The FreeStepDodge Podcast


Well-Known Member
Nice, I'll look forward to checking it out. To make tracking the casts and following feedback/discussion easier could you make a new thread for each episode?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Yeah, I just threw up the link knowing where it will be hosted but I still need Mr. Wah to put it up since I have no access to FSD. Sorry!

Brezerk, I don't think there has been enough popularity for the podcast to make a topic each time but if it ever takes off then I could see myself doing that but right now I feel as if I would be spamming the forum. I do see the point you're trying to make.

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
That was a really good podcast. I must say though that the DOA US community sounds completely messed up and I don't think they will ever recover or it will take them a LOOOONG time to recover to be honest. In some ways, the smash community is slightly better than the DOA community IMO.

As for DOAD, I think the game is ok at best. I don't really like how the game plays similar to DOA4 and the online systems is terrible. And don't get me started on the new tag mode lool. Also, this game will just not do to bring back all of the old DOA players back. However, you guys need to keep in mind that this game was suppose to be the reboot for the series. This game is like "DOA greatest hits" or something on the lines as that. So, not everything was going to change in DOAD if you know what I mean. The DOA series has totally got a future though. I'm sure that Team Ninja will listen to people and try to fix some of the issues in the DOA5.

I really do hope that DOA5 will be the one.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
You know what was a better "Greatest Hits"? DOAU. We at least had something new: Online, costumes, hold point system, and a kickass intro cinematic.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
Good Podcast. With the truth being finally stated, there is no where else to go but up for this community. With what is known, we can make better decisions and have transparencies that will allow all players to have equal and fair opportunities. Remember, we are here for the enjoyment of the game and the competition that it provides.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I also forgot to mention it kept each of it's Greatest Hits in their same engine. Instead of creating a hybrid.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
A hybrid that doesn't represent the series in its best light.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Good Podcast.

Couple of things though.

I think I myself coined the phrase back on DOAC, that DOAD was DOA Remix. So while I hear where you guys were upset with things I'm just curious, "What were you expecting?"

I'm not trying to rock the boat (most of you know me already) I'm just saying that a everything outta Team Ninja's mouth ( PL's interview) , the info Master brought back, and anyone who saw youtube pointed to that.

If the number 5 was attached to were attached to the product I'd more likely be with everyone's opinion regarding DOAD, But it's not. It's DOA4's little brother (or sister, whatever). But my guess is since it's been SO LONG you " The Old Guard " wanted something more and I guess I've answered my own question.

But let me say this:

While fighters are in MY blood, I was ecstatic about the return of Street Fighter 4. Watching every video, counting down the days till it's return, playing the HELL out of HD Remix (hmm . . ).

Then the game came out. For a while I was happy. Then I got Pissed.

Why? because while on paper it WAS Street Fighter, a lot of crap in the engine was not.

One of the biggest offenders to this was the screen ratio. In the old days on old square monitors you could not pull BS runaway tactics in SF. Some SNK titles allowed the screen to "zoom out" to expand the playing field, but those were Samurai Showdown and Art Of Fighting, not SF.

Easier inputs (shortcuts) were not core SF either in older titles like Super Turbo. Either you knew how to SRK or you got a fireball.

So anyway one year later we get SUPER it was kinda different but overall the same game. It had a lot stuff I liked and the same crap I hated (but learned to work around), but it's still SF so I accept it, even though it's not my favorite (Alpha/Zero 2).

Now going back to DOAD.

This game is still in it's infancy now (little over a week) so I think there's still nuts to crack.

In the pod cast it was mentioned that the quickest throws were 7 frames, well Alpha 152's (*cough* Kasumi's) is 5 frame. Kasumis' version is 10 frame. (This was pointed out to me by Master BTW so I'm giving credit where it's due) Ayanes' back turned throw is 6 frame.

" Yeah Gill, but those are character specific SO WHAT?!"

Well no denying that, but maybe some ways we gotta think differently. Like say for example the guard break situation.
In "traditional" fighters when this happens the attacker gains advantage, however in DOAD both characters go back to neutral . . . this is different.

But let me quote something from what PL said "I'm good at reading people."

