadeinchains nah it should be 1 million.

Holy shit I've been requesting that suit to TN lately!
I wondered if they actually listened.
This is a heck of a way ending free dlc.
Unless this is a joke.
Damn now for the grind.

Still hope TN releases dlc characters.
Maybe if the paid dlc sells, they'll do it.

Edit: Here's how the suit should like like.
This is X2 pic
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Well-Known Member
I like this swimsuit better than pistachio and such because this looks like it's jewelry, so it has an heir of class versus pistachio which looked like latex and looked like a porn star swimsuit, so trashy...


Well-Known Member
@UpSideDownGRUNT that's the Aquamarine dude from Christie's collection.
Not as skimpy as Pistachio but still nice.
Maaan... I cant remember all the stupid names TN give these things lol

Also that looks pretty skimpy to me I'd say it's about the same as pistachio just more string lol

Also to reply to your earlier comment, when I still had the game I did take photos pretty regularly just never had the chance/means to post them here. Or they were just too softcore nsfw for FSD


Well-Known Member
I used to post pictures here pretty regularly but just kind of stopped for whatever reason, ( I even saw some of my pictures on blogs :D )

If they released an ultimate version ( which we are getting to that one year anniversary next month ) with Lisa and the rest then I'd start taking photos again.

And yeah I don't know what its called but this one that's coming out looks like it could be classy while being revealing.


Premium Donor
Plus it'll look hot on the new body models with the bigger ass and thighs. They might even update it a bit hopefully so it's not just a straight port, imagine how Kasumi will look in it! ♡.♡ I'm also curious as to how Kokoro and nyo will look too, I hope Lotr gets my text soon XD


Well-Known Member
I like this swimsuit better than pistachio and such because this looks like it's jewelry, so it has an heir of class versus pistachio which looked like latex and looked like a porn star swimsuit, so trashy...
Well it is from Tina's collection.
That explains the reason.
Still you can't deny the pistachio is one of the skimpy swimsuits in the Xtreme series.

I hope TN makes the Venus unlockable. Really don't want a Vita.
@KasumiLover69 the Aquamarine looks like a straight port to me. This is TN were talking about.


Well-Known Member
I'm just ready to see the catalog. I want to see the other colors. For sure we will get the gold, white, and black. My predictions for the other colors: pink, light blue, red, purple, green, and a beige/brown/yellow. I guess we will see within the next 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
Usually baby blue and green don't release on a set. It's one or the other as Hitomi gets those colors.
It's usually Hitomi or Kokoro that get a ugly color.
Your other predictions seems accurate though.
I will get the same colors as DOAX2 had. Those were great.
We'll see how red and pink look.
Can't wait :)


Active Member
Well it is from Tina's collection.
That explains the reason.
Still you can't deny the pistachio is one of the skimpy swimsuits in the Xtreme series.

I hope TN makes the Venus unlockable. Really don't want a Vita.
@KasumiLover69 the Aquamarine looks like a straight port to me. This is TN were talking about.
I dont get the appeal of the Venus. I think its an uglier version of Fortune. I would want it if we didnt get the Fortune but we did. If I was a complentionist or if we didnt get tons of skimpy bikinis I guess I would get the venus via pstv and the f2p version since i picked up a pstv a while back for $25.