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I have watched the complete Daredevil Season 2, and it was excellent, and now I want so bad a Punisher adaptation for the game !!!

"The Punisher: I leave this as a declaration of intent, so no one will be confused. One: "Si vis pacem, para bellum." Latin. Boot Camp Sergeant made us recite it like a prayer. "Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war."

[cut to later, as Frank prepares his weapons for the final attack on Saint's gang]

The Punisher: Two: Frank Castle is dead. He died with his family. Three: in certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue... natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance. Punishment"

Credit : Quotes from the 2004 Movie



New Member
bug.jpg this tmc has some bugs,I don't know what reason be,hope someone fix it.


  • leifang.rar
    4.3 MB · Views: 672
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Marie Rose LittleDevil Recolors (original mod made by KasumiLove so thank to her)
I made 8 recolors adding the original to them so they are 9


the other colors inside the Spoiler










Download: Marie Rose LittleDevil Recolor pack

this is my first recolor... actually I didn't expect I will make all of them but after all i found that this mod must have a lot of recolor LOL
as it's my first one if there's any mistake please tell me
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Lorenzo Buti

Active Member
It can be do it, in doa2 tina has the same face like helena's mother
Now the problem is the opera dress, in doa5 it hasn't any looooong closed dress (except for those long skirt but it has a cutted part)
So it can be make it with the helena doa5 dress and the christie hair, with tina's face
Hmm, I don't know about the hair on Maria Douglas. I'm thinking it should be Tina's hair on her because if you look at that photo, you can tell that it is slicked back and has no callicks on the front. I hope this turns out well.


Active Member
If Kasumi's Kimono (KASUMI_COS_007) didn't work .
Can't you adjust the bones of a shorter dress to fit The Opera Dress ??
Or make the Dress shorter ?

EDIT: I think I've found something suitable, Phase4's story mode costume , where she's fully cloaked.
Idk it's name since I renamed mine a long time ago, though I know it's an rtm file .
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New Member

I don't understand this character not include TN's tatsunoko dlc.
original model's quality is terrible. I can not possibly use.

View attachment 18991

so I make this mod myself.
include outfit only. helm is toggable.

View attachment 18999

I loved how you recreated this one, By far my favorite among anime styled characters. Thank you!

Do have a question tho, I downloaded more of your works, but the sailormoon pack you made makes my game crashes, when I use the hair.
If I use the default character hairs,its fine and plays all right. Think something wrong with my version of DOA?


Well-Known Member
Kasumi has a long dress kimono in the story mod. Maybe you can use this for long dress mods.
If Kasumi's Kimono (KASUMI_COS_007) didn't work .
Can't you adjust the bones of a shorter dress to fit The Opera Dress ??
Or make the Dress shorter ?

EDIT: I think I've found something suitable, Phase4's story mode costume , where she's fully cloaked.
Idk it's name since I renamed mine a long time ago, though I know it's an rtm file .

When i was working with my helena opera dress, the kasumi long kimono and phase 4 story mode costume didn't work
The kasumi kimono costume has a body animation (if you made a kick or you move the long kimono looks deformed, it has the same animation as those nurse costumes or the kokoro police uniform
Phase 4 story mode costume has animation and has bone for a long skirt but in the game the skirt don't respond to the animation)

So, in my opera dress i scale the skirt to make it more long

In the week i will try to do my best with maria douglas guys ^^


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I tried to follow the procedures in adding the hair of sailormoon from huchi001 files, but it still crashes, those that have six files. :(

It did worked when I added it to the normal clothes, but never on his costumes.


Well-Known Member
trying to finish the Rio pack, but moving slowly because of street fighter 5. he is a a business suit costume based on this image. also made the glasses.



its mostly made from Rachel's c2, but edited the suit to match the details in the picture, here's the original for comparison

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