Team Ninja Twitter


New Member
i think the same i mean i agree with you and him, strikes and holds 50/50 depends on yr style of play, i personally mostly thinking like him, and i have no problem someone to start relenting on holds as i got the timing right, u can hold all the way u want.


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Shimbori's on the Twitter again, I'm assuming we'll get an English updating come tomorrow morning. A quick pass through Google Translate shows that he's talking about the actual balance thought process and specifically talks about Hayabusa's Izuna. Anyway, just for archival purposes, here's the Japanese:









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Yeah, TN waits for the East-coast to wake up before posting English translations now, which is handy and kind of gives you an idea of when you can expect an update.

Advanced players might have already on the concept for the changes for DOA5, but allow me to explain it here today.

The concept for the changes is "focus on individuality, focus on versus."

So fights against other players should be a lot of fun.

For DOA4, in order to keep character game balance, all of them use similar strategies for offense and defense.

For DOA5, we're giving each character an individual style for offense and defense, without breaking game balance of course.

For example, Hayabusa had his Izuna Otoshi (a.k.a. Izuna Drop) from both a throw and punch hold.

But he also had a 10-frame P and a 8K with a 12-frame startup. That didn't sit well with his opponents (especially grapplers).

In the Alpha Demo, we focused on the Izuna Otoshi, since that is his signature move.

We made him a character who is good with throws and holds, and pulled his strikes back a little.

We also make the player read the fight better in order to pull off Izunas from holds and strikes.

That way, we can keep Izunas strong, without dropping their damage.

And all of that means Hayabusa is a more interesting character because his strength depends on the player's skill itself.

So this is the kind of thinking I'm applying the characters.

Deciding a theme for each one, then adding and balancing based on that theme.

And when this is finally done for all characters, it gonna be awesome! (OK, that's all for today...)

Matt Ponton

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Well his strikes have generally been slowed down.

Basically just waiting to see how the rest of the cast turns out.


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Yeah, we didn't think Hayabusa was interesting enough now he's even MORE interesting. Izuna was the best hold in the last game, but now it IS the best hold in the new game. Now he's a tragic hero we always wanted him to be.

Bass' is still going to have his shitty hcf throw charge because it's HIS thing, right guys?

Tina has more American titties now and has a new hit at the end of every one of her old strings and they're all mids now, that's also her thing.

I hope you understand my great vision.


Matt Ponton

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Just thought I'd share this as it was sent over to TN's twitter, and it was an entrant for Rev's DOAEU Costume Contest. Wondering what people think (Rev, why is there no topic for your contest here?):



Yea I wonder if this means Bayman is going back to grappler status or if he's going to continue being a counter monkey.

I suppose they could make him good with both throws and holds, but that would put him on theoretically even footing with busa and that would be sacrilege.


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Reading some comments on another site makes me realize why TN usually aims their tweets at the lowest common denominator.


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The English equivalent should be up in the morning.









Well-Known Member will do for now:

[D] The Shinbori today try to display the description of the parameters of the Character Select screen.

"ATTACK" "THROW" "HOLD" is an image of the performance of various attacks. Chara is a big blow and throw characters, is a large and THROW ATTACK.

And, the image of ... "such as the number of special operations and derived TECHNIC =", "speed of movement and blow SPEED =" "skill damage itself POWER =, strength".

You can be reversed in an accident, such as easy to hold, for example, has a high and low POWER SPEED, but more favorable conditions.

As a specific example ... TECHNIC representation is difficult, TECHNIC Ayane of this work has become so big so that the opponent can be tossed with little movement.

Introduced the parameter display and "grasp the image of the roughly as before play". Because along the individuality of character, such as policy murmured yesterday, should have the image close to the character of actual performance.

DOA5 Since we wish to be "an interesting fighting game Kyarasere", as characters can be chosen in preference of the audience, we are working to manufacture Having regard to the performance character.

I think when you're time, and I want to also murmured. May gradually become dark eyes ...

I think when you're time, and I want to [D Shinbori also murmured. May become dark eyes ... # DOA5 gradually


Well-Known Member
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Today I'll explain the parameters on the character select screen.

STRIKE, THROW, and HOLD give you an idea of each kind of attack.

Characters with a high STRIKE are, well, strikers, and characters with high THROW ratings are grapplers.

Then there are the other ratings. POWER rates damage/strength of moves, SPEED rates movement and how fast they strike...

...And MOVES rates the number of special moves and followups.

So if you have a high SPEED and low POWER then you'll have an advantage more often, but...

...You could still get things turned around on you because you're more susceptible to holds.

MOVES is actually kind of hard to explain, so here's a real example.

In DOA5, Ayane can use little moves to confuse her opponent, so her MOVES rating is high.

We're putting in those parameters so you can get an idea of what kind of play style each character has.

Like I tweeted yesterday, these are tied to character individuality, so they should be pretty close to the actual abilities.

I want to make a fighting game where character selection part of the fun.

We're thinking hard about character abilities and individuality so players can choose the character that suits them best.

OK, that's it for now. More tweets when I get some time. Maybe I'll delve into a little more core details...


New Member
He always was grappler too...
Characters basics, the good technique they have is from DOA4, they just showing it more out now, for newcomers to understand ( that's why they also explain it from A to Z , all things on twitter ), and I'm talking about all the characters like its seems to be the truth. " Pumping out the individuality from 4 to 5 equals +1 and that should be equal to betterness " :)


New Member
He was not always a grappler. DOA4 doesn't have any technique to it whatsoever.

Overall, what the hell are you talking about?

