Soul Calibur Thread


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Standard Donor
I just saw that its starting at 2am UK TGS so I'll be staying up to watch that. I hope we see something.

What is starting at 2am? TGS? XD It's an event going for several days. I don't think it's a good idea to stay up and wait for that whole time frame. Well, but knowing you, you don't sleep anyway, so do your thing! ;)


Well-Known Member
What is starting at 2am? TGS? XD It's an event going for several days. I don't think it's a good idea to stay up and wait for that whole time frame. Well, but knowing you, you don't sleep anyway, so do your thing! ;)

Lol yeah I don't plan on staying up through the whole thing! XD apparently a live stream of FFXV is happening at 2am though and at four there's a VR game for Space Channel 5 do I'll check them out. The things I'm looking forward to is a possible SC reveal and RE7 footage.

There's some other things I'm looking forward to as well but I'm keeping my hype down in case it's not anything that good.

Aven Kujo-Gin

Well-Known Member
They update their FB page with this amazaing Tira artwork made by Kodachi-sama. Here's his deviantart page if you want to show some love.


Well-Known Member
Tonight? o . O Where? Why do you know about this and I don't? O:

Sorry for taking long but if you type in TGS schedule it pops up that it starts 10am JPN time. Apparently FFXV live stream starts right away.

They update their FB page with this amazaing Tira artwork made by Kodachi-sama. Here's his deviantart page if you want to show some love.

Yeah @Kodachi has really amazing art work! :D


Premium Donor
I hope they get someone from Tales of Symphonia as a guest, I'd love either Emil, Zelos, Alice, or Colette in the game, plus they use weapons and Lloyd was actually in Soul Calibur Legends for the Wii.


Premium Donor
Fixed. We need another Pyrrha Omega like character.
True, although honestly I prefer Emil, his ratatosk form was pretty jerkish while his normal self was more what I preferred in terms of personality. I could see a gameplay mechanic where he can switch between the two forms at will tho. Plus Pyrrah and her Omega firm was obviously inspired from Emil and Ratatosk. XD It's almost crystal clear if you watch Emil's first battle from Dawn of the new world.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
They update their FB page with this amazaing Tira artwork made by Kodachi-sama. Here's his deviantart page if you want to show some love.
Sorry for taking long but if you type in TGS schedule it pops up that it starts 10am JPN time. Apparently FFXV live stream starts right away.

Yeah @Kodachi has really amazing art work! :D
Thank tou Jade, This is so awesome im glad they like my artwork!

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
The Mi-Na vs. Setsuka match. I main both of them. No matter who wins, I riot lol :(

I personally liked SCII Mi-Na the most :)
I liked Setsuka in general.