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Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
They just put up the English translations. News coming this week apparently. Hopefully character reviews and a trailer or two.

EDIT: Sniped. grap3 owned me. Fuck.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
It's because I actually typed mine instead of just fresh-served copy pasta. Whatever man. A little effort next time, maybe? Lol.


Well-Known Member
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^I got a feeling the next trailer will be Leifang vs. Jann Lee, with Pai Chan as a possible VF guest character reveal going against Leifang.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I would like it to be someone a little more interesting to see vids of like Helena or Bayman.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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I hope Bayman looks awesome, even possibly a scar or something :D. Maybe in the hand via DOA4's ending?

If i had to vote on the next trailer reveal I'd like it to be Christie and Bayman: Battle of the assassins.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Christie would pair off well with Bayman, but he'll probably get shoehorned into a vid with Leon. If they had any sense with who they were revealing with who, they would've put Kokoro against Akira, not Kasumi.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I've never really seen Akira that way, honestly. VF isn't exactly known for strong character personalities.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
I've never really seen Akira that way, honestly. VF isn't exactly known for strong character personalities.

Since when does a character have to have a strong personality to be the "cover star", though? For example, Jin Kazama is basically the symbol for Tekken (featured moreso than his fellow Mishimas), and basically the only time he shows personality is when he goes Devil mode!

Then there's Ryu for SF, who comes across as more character archetype than actual character.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Please re-read my post. It has nothing to do with symbols or marketing and everything to do with my perception. Think of it in the form of opinion -> basis. I have never personally thought of any character from VF as a leading character because they are not particularly memorable to me. Make sense?

Game Over

Well-Known Member
Please re-read my post. It has nothing to do with symbols or marketing and everything to do with my perception. Think of it in the form of opinion -> basis. I have never personally thought of any character from VF as a leading character because they are not particularly memorable to me. Make sense?

It's fine that you have your opinion and perception on the characters of VF. I replied to simply bring up the point about there being other characters for other franchises that are in similar positions to Akira. No need to be defensive.


Well-Known Member
Yay on new information! :) Honestly, I'd like to see anyone as the next character reveal. Maybe even Momiji!? Didn't they say if she did well in the NGS2 that she'd be considered for a character slot in DOA5 in some interview? I'm kinda interested to see Eliot's new look, hopefully he'll be badass and not a sailor boy. Helena, Christie, Tina, Leifang? or shoot maybe it'll be an actual trailer involving a few characters!? Unless they have it planned to release a trailer for 2 characters at a time...


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@TeamNINJAStudio: 新堀ディレクターからツイートありましたが、今週DEAD OR ALIVE 5の新情報として、二人のキャラクタを公開予定です。あの国で人気の・・・?
It looks like we're getting two character reveals this week. Awesome.


Well-Known Member
I think they'll save another VF character reveal for an E3 trailer. In fact, I'm banking on the E3 trailer showing several characters, including both (?) new characters and at least one more VF character.


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
at this point im just hungry to see anyone !! ... it would be nice if we get to see the bottom of the waterfall stage ... or ... any new stage for that matter ... :D