Third Costume Pack

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
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and not a single Kokoro was seen in this thread :(

Well, we've only seen a few of the costumes from this pack so far. She might be getting one too and we just haven't seen it yet. The only old outfits of hers that I want back which haven't returned yet are C6 or C7 from DOA4. I'd like one of those to come back, but from then on I'd prefer that Kokoro's outfits be new.


Active Member
Hell yes to VF5 cosplay, I like that a lot.

Bass = Wolf
Bayman = Um, Jeffry? Might be worth it to see him in the Hawaiian shirt thing.
Hayabusa = Kage
Hayate = Jean (Plus the ein reference here too)
Brad = Shun
Jann Lee = Jacky
Zack = Brad
Tina = Sarah
Gen Fu = Lau
Lei Fang = Pai
Lisa = Vanessa
Eliot = Lei Fei
Mila = Goh, she needs some jujutsu gear to wear and punky Mila in a gi is pimp in my mind. Or his leather gear.
Kokoro = Akira
Hitomi = Taka (use your imagination here)
Ayane = Eileen (both flippy annoying bitches)
Kasumi = no idea and you have too many costumes anyway, let's just say El Blaze for hilarity and also hurricaranas since you both kind of use those quite a bit.

Hell, they've got a trend with characters as other characters with Lisa as Lei Fang, you can't tell me Bassman with the orange beret wouldn't be kind of cool. Leon's trenchcoat on Bayman would be quite cool. Tina could use something more formal (actually, Sarah's dress would fill that role nicely). Tina as Ms. Strong. Definitely Mila as Bass and give Hayabusa and Hayate some street casual clothes. Zack needs some goddamn pimp gear and put Jann Lee in a suit.


Active Member
Don't you know, there are a ton of colleges in Japan where you have to wear school uniforms and everything that goes on there is totally utterly legal. Would anime lie to me?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that that Ayane costume was going to return eventually.
And is it me, or does Lei-fang's leather spy outfit looks a bit.... different this time around?
I promise it's because her hair's not in a ponytail. It's just not complete without it.


Well-Known Member
There was originally no cleavage. Just looked at it in DOA1,2 and 2U. The shirt was either closed or had something inside it. It's simply open now so she's showing more, unecessary sexuality ftw.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
There was originally no cleavage. Just looked at it in DOA1,2 and 2U. The shirt was either closed or had something inside it. It's simply open so she's showing more, unecessary sexuality ftw.

Yeah. It was my favorite Lei Fang outfit. Now it kills the appeal for me.