So Let's Discuss "What If Patches"

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New Member
Ive heard multiple different opinion's on certain characters and multiple different argument's that make the house of representatives debate's look like a pushover. Here's my 2 cents for what it's worth. Let's hypothetically say Team Ninja decides to nerf certain characters because they're gunna try to appease everyone as hard as that maybe. Some people say Lei Fang most would probably say Jann Lee whatever the case maybe and no matter how many tier lists get made, if you end up nerfing one character it's inevitable that another will take there place, that's ultimately the flaw with nerfing/buffing characters, get rid of one thing it changes everything and then you attempt balancing #2 and history repeats itself.

In my opinion i say fuck it either Adapt/Step it up, or walk away with high sodium levels and the L on that chest cursing a storm. Not sure if any of you guys played Tekken5 DR but back then there was MAD broken characters [Devil Jin,Steve,Bryan,Nina,Fang to name a few] and you know what Namco said? pfft F that shit you don't get no patches, I truly think Team Ninja should do the same. I mean i know we've ALL been there when you lose to some bullshit and wanna toss your Pad/Stick out the window but that's no reason to instantly point fingers at characters.

I guess my point here would be no matter how much BS you may face Online or at a tourny the best and overall advice anyone would say is just go into the lab and practice and keep at it hard! Great wall of China wasn't built in a day afterall.

Hell i don't even know if TN is even considering nerfing characters in a future patch =/ it's 2:00 a.m. on the east coast i could just be blabbering on but hey food for thought right? either that or maybe TN wanted DOA5 to be the "Year Of The Dragons" XD.

Thought's? Opinions?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think most people are going to say they want their mains buffed and everyone else nerfed. That's just how people are. Not sure what you are looking for with this thread.


Active Member
Buff the ninja's, because you cannot have DOA without all the ninja's being the greatest characters in the game.


Active Member
I just want the low tiers buffed and the mid tiers balanced. The "adapt, you whiny loser" argument is, and always will be bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Everyone keeps saying their shitty character is good, because the way the hold system covers up character faults, there's really no point in updating the characters. It's the engine itself that needs to be rehauled.


Well-Known Member
Some characters really need buffs / fixes. Since they aren't going to rehaul this system or whatever else people say they should do, buffs / fixes / nerfs will have to do. That's just the way it'll be. It's way too early to be throwing out nerf patches yet. Waaaay to early. Also, and this may make me seem like a 'zomg noob' or whatever people like to say but I do feel like the ninja's are a bit over powered.
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