The Overwatch Thread


Premium Donor
I only found out because its all over Gamefaqs. It's not in the actual game, so who gives a fuck?

I get more of a bisexual vibe from her, than outright gay. Mercy I can see as a lipstick lesbian and Mcree is Brokeback all the way lol.
I honestly think it's neat they implement orientation in there bios but to me it doesn't matter, orientation and whom you like has never been a problem when talking to people. And yeah, I got more a bi vibe too, like she wouldn't mind maybe dating guys but she also had no qualms with girls either


Well-Known Member
I could care less about Tracer being a lesbian, I think we've moved past that point where it matters. What really struck a chord with me was Widowmaker mourning her deceased husband that she was forced into killing. Feels bad man. Almost makes me wish I could give her a hug, except in her current state she would probably put her arms around me too. My neck that is.

But here's hoping this is hinting at the future, where she breaks free from Talon's clutches and fights against them. That would be amazing.


Well-Known Member
I honestly think it's neat they implement orientation in there bios but to me it doesn't matter, orientation and whom you like has never been a problem when talking to people. And yeah, I got more a bi vibe too, like she wouldn't mind maybe dating guys but she also had no qualms with girls either
that's the thing. I feel like she's just so friendly she's up to date ANYBODY. Not like, in a slut way, but just so nice she has no prejudices whatsoever.


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Read the comic. Her girlfriend is super boring and adds nothing to her character. Almost every other character is more interesting in the comic than Tracer, and she's the one they spend the most time with.


Well-Known Member
Read the comic. Her girlfriend is super boring and adds nothing to her character. Almost every other character is more interesting in the comic than Tracer, and she's the one they spend the most time with.
but the comic (and ergo, girlfriend) aren't actually in the game, so I don't give a fuck, and i'm not looking up stuff outside of the game.

Yeah they blatantly just did this for publicity, which is why they so loudly announced "LOOK GAIZ WE HAVE AN LBGT CHARACTER", then they basically picked one at random, or just picked Tracer because she's their most popular character.

if it was meant as part of the character to begin with, it wouldn't have been announced at ALL.


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Standard Donor
I just want to point out, the only thing that's been confirmed is that she's not straight and has a girlfriend. She could very well be bi or pan. Shouldn't jump to conclusions about sexuality, y'know?
She could also be a heterosexual man who dresses up in a convincing female disguise to deliver vigilante justice. Not good to assume, y'know.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
She could also be a heterosexual man who dresses up in a convincing female disguise to deliver vigilante justice. Not good to assume, y'know.
Pretty sure I saw one of those this weekend at NEC (and I mean as Tracer, not CookingMama). I wasn't sure how to react.


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Standard Donor
Blizzard seems to have given everyone five free loot boxes for Christmas.

Good Guy Blizzard.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't make up for the reskin Mei Legendary in the slightest.

or the fact that it has given me both Sombra and Winstons gold christmas skins twice EACH now, but nothing for anybody else.

and after all 5 loot boxes opened i got

Junkrats Jester skin
4 boxes of duplicate sprays and the crappy recolor basic skins of characters i don't even use.

wooop dee fucking doo.
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Standard Donor
I got Mei's, Tracer's, Winston's, Roadhog's, Sombra's and McCree's Christmas skins all completely free in loot boxes, and have built up more than enough coins since the start of the event to buy Reaper's skin and Mercy's victory pose.

Compare that to DOA, which charges you $2-$3 for every individual reskin they shell out, and it just sounds ridiculously petty to be complaining about Blizzard's content releases.


Well-Known Member
I got Mei's, Tracer's, Winston's, Roadhog's, Sombra's and McCree's Christmas skins all completely free in loot boxes, and have built up more than enough coins since the start of the event to buy Reaper's skin and Mercy's victory pose.

Compare that to DOA, which charges you $2-$3 for every individual reskin they shell out, and it just sounds ridiculously petty to be complaining about Blizzard's content releases.

i prefer doa's, because then at least i can just get what i'm looking for.

better than "luck of the draw" that blizzard does. Like you got everything from loot boxes.

I keep getting absolutely nothing outside of getting sombra and winston in the first couple.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I got Mei's, Tracer's, Winston's, Roadhog's, Sombra's and McCree's Christmas skins all completely free in loot boxes, and have built up more than enough coins since the start of the event to buy Reaper's skin and Mercy's victory pose.

Compare that to DOA, which charges you $2-$3 for every individual reskin they shell out, and it just sounds ridiculously petty to be complaining about Blizzard's content releases.

One company doing something sleazy doesn't stop another company from doing something also sleazy. Even you of all people should have obviously known that before saying this.