Season Pass price is 10,800 yens


Premium Donor
I kinda expected a price like this tbh, they did it alot in 5LR packs, I'll still buy it tho so I can have everything and just be able to download and go when the costumes are released.

My only issue is the season pass incentives, they could have chose something better than just a Nico recolor and eye piece and a missing costume from the preorder pack. If they're gonna continue to do packs like these they need to make the exclusives a bit more exciting xD


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
85€ ... it's crazy even if it isn't 92€ like DOA5LR season passes.

I have a feeling it will be something like 96€ eventually, just to match the dollar price tag, even though properly converted it is of course much more money. That's how it is usually, isn't it?


New Member
I went with individual costume purchases in DOA5 but that was on console.
If I understand correctly, Steam for some reason doesn't let developers do that and I'll have to buy costumes in bulk this time around.
Super annoying since I only buy costumes for characters I care about, which is why I never bothered with their season passes.


Those better be some damn amazing costumes!

I was thinking about buying the Season 1 but right now that price looks insane.....I would like to more fully know what I would be buying first and know how much costumes and characters costs individually before I'd be willing to make that kind of purchase. I wish they would show more of the wedding costumes and some samples or promo art from the sets that come after that.

The game already feels bare-bones and incomplete. Not enough exciting stages, lobbies are still a work in progress, extra entry and win poses still pending, tag removed..... They need to show me something that makes me feel like this pass is a value and not asking this kind of price on blind faith.
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Well-Known Member
I went with individual costume purchases in DOA5 but that was on console.
If I understand correctly, Steam for some reason doesn't let developers do that and I'll have to buy costumes in bulk this time around.
Super annoying since I only buy costumes for characters I care about, which is why I never bothered with their season passes.

One potential way to work around this is to let us unlock DLC costumes using the in-game currency and then allowing us to buy in-game currency with real money. This does however lead to issues about how grindy it is to unlock costumes and adjusting the in-game economics.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Those better be some damn amazing costumes!

I was thinking about buying the Season 1 but right now that price looks insane.....I would like to more fully know what I would be buying first and know how much costumes and characters costs individually before I'd be willing to make that kind of purchase. I wish they would show more of the wedding costumes and some samples or promo art from the sets that come after that.

The game already feels bare-bones and incomplete. Not enough exciting stages, lobbies are still a work in progress, extra entry and win poses still pending, tag removed..... They need to show me something that makes me feel like this pass is a value and not asking this kind of price on blind faith.

Just buy what you like individually... that's what most people who bought DOA5LR did.
Seriously you do not HAVE to buy the Season Passes and never need to unless you really wanted to or is a big fan.


Well-Known Member
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News Team
I was definitely expecting this. Hope to see some really cool outfits, I can't say I'm thrilled about wedding attire but I know some people want it, but the idea takes away from individualism and creative costumes for the amount of money they desire.

Macca Beam

Well-Known Member
steam got cucked hard back in doa5. you either buy the season pass or a whole pack. and no, it doesn't have to be this way. even literal who k*rean games could manage a shop you can buy individual items in. it's their fault for relying on steam's dlc system

console doa5 was heaven. with a fifth of a season pass i could buy everything i wanted for multiple characters


Well-Known Member
And how is this even a surprise after almost-100-bucks of, how many was it again? 7 season passes of DOA5 that even excluded some costume pack and only works one way with the repacks.


And here I was thinking they were gonna make them reasonably priced... I was a fool. I'm praying for possible discounts in the future

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Ew Jim Sterling, the guy who was already extremely biased against Dead or Alive is trying to speak against the Season Pass that's primarily full of costumes...

Yeah, I'm sure he's a bastion of information... when all he does is regurgitate what other sites/people say days in advance.