- "Day 0" Video Round Up for Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate


While most of us are waiting for a day or two more for Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate to drop, a few lucky souls have gotten their copies early. Happily, a few of these folks (including FSD's very own Jeff "CyberEvil" Rybicki) have been more than happy to create videos for the game. We've compiled a quick "day 0" round up of DOA5U videos over at

You can check out Jeff's contributions below. For the rest of the vids, head on over to

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so no unmasked busa..."sigh"
maybe they will release a free pack costume with his old costume like they did in vannila (came with christie doa4/bayman original costumes)
I think the poster got that a bit wrong.. Hayabusa's been in DoA since the first game. Momiji and Rachel are the NG newbies

Seeing as he used the word "her", I was under the assumption the phrase was only applicable to Momiji. Though yeah, the phrasing can be read wrong.
Ryu's a girl?!?
lol it was a misunderstanding by me, I misread "her" as "their" as if it meant both Hayabusa and Momiji are new to 5U.

An easy mistake to make with the way the post was worded, but I have a terrible knack for misreading stuff alot of the time though haha my eyes suck. Apologies for the misunderstanding.
lol it was a misunderstanding by me, I misread "her" as "their" as if it meant both Hayabusa and Momiji are new to 5U.

An easy mistake to make with the way the post was worded, but I have a terrible knack for misreading stuff alot of the time though haha my eyes suck. Apologies for the misunderstanding.
I am disappointed that no one replied to my post with pictures of a Rule 63ed Hayabusa.
So Momiji and Rachel both didnt get any extra hairstyles? sigh
They still look fantastic with there default hairstyles anyway.
But a shocker considering how many hairstyles were in NG Sigma 2
Good stuff! I decided to cancel my physical copy preorder to buy the digital version instead. Waiting 2 more weeks would be insufferable.

Dammit PSN, update asap so I can start downloading DOA5U D: