The fighting game problem


Well-Known Member
TLDR version: Play a lot of fighting games and develop fundamentals. Apply those to other fighters. Master the games mechanics. Profit.
Very true. After becoming very good at DOA, I used what I knew to learn VF5FS, and I became quite good in a short amount of time with Pai. Within a few weeks I was a better player than average. It took a while for me to get the juggling system though, but even without it I wasn't getting beaten around. And after I mastered that, I could go hand in hand with some of the best.

However, it didn't really help me enough with 2D fighting games. I tried picking up SSIV when it came out. I was doing ok-ish. I was very impressed with how some people played, and I was like "I wanna play like that too". After seeing all that, and realizing the big adaptation I had to struggle through to reach that level for 2D games, I personally have given up on getting into 2D fighting games competitively. Not because I'm not interested, but simply because I don't feel it's worth it to learn them. Too much effort, and in the end I don't think I'll really get anything from it that the 3D fighting games aren't already giving me.

Maybe that's also one of the reasons other people don't get into fighting games. We don't exactly know the motivation for each people to get into a game. Maybe we're not all looking for the same thing. But if a person feels like that game or type of game will not be giving them what they're looking for, they'll simply drop it. However if they feel like there's no actual effort involved, there's a higher chance they'd go for it. If SSIV had a nice campaign with good introductions into the mechanics, I would be all over it. But it doesn't, so, I'll stick to my 3D fighting games, and other people in my situation will stick to their shooters.