No, not me . . .yet. But I'm gonna use that logic.

The only other time both characters are in neutral positions are seconds before FIGHT! is yelled. How many times have you countered a person at the start, grabbed, or just went with strikes in past DOA games? Answer a lot! (It's been a while)

Question why did you choose which ever method. Answer you felt you knew what they were thinking (ex. confused with low health=def VS random/nothing to lose=offense). You guessed right!

So while people are unsure about Guard Breaks, this is something very DOAish. I don't know how I feel but I do like figuring this stuff like this out.

BTW, figured out Alpha 152's counter movement is determined by if she's struck by left and right attacks (weird).

In any case, I'm playing DOAD like it was HD Remix.

So yeah, me being the optimist again? But hey, a lot of you guys are still playing it right?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
In the pod cast it was mentioned that the quickest throws were 7 frames, well Alpha 152's (*cough* Kasumi's) is 5 frame. Kasumis' version is 10 frame. (This was pointed out to me by Master BTW so I'm giving credit where it's due) Ayanes' back turned throw is 6 frame.

Every Character with the exception of Tina, La Mariposa, Leon, Tengu, and Bass has their :H+P: attack perform a startup of 7 frames. Those listed are the only characters that have their :H+P: attack perform a startup of 6 frames. Yes, that means Bayman and Lei Fang are no longer considered "Grappler" class.

However, Manny is right that Ayane's BT :H+P: is 6i. Most likely because she has to go into back-turned stance.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Every Character with the exception of Tina, La Mariposa, Leon, Tengu, and Bass has their :H+P: attack perform a startup of 7 frames. Those listed are the only characters that have their :H+P: attack perform a startup of 6 frames. Yes, that means Bayman and Lei Fang are no longer considered "Grappler" class.

Ahh good to know.

And I was referring to Alpha 152'2and Kasumi's running grabs.

I noticed that in your quote of me.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Please explain how you can punish a -8 frame disadvantage string on block with Kasumi/152's :6::6_::H+P: or Ayane's BT :H+P:. :)

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Good podcast, more things I have learned about the past of the DOA community.

@Raansu, just don't let the fame go to your head, and we will be all good. hahaha


Well-Known Member
I've only gotten halfway through the podcast. There are a lot of interesting details. The overriding theme is what a problem Master as a leader in the community is perceived to be. I feel like if any journalistic rigour is of interest to you guys, you should offer a right of reply. That could be very interesting.
Tom Brady is definitely a well considered guy and a cool customer, which does make me wonder why a cool guy would let obviously childish antics get to him and stay with him. I'm sure it's not easy to ignore, but I do hate that the immature nonsense between a few people is characterised as "the DOA community."
It IS good that people care enough to get together and talk it out though. That shows hope that others are willing to stand up and provide leadership of their own.
The overriding thing about claiming any one person, in this case Master, has power in a community of individuals, is don't GIVE them that power. There are many ways to circumvent this so called power, or challenge it, or address it.
Certainly, now, where there are no TV studios knocking on doors and the nature of the fighting game scene has also changed, and people's eyes are opened to a lot of things that have gone on, I hope as things progress in a new phase for DOA that people will learn from the past, but not dwell on it and create good things in the future.
I'm certainly interested in hosting more DOA in the future, hanging for that full, new game. DOAD isn't it, but I like Gill Hustle's analogy to SF2 HD Remix. It's an interim measure before something bigger.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and people have mentioned they weren't aware of a number of things to do with tournament history. A number of players can reel off the top of their heads major tournaments and their winners or even top 8s. But we don't have a history written down anywhere for reference.

This should really change if a community is going to mature and show respect to its players for their achievements. So I would love to see a FreeStepDodge feature, or even a sticky thread, with all the major tournaments recorded. It would really solve a lot of argument.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
FreeStepDodge is in the process of working with Jaxel from 8WayRun to get his tournament ladder support working for XenForo. Incase you did not see it when he had it working on his VB3 site, he had it so not only were players tracked from tournament to tournament - awarding points along the way for better seeding, but tournaments were stored, character usage was tracked, and you could run the event live on the site.