Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
SK 2 is definitely a great game to play if you own a 3DS. Smooth combat and arguably one of the better looking games on the OG 3DS. It doesn't play quite the same as EV (level design and view are much more restricted. You'll be side scrolling a lot) but I'd argue the combat is deeper especially when you pair up with another shinobi. Boss fights are obviously much more epic in 2 as well. The story is also good.

As good as the gameplay and story of deep crimson was, my main complaint was that the game kinda slowed down too much for me in the 4th chapter; it didnt really seem necessary for them to make us play as each of the hanzo girls fighting their crimson counterparts during the hot springs part, it was funny, sure, but didnt really contribute much to the story especially when Kagura randomly showed up.

Still, the story mode was quite good, I especially like how the last 2 levels were made specifically to avoid showing who is better between Asuka or Homura.


Well-Known Member


Honoka and Super Sonico!! perfect "dream team" :D
They're the same character basically lol

You could swap their hair and it'd be impossible to tell the difference


Well-Known Member
to be fair that goes for almost all the SK girls. same balloon blow up doll body with a different wig.

That used to apply to the doa girls too until they redesigned the looks for 5. Now it only applies to Marie and Honoka at least when it comes to their faces.


Premium Donor
Damn, 10000???? :-O Well they did do alot of promotion so I'm not surprised XD

Btw, the Ikkitousen girls are out in EU, they come to US in a few hours or so


Well-Known Member

I'm not really aware of how the Japanese sales figures work but from what I do know I'm guessing that's good for the game? If so congrats. I heard they'd already sold there first shipment or something like that so If it's successful then that's cool! Hopefully they will support it for longer, I don't know how long they supported EV for what I know that the Ikkitousen girls are coming out today.

And lol agreed those sheep were annoying to defeat in EV they took so many attacks to defeat.


Premium Donor
The turtle girls were annoying too, and the big green hair girls since they like to parry -_-

I wish they could add fighting game girls in PBS too, imagine Lili and Anna in SK! ♡.♡


Premium Donor
You sure they're up? I'm in the ingame store for the DLC and don't see them. But if the patch is later then that's fine with me, I was playing DOA anyway XD


Well-Known Member
When I went on earlier today I got an update for EV so It should be coming to US soon I think. I didn't check if the actual dlc itself is up though. It's cool to see that even this long after the game they continued to work to get these characters to the western version.

Edit: Yep they're up here! Sun Ce, Lu Bu and Guan Yu. They look cool.
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Well-Known Member
You sure they're up? I'm in the ingame store for the DLC and don't see them. But if the patch is later then that's fine with me, I was playing DOA anyway XD
There's an in-game dlc store for this? I've learned to never trust those after DOA

But yeah I bought them. Normal psn store-> add-ons-> new.


Premium Donor
I'm trying to max all of them, so far I did Sun and Lu and now it's Kanu who I'll use most, Lu is the best outta them all tho