The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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David Gregg

Well-Known Member
I'm actually curious about the word "tranny" as well. I've never met a transgendered person so I can't say I've ever seen their reaction or their thoughts on the word but it's essentially a meaningless term to me.

Is it really that offensive? :confused:
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on the subject of bulges on girls

Try this: go check out Lisa's losing pose with a skimpy bikini and try to look at her crotch from behind.


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Trolly Koko.png


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Poison wouldn't be hot if she wasn't a tranny and she isn't hot as one, either. Boring character, lame design. Only reason anyone gives a shit is because of the whole controversy surrounding the character's gender.

I actually like her character and her design, running around spanking people's butt with a whip, kicking them in the nuts and slapping them silly

she speaks to me on a spiritual level


Well-Known Member
I think it would be even cooler if they started letting the DOA cast speak their own native language, simular to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (kinda) and Xuan Dou Zhi Wang.

Japanese: Kasumi, Ayane, Hayabusa, Hayate, Ein, Kokoro, Momiji

English: Tina, Bass, Zack, Lisa, Eliot, Christie, Rig

Chinese: Jan Lee, Lei Fang, Gen Fu, Brad Wong

Russian: Bayman

French: Helena

Italian: Leon

German: Hitomi

Swedish: Marie Rose

Not Sure: Mila (either Spanish or English),Rachel(English,Japanese, or the language her species speaks), Phase 4 (English and Japanese)

and finally

Groaning: Alpha 152 (if she comes back in the future)

Did I miss anyone?

It could be an interesting idea that every character speaks in his own native language, but it would give some weird situation in the beginning of each fight:
Kokoro: -"yoroshiku onegaishimasu"
Eliot: - " nice to meet you"
Kokoro: -" nani? Eigo ga zenzen dekimasen..." (what? I don't speak english at all)
Eliot: - "mhhh... What?"


Well-Known Member
Also, they labled as Ein Japanese and Hitomi German.
Ein lived with Hitomi and her father so it's very possible Hitomi just spoke Japanese with him(since she is bi-lingual) or Ein learned German it could go either way.

It would also cause that very annoying thing in Tekken that everyone speaks completely different languages but somehow still understand each other, one major reason I couldn't take Tekken 6's story seriously that and because of how dumb it was lol.

EDIT: @legibifou some characters just wouldn't care too
Ein: Ikuzu!
Tina: Wha-...
Ein: Yominai teru, komukaku( I realise this is totally wrong but I have now idea how to gramtasise it. I just barely that these are the words he uses lol)
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50/50 chance of having no incident given that I've had no previous repercussions. What I mean by that is that I can't really know. For example, I've met "little people" who are offended by the term "little people." They prefer "dwarf," whereas others are offended to be called "dwarf." Similar things happen with other terms and slang, and ultimately it's just semantics. For some reason, different words fancy different people and offend others.

If I have no knowledge of the audience's disposition, I have to make a guess as to what will offend them. Usually, the term "tranny" hasn't. Presently, I can only think of two people I've known who are transgendered. One wasn't (and I assume still isn't) offended by the term. The other is a total ass and so I don't really care.

It's not my intention to offend people like that, but the truth is, every time you say something, you're going to offend someone. I can't very well not speak, so I say things while risking offense. So far I haven't known to have caused any offense with that term, so I haven't held back in its use.
I'm actually curious about the word "tranny" as well. I've never met a transgendered person so I can't say I've ever seen their reaction or their thoughts on the word but it's essentially a meaningless term to me.

Is it really that offensive? :confused:
The context that people typically use the word in (like, 93% to make fun of) has pretty much destroyed any hope of the word not being derogatory. I've even heard about some pretty bad dust-ups over the word being used on RuPaul's Drag Race of all places (dressing in drag =/= being trans*). That word specifically I can speak on. I can't speak to "dwarf" or "little person" or anything.

I sometimes use the word "Shemale", but not to offend anyone.
Long story short, people should stop caring so much about what's in someone's pants unless you explicitly have plans to have sex with them. It just causes so many problems. Sometimes, even "trap" is bad because it automatically assumes that these people are out to deceive others in the first place. People get so fixated on it that they forget that it's an actual person that they are talking about. It gets bad, like violent bad. That's why I care so much. The word that people typically use nowadays if they want to shorten transgender/transsexual down to something is "trans". Seemingly not a big difference, but it doesn't have the stigma attached. Plus it's even one less letter. :cool:

Isn't tranny short for transvestite though?
People possibly use it to mean that. But, keep in mind that transvestite =/= transgender =/= transsexual. And calling, say, a transgender/transsexual person a transvestite is a huuuuuuuuuge no-no. I don't think Poison would be considered to be a transvestite.


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The context that people typically use the word in (like, 93% to make fun of) has pretty much destroyed any hope of the word not being derogatory.
Tell that to all the black people who call each other "nigga."

People's reactions to trigger words are arbitrary.
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