The FreeStepDodge Podcast

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Please explain how you can punish a -8 frame disadvantage string on block with Kasumi/152's :6::6_::H+P: or Ayane's BT :H+P:. :)

How "Lawyerly " of you old chum. (By that meaning asking a question you already know the answer too. ;)) .

I've wrapped my head around it. You can't, and that is frustrating.

The only things I've been successful with are more towards surprising people with :ayane:'s new :K::6: forward transition and playing off Alpha 152's weird teleport, neither of which are guaranteed.

But now back to something Berzerk! mentioned.

You guys should give Master his say in a following podcast. I mean I do prefer TB's line of thinking with how things in a community should work, but these past events have got a lot of us splintered right now.

I got nothing against Master, I played him online in SF4 once, chatted with and exchanged messages with him through the internets, and to me he came off as a decent guy. I'm sure a lot of people feel the same, others differently.

But letting him address what happened openly with the same courtesy given to Perfect Legend and Tom Brady would be a good start in how the DOA community can move forward.

Let us hear him out, and the community can decide which path to take.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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We have sent the offer to Master a few times. He unfortunately has been (in the past) not available at the times we were. Bill has just been available when Manny hasn't.


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I threw out an invitation to Master prior to all the recent drama coming out and we had a set date to record but unfortunately something came up on my end.

It just happened the other day that Mr. Wah, Hubbs and I were to record and then Tom Brady got on and since Tom Brady's on let's get Perfect Legend.

Maybe we could do an episode of the show together in person at DID7 and include Master? Episode 7 at DID7. Makes sense, right?


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FreeStepDodge is in the process of working with Jaxel from 8WayRun to get his tournament ladder support working for XenForo. Incase you did not see it when he had it working on his VB3 site, he had it so not only were players tracked from tournament to tournament - awarding points along the way for better seeding, but tournaments were stored, character usage was tracked, and you could run the event live on the site.

Sounds amazing. Esports in general needs something like this. I have a broader concept in mind if I can get a good programmer on board, but the above is great for a given community.
Would such a system allow users/admins to enter historical data?


Sure wish I had kept a list of all the minor tournaments I went stomping around at...
Sounds amazing. Esports in general needs something like this. I have a broader concept in mind if I can get a good programmer on board, but the above is great for a given community.
Would such a system allow users/admins to enter historical data?
I don't see why not, if the data is entered retroactively the dates would be the only thing that could be wrong and that can be fixed.


Good podcast again ! I will have to relearn it :p
But it remembered a little my past on french community ^^


No exactly similar. But popularity's problem or who deserve what or who beat who on the live,...
This kind of things. I left so long time ago so I can't say now how it is.


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We're doing a show this weekend so feel free to post any questions or items you'd like us to discuss.


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DOA podcast #8 - Better Late Than Never!
It's been far too long since we've put up an episode so here we go! Raansu, VirtuaPai and grap3fruitman discuss a remark made by Team Ninja head, Yosuke Hayashi, regarding DOA as well as what we'd like to see in a future Dead or Alive game.

Episode 8 (22.7MB, 58m, explicit)
Direct Link (right click and "save as") - Subscribe in iTunes - RSS feed



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I tend to say "Ummm..." far too often myself. I noticed it so much so that I was contemplating naming the episode that.


Well-Known Member
Good job guys, always like to hear some DOA talk. I think the main problem you guys discussed of their not being much news isn't a big deal if you add a little bit of a segment around examining certain aspects or features of DOA.

It might mean you'd have to play a little more DOAD to reference where Team Ninja were most recently on the franchise. I've been playing it fairly consistently lately and it does open up as you go, it has a different feel and there are probably details worth discussing. Of course you can look at the following across the whole series:

- Character strategy
- Indepth with X mechanic
- The story of a prior tournament
- Interview with a player/community member. (I'd suggest inviting Moeru Wa on as there hasn't been much discussion/exposure of DOAW.)
- Summary of a popular thread

The discussion on stages was a bit like this and fun to listen to.

Some of my thoughts on what was discussed on the show...

There was some talk about testing DOA on a stick. Cheers for the shoutout :) I didn't start the thread but support it, I think this is pretty well covered by Sorwah asking for tightening of the input buffer in the Team Ninja questions thread. It seems clear they made some of these changes to accomodate pad play, but they need to find a middle ground, because when you change to stick you'll notice a lot of commands are "mushy". If it can't appeal to a stick crowd, the wider hardcore base that will add to DOA's credibility are lost.
Topic for next cast - should they try an arcade release in Japan prior to a console beta/release?

Chronicle mode: Agree with you guys, I thought it was good but needs expansion and to focus on more characters. DOA has the chance to hit big by creating a fighter story mode that's in depth like a shooter campaign.

Some of the chat on whether they should bother with animations showing rolling down hills and suchlike in the stages - this is one of the things they should keep along with the generally great/dramatic camera angles on the moves. It's DOA's version of Ultras - big showy moves that get the spectator excited.

Training mode. They need that exercise mode back. Also, it was cool to hear you guys mention some other fighters and that grapefruitman you are trying other fighters. Can only a good thing! VF was mentioned a bit but everyone's memories were faded on it... I highly recommend getting solid games in on VF5 with some people at the next gathering. It's a very informative experience on how solid fighters can be.

I play it monthly at meets and have actually converted our best VF player locally to play some DOA also and both games are accepted for their strengths. Of course the group is smaller than the street Fighter crowd but everyone plays each others games and are supportive.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt they will ever go back to the arcade scene with DoA. Tecmo has pretty much left the arcade scene, except for like pachinko and slots.


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I was thinking of doing a themed episode for the next one since there isn't any new content to talk about. Any suggestions?