Busa is a ninja first than grappler ( m not referring to him as a grappler, like i can reffer to Bass )..Why m sayin he is a grappler in doa4 and what i mean? -> he isn't relenting mostly on strikes, like Ayane and Hayate for example(u can play even wihout Izuna but), his Izuna takes much more damage than Ayane and Hayate throws or holds in DOA4.. so even only compare to the other ninjas he is...

For example like :3::3::h: of Ein throw was taking almost twice damage than the same throws of Hayate (i mean :3::3::h: or forward diagonal :F: (Hokage) x :h: that is same punch in the neck ) Ein is also a grappler, this is 1 of his essential moves, also the same move on a wall, do so much damage(that doesnt mean he will have 5 points, but for sure 4 or 5 more than Hayate who have 3 on throws)... So from the ninjas Busa is the best grappler in Doa4 so in 5 they showing it that he is, by also adding new air throw to boost his grappling style..

Every character has specific technique(signature moves/unique moves) and strength(some of signature moves do a lot of damage than other character closer to other characters in style) in doa4, so that's like i said will be more showing off in doa5.

Team Ninja said: said:
Advanced players might have already on the concept for the changes for DOA5, but allow me to explain it here today.

The concept for the changes is "focus on individuality, focus on versus."

For DOA4, in order to keep character game balance, all of them use similar strategies for offense and defense.

-they still have individual style, but its not strong balanced in doa4, coz they made overal strategies almost the same for every character.. now they cutting some of their moves and adding new ones, so it can be shown more in doa5.(continie...)

For DOA5, we're giving each character an individual style for offense and defense, without breaking game balance of course.

-(continie...) so they can balance the style of every characters, without breaking balance in the game.

(example Hayate has less power on holds and throws in Doa4, so if u want to be good u need more strikes, he is brutal there. When TN talk about simillar strategies on defense and offense in doa4 for the example you can jump back there and escape, with :9::P: with hayate, but here in doa5 u can't anymore, so this is how they r showing his main strength(style that u need to play, attacker, striker) in doa4. Also little about hayate style of play, read down.. )

For example, Hayabusa had his Izuna Otoshi (a.k.a. Izuna Drop) from both a throw and punch hold.

- they r telling you here, he was a strong grappler and have strong hold, that is giving you a change for Izuna again , but they also pointed that the true grapplers was more powerfull in grappling than him -> see next what they r saying..

But he also had a 10-frame P and a 8K with a 12-frame startup. That didn't sit well with his opponents (especially grapplers).

-like i said Busa is a ninja first, so ninja's are strikers, and to show off his throwing strength they pull his strikes a little, coz the other ninjas doesn't have such strong throws and they relenting more on strikes.. (if u want to be good with Busa in doa4 u must use Izuna, if u want to be good with Hayate u dont need to pull out his Raijin at all, coz it doesn't do so much damage, compare to Izuna . Read again the example for Ein vs Hayate, also main strength of the characters from doa4 u can see now at least for 4 of them in doa5 demo.

In the Alpha Demo, we focused on the Izuna Otoshi(aka Izuna Drop), since that is his signature move.
- so with singature move, they mean individuality of the character his own unique move,this moves can give you certain style of play that u cant pull out with other character (when i was talking about character technique i mean signature moves).. so based on signature moves of every character, u can have the idea what to expect in a way in DOA5 for the other characters.

We made him a character who is good with throws and holds, and pulled his strikes back a little.

Its like evolving (it doesn't happen from ZERO). Its not like Busa didn't have grappler powers so they made it now, WOW thats so fucking NEW why TN do that? .. if they do Ayane 5 points on throws that will make here Grappler, u can say than : so she is a Grappler Now, coz she will become a new thing (she isnt in 4 so u can see she isnt now in 5 also)...

Do you see the logic?, u cant show something that didn't exist before.. So i can say he was grappler in doa4, but it didn't show of so Big for everyone to see, coz apparently a lot of ppl playing few years doa4 didn't know/see that. And the reason for that is coz the game was differently balanced like not only TN are saying, but also you know, coz every DOA player plays almost the same no matter of the characters .
For example => a lot of pro and casual are playing sometimes the same. I've seen how a pro didn't play pro with Hayabusa, he was relenting more on the game balance strategy, like damage the opponent and running away (more defense) waiting for him to come, and strike him, while he is coming, than run again, that's not pro on the character and playing that way u canT understand well his potential if u r casual, he was good with timing btw. But than another pro, who was playing almost the same with Hayabusa, but more offensive, half of the time was countering for (Izuna) throwing Izuna's and the other half if not running away, was attacking with lots of different combos, and fucking trying Izuna almost every time after that :).. So to see the character strength in doa4 it depending on how you play with the characters. If u r playing more offensive or defensive and if u relenting more on holds; guard; trows; strikes, you can fucking miss what is the power of the character u r using, coz all the things was more closely balance Overall...

...also like you see in the demo, back dash is shit, and that's probably will be the same in full DOA5, more slow backdash, so this running will be less abuse... and with some character u will relent on the power that they hade before from doa4 like Hayate no running a lot more attacking ( his style from 4 that u can missed if yr style of play is running on distance all the time, trying to shit around with basics, guard, punch and kicks etc :) )... really understand why 1 character have a strength with something u need to learn the strength and weaknesses of the other character closers to him, like the other ninjas... like seeing how they put out the stats of busa , ayane and hayate, and u r master of Kasumi u ll have the idea, with what she will be strong.. like here counters for example.. so probably she will be strong on holds/throws too, not like ayane or hayate, and in the video of her vs Akira, u can see her teleport is still in the game.. So should be even more fun to play now :)

I think Team Ninja is explain everything very well, so old DOA players shouldn't be surprised, like TN also pointed...