Team Ninja Twitter


Well-Known Member
Wait a second, the official translation is up and it says:

Sounds like they're not just revealing two characters we're already familiar with. Interesting!
I'm not sure if they meant like...could the two new characters "become" our favorites in the future or they just meant the new look of the characters(returning) could be one of our favorite characters from before that they are going to be revealing.
Example if my favorite was Christie and Helena, they would fall under the "Could they be some of your favorites?"(that we are revealing?).
But now I am kinda hoping it is the new characters :) Especially if they have a special trailer to showcase both of them.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You're right, I'm misinterpreting. If they instead had said "Could they become some of your favorites?" I would be right but they didn't.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't think they'll be brand new characters. At best we'd see a VF character, but this close to E3 you have to assume they'll be saving something big for the E3 trailer.


Jann Lee and Lei fang for the win !!!!!
I wouldn't mind seeing zack too,gen-fu leon and bayman,i don't know why but i love bayman's fighting style more and more,less wild than leon but a lot more technical.

I am just sad that they'll add only two brand new characters... I hope they'll announce more.

Arnell Long

Active Member
Well I be damned, I knew we'd get more than just "one" more character reveal before E3. That's to those who said it wouldn't be any major reveals before E3, and to me, 2 or so characters is pretty major, whether they're returning characters or not.

I don't care who they reveal, my Carmel ass just wants to see some more faces. But as most are saying, Jan-Lee feels like the next in line...tick tock...time will tell...


Well-Known Member
Lei Fang and Jann Lee to me seem as the most likely candidates. The announcement was made on April 23rd (Lei Fang's B-day), also if I was Team Ninja this is what I would do because I'd be a badass who remembers characters B-days(lol actually I didn't even know it was her B-day til DOA's Facebook made a post about it, in fact the only one I know is Tina's which is Dec 6th/My mom's B-day). There's two character reveals, so probably one guy and one girl, Lei Fang's story is related to Jann Lee, so viola! My theory.


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Premium Donor
(lol actually I didn't even know it was her B-day til DOA's Facebook made a post about it, in fact the only one I know is Tina's which is Dec 6th/My mom's B-day). .

Tinas your MOM ? damn man ... you must have been one lucky baby... :p
but i feel sorry for you having a grandpa like bass :p


Well-Known Member
Tinas your MOM ? damn man ... you must have been one lucky baby... :p
but i feel sorry for you having a grandpa like bass :p
haha that would be quite interesting if it were true, but I think Bass would be a badass grandpa. C''s Bass, he would go soft on baby, you can tell lol.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Saw that this morning. Interesting day to reveal things, Thursday. I'll take it.


Bayman said:
Yo. Rikuto.



Well-Known Member
From Tecmo's Facebook and Twitter.

"Preparing the video footage. Can't wait to show it to you guys. 3PM GMT. #DOA5"
"Want to see more of DEAD OR ALIVE 5? We have something for you today!"

D Glock

Well-Known Member
Christie and Bayman. Nice! Awesmic is gonna go nuts! So if my calculations are correct, we should be seeing the new video in the next 2 hours.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Haha, good one guys. You almost had me with that fake photo.

I'm goin' back to sleep. Have fun checkin' out Leifang and Jann Lee. =)