

Well-Known Member
Now i can officially care about this game, been maining Raven since T5DR and thought for sure he and his style would be cut. I ain't even mad they gender swapped him since they at least kept his race intact and her design looks badass and a breath of fresh air.

If they would have made it a white female the fan base would have lost their shit lol.

As far as Bob, I'm sad, I don't want his broken ass to come back =/


Well-Known Member

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor


Well-Known Member
They genderbent Raven? I'm guessing she's essentially gonna be the early Kunimitsu to Raven where the styles are similar but different moves here and there.

Also, its possible some characters might not get revealed. Didn't Harada once say he wanted to bring back unlockable characters for console?

If this is the last game about the Mishimas and the Devil Gene, he also might bring back Jun. Wether as a real person or as a dream of Asuka/Jin or something, Asuka has to learn about her power somehow.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Bob's reveal surprised me. Master Raven looks sick!

*saves for research purposes* Yeah, about Xiaoyu's...those are the pants from her FR default outfit. He just changed the color to make it look like she's nude haha!
@Project Bokuho you need to do a little bit more than just research. You need to conduct a full-fledged analysis and review. Starting with Xiaoyu's beautiful... model. And, move set (LEL).


Well-Known Member
My hype for this game was really mild but Raven's reveal has made me so much more excited for this now! And yeah when I heard they were making a female Raven I was gonna be annoyed if they race swapped so thank god she's not. I can't wait to she her customization options!
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Premium Donor
Master Raven looks so exotic and beautiful, I can't get over those dreads and full lips she has, she's so beautiful! Bob I am not happy about in the slightest, I do not want Lili and Anna being clobbered around by a living OP wrecking ball wearing a Hawaiian shirt. ~_~


Well-Known Member
She's basically a mix of Raven and Kunimitsu(most notably her teleport attacks) so I'll definitely try her out. I love Kunimitsu in Tag 2 and of this is the closest we're gonna get to her I'm fine with this.


Well-Known Member
You can tell that they are getting better at making the faces look better because Ravens amazing looking! And yeah her dreads look amazing as well they look great flowing around her.

I have hopes for her getting some good customization options so I hope she gets something casual as well just to see how she looks in it.


Premium Donor
I don't know if I'll try her, but if I do yeah I'm changing her into something more casual and light, the dreads stay though.♡ They put so much work into her, you can even see her edges...


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I'll try her, but if I do yeah I'm changing her into something more casual and light, the dreads stay though.♡ They put so much work into her, you can even see her edges...

I'll definitely be checking her out and seeing if I like her style, Lili will still be my main though. And yeah the attention to detail on her is amazing!

I like her default but if she has more casual clothes then I'll definitely change her into them as well, I'm wondering If she'll have more hairstyles? I love the dreads though so if she does have any other hairstyles I don't know if I'll change to them.