Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
Ngl, I tend to hate characters if they did the characters I like wrong XD

Such an IMMATURE mindset :rolleyes:. What if a character you like did wrong to another character you like? Will you still like them even then? Like in doa, if you played against a kasumi, will you no longer like her even if you shouldn't like her because you beat her up :confused:?


Premium Donor
Such an IMMATURE mindset :rolleyes:. What if a character you like did wrong to another character you like? Will you still like them even then? Like in doa, if you played against a kasumi, will you no longer like her even if you shouldn't like her because you beat her up :confused:?
I don't like fighting Kasumi, I hate hitting her plus I don't like mirror matches...why do that when I can just pick someone who shuts her down or I can beat her with easily with zero difficulty? XD Plus I'm fine with my favorite characters being that bitch or dick to others, like Lili for example, I hate Asuka because she defeated her in T5 when Lili had a superior style.


Well-Known Member
Such an IMMATURE mindset :rolleyes:. What if a character you like did wrong to another character you like? Will you still like them even then? Like in doa, if you played against a kasumi, will you no longer like her even if you shouldn't like her because you beat her up :confused:?
Say, for example, if Ryouna killed Hikage and Yozakura, and nearly killed Murasaki for trying to protect Miyabi? Cuz that did happen.

Not to mention, y'know, the whole point of her joining Hebijo in the first place was to help Miyabi achieve her goals with the specific intent to stab her in the back afterwards.


Premium Donor
Say, for example, if Ryouna killed Hikage and Yozakura, and nearly killed Murasaki for trying to protect Miyabi? Cuz that did happen.

Not to mention, y'know, the whole point of her joining Hebijo in the first place was to help Miyabi achieve her goals with the specific intent to stab her in the back afterwards.
I wouldn't mind in the slightest XD I love Ryouna more than any other character so if she gotta be that bitch I'll support her all the while!


Well-Known Member
...For some reason, I feel wholly unsatisfied despite you having just proven my point almost instantly. Inn't that sum'n.


Premium Donor
...Did I miss something?? XD What I mean basically is that I just support my favorite character's decisions no matter how fatal or how crazy they are, the only thing I kinda don't agree with Ryouna is that apparently to her, pulling a trigger is easier than playing a piano...that kind of makes her come off as dumb imo, I also don't understand how she could let her sister Ryobi have hair all the way down to the floor yet she keeps her hair at barely shoulder's not fair Juihau, it's not fair.... I really wish Ryouna had longer hair, like maybe a hime cut with ahoges here and there??


Well-Known Member
I mean did she mean like literally playing anything on a piano or being good? Because if she meant to play it good then pulling a Trigger is probably easier than spending months learning piano.


Premium Donor
I mean did she mean like literally playing anything on a piano or being good? Because if she meant to play it good then pulling a Trigger is probably easier than spending months learning piano.
She says it as a taunt in EV, like idk what she means exactly by it but imo it implied that's she's not so bright, but then again she wouldn't even have to play the piano as a shinobi right? 0_o


Well-Known Member
Apparently this game will have post game updates for things other than the usual characters and outfits so I guess maybe more missions etc? Also I read something about how new collab characters are planned? I wonder who?


Premium Donor
I'm hoping they'll add Kasumi this time around go around in other FG series for more ninja girls...Kunimitsu, Mai, Master Raven, Taki, Natsu and Ibuki would be great candidates, they'll also probably use new anime girls too, that one ninja kunoichi from Kenichi the mightiest disciple(Loved that show, Miu and Kenichi were both so cute ♡.♡). Kasumi is definitely a shoe in since they collaborated yet again in X3, but since it's 2 packs they used in the game, they'll probably add 3 DOA girls as a team, so Kasumi, Ayane, and maybe Momiji, or since there's no ninjutsu allowed they'll probably go the popularity route and have Marie Rose, Honoka, and Kasumi. If they included a guy(I could only dream...) I'd hope they use Eliot, imagine how cute he'd be too in the SK graphic engine....and a shirtless Eliot too with shorts???:oops: AND ass physics and the ability to strip him and make him wear a speedo?? ♡.♡

They'll obviously update the game to keep things balanced unlike EV but the mission thing...please no, they're better off keeping that exclusive to japan, they never sell very well in games like this. Dragon Quest heroes tried it but the missions sold SO poorly that they ended up including them in the base game for the western localization for free...although that's how it should've been from the start XD
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Well-Known Member
Yeah If they make missions then hopefully by the time it releases here they come with the game, If they do more doa characters ( which they could with the whole doax3 thing ) I think it would be kasumi, Marie or Honoka ( or Ayane again ) maybe they'd have their costumes? hopefully as well the west actually gets the anime characters if they add them. I also like how they added the whole card thing from the card game into this. hopefully it releases in the west not to long after.

Edit : I also read that new rules and stages will be added for free.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see guest are officially confirmed now. I think Sonico is most likely in

Among DOA girls, I'd be happy with Ayane again, Kasumi would be great too. I definitely see Marie Rose and/or Honoka making the cut


Premium Donor
Nice to see guest are officially confirmed now. I think Sonico is most likely in

Among DOA girls, I'd be happy with Ayane again, Kasumi would be great too. I definitely see Marie Rose and/or Honoka making the cut
Yeah especially since this game doesn't apparently involve ninpo aside from the occasional scuffle which Honoka and Marie can definitely hold their own in. Plus guests are non canon, so they should be like Mai and be like "I'm sorry, let's have fun!" XD


Well-Known Member
Yeah especially since this game doesn't apparently involve ninpo aside from the occasional scuffle which Honoka and Marie can definitely hold their own in. Plus guests are non canon, so they should be like Mai and be like "I'm sorry, let's have fun!" XD

I would love to see Mai and Athena be guest

Looks like there will also be more New Wave girls added too, wonder who they'll be


Premium Donor
I would love to see Mai and Athena be guest

Looks like there will also be more New Wave girls added too, wonder who they'll be
I hope they'll include more of the tan/more ethnic ones, I know there was one native American and one Hispanic one I thought was really cute and wouldn't minds seeing them SKPBS. I think one was named Ageha??(I love that name ♡.♡)


Well-Known Member
Well I've been wanting them to add Matsuri ( the native american ) a lot. She's my number one character I want in. I doubt it though. It will be great if we are going to see new characters though soon.

Also if they add Matsuri or Ageha ( who I'm sure is Spanish not Hispanic though ) I hope they don't light an they're skin cause I feel like Yuyaki isn't the same skin tone in pbs as she is in the cards.