DOA5U ~Team BEST~ DOA5U Training on PSN/XBL


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Scratch that, I'm going to host a lobby and stream for PSN today. I'll host one on XBL later next week.


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Good games to @Kohlrak on PSN.

I could tell that you're still new to DOA from our first match. You were committing to strings (PPP, 6PPP, 6P6P, 1PT, 9PP6P and 2H+KK/2H+KP) often and kept attacking. I couldn't really punish or fuzzy guard most of it because it was 1 bar latency, so I had to hold them more instead (which is fine, I need to hold strings more anyhow :p).

Some things I'd recommend you do with Kokoro is to do her Command Training some more (I'm sure you've gone through it before). This helps with remembering most strikes, strings and throws your character has. The Combo Challenge is also a good start on learning how to set up juggles, visually. I believe my good friend @Bushido has simple BnB juggles here in his Kokoro guide;

This is also a very insight read for anyone looking to learn Kokoro in DOA5U.

But to keep things simple for the time being, you should take a look at this video tutorial video by @Allan Paris about Kokoro;

@Ael @Bushido and @Tenryuga all have sound knowledge on the character, and I'm sure any of them are willing to help you out with Kokoro on PSN.


Well-Known Member
Well, your range was bugging me, too. I have no clue how to deal with someone who's keeping that kind of range at me. If i tried to rush in, you'd counter anythin i did (aside from those throws) and if i let you come in, i couldn't even time my 10 frame jab so that it'd hit you first. I'm trying to get through combo training, but those last 4 are driving me mad.

Anyway, thank you. I really need to learn when i should and when i shoudln't cut those strings off. Her 2H+KP is unsafe i'm told, but it's too tempting not to go for that stun.


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Well, your range was bugging me, too. I have no clue how to deal with someone who's keeping that kind of range at me. If i tried to rush in, you'd counter anythin i did (aside from those throws) and if i let you come in, i couldn't even time my 10 frame jab so that it'd hit you first. I'm trying to get through combo training, but those last 4 are driving me mad.

Anyway, thank you. I really need to learn when i should and when i shoudln't cut those strings off. Her 2H+KP is unsafe i'm told, but it's too tempting not to go for that stun.

I was actually hitting buttons at those run in-throws but I got thrown anyway, lol. Also, yeah I always play spacing no matter what character I'll play. You weren't really budging when I zoned you out so I had other means of making you do something lol. :cool:

But you'll get into the swift of things as you continue playing with others willing to learn, and willing to teach. :)


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of picking up Ayane as well, sometime. I might just go ahead and go through her command training tomorrow night and see what i can get out of her. Given what you've seen from me, what would you recommend in regards to her?

Also, what can i do about this spacing game of yours? i've seen other higher level players doing it, and the only thing i find viable to do about it is to let them rush in and have them eat my 2H+K and making that a 50-50 mixup. A couple times i tried guessing what would be the shortest whiff to try to sucker you into making a slow attack for me to counter you on.
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For Ayane, you need to build up good defense and fundamentals (spacing, footsies, ability to react well for whiff punishment and neutral punishment) and patience. Ayane requires the player to have a good sense of tools, as well as what your opponent's character can do to you.

The next time we play, I'll put it on Online Dojo and go over Ayane basics with you via mic. Should be easier for me to explain that way. Trying out her Command Training would definitely be a nice start. I also have plenty of replays on my Youtube channel if you want to get an idea how Ayane is played;

As for spacing, when fighting against it but have no spacing fundamentals, that is quite difficult. When fighting a player with strong spacing, they won't make the mistake of rushing in and making mistakes. I will either zone you out, or intentionally whiff a strike within' strike range so my opponent presses buttons, and I'll capitalize on it.

This is a very good read about spacing;


Well-Known Member
Well, i should be on about the same time tonight and tomorrow. Thursday i'll have all day after i see the foot doctor, since i don't work that day. I'll get to these videos as soon as i get out of the shower after work.


New Member
I'm not new to the game just new to playing online. I've been practicing/training on my own and haven't really gotten any results. If anyone has a few moments to spare, I would be very grateful if someone could beat me up and help me.


I'm not new to the game just new to playing online. I've been practicing/training on my own and haven't really gotten any results. If anyone has a few moments to spare, I would be very grateful if someone could beat me up and help me.

I play Kokoro, somewhat. Add me and we can try to have some matches and I can give some feedback if you like. I finally get tomorrow off so I'll be on tonight and tomorrow. Same for @Kohlrak also. (:

PSN: Aelivia


Well-Known Member
I'm not new to the game just new to playing online. I've been practicing/training on my own and haven't really gotten any results. If anyone has a few moments to spare, I would be very grateful if someone could beat me up and help me.
Totally willing to fight and give critiques, when are you available?