"Promise me, you won't tell anyone" Honoka General Discussion


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What would have been cool is if you could customize what moves you could give Honoka. But then...that would give away another secret. ;)


Well-Known Member
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What would have been cool is if you could customize what moves you could give Honoka. But then...that would give away another secret. ;)

That would be a terrible secret and won't be playable in tournaments. Doing so is no different than custom characters in SC. That's why Devil Jin and Algol was banned in tournaments for SCV. Anything "Custom" = chances of likely banned.


Well-Known Member
That would be a terrible secret and won't be playable in tournaments. Doing so is no different than custom characters in SC. That's why Devil Jin and Algol was banned in tournaments for SCV. Anything "Custom" = chances of likely banned.

What? Algol was never banned in SCV. Only DJ and Viola (though she's not banned anymore).


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He's banned now thanks to a certain player out there. They found some sort of loop apparently. Also isn't he a custom character?
No. Algol is just a boss character who happens to still be good in SCV, despite having no relevance to the plot.


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No. Algol is just a boss character who happens to still be good in SCV, despite having no relevance to the plot.

Actually this is correct, Algol was banned in SCIV but not V (He still has the loop though but they'll DQ a player for even trying it so he's still legal). Good catch on that one. However custom moves is still "custom". Devil Jin got the ban hammer from this.


Well-Known Member
DJ is banned because he doesn't have a character model, not because he has custom moves.


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His moveset is still within the game which can be "given" to a custom character. Regardless, anything custom that doesn't go by the default standards of moves are not allowed. The only thing custom that was available is changing outfits and color swaps like certain fighting games.

If he had a character model that can enable these moves as a default...then yes, I can believe that.


Well-Known Member
Devil Jin was banned because his moveset had to be attached to a custom character in order to be used. And since custom characters vary a lot between weight, height, speed, power, hitboxes etc. based on how you make them, it would mean there'd be no one solid matchup for Devil Jin. There was a thought of making a standard custom character for Devil Jin to use, but that was eventually ruled against.


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