Wall of Shame


Well-Known Member
I got lag switched for what I think is the first time and this douche spent the rest of the time in his lobby saying it was me. Then he went into the whole "you're ass you'll only ever beat scrubs" bit. Then he kept saying "FT5 me" and it's like fuck no so I said "lmao no" and he said I was scared. I don't care about losing to someone better than me one bit, I'll FT5 anyone I know I have no chance of winning against, but I really care when that person tries to fuck me over to win

NoLimit_Dre was the psn ID. It was only for our match so I'm having a hard time thinking it was someone else at his home without his knowledge streaming something for exactly the 6 minutes and 30 seconds (the lag was THAT BAD) our match went on


Well-Known Member
Damn I envy you folks. As a PC player, this shit port has no voice nor text chat available so I don't get to witness anyone's sodium levels explode. The most that happened to me was some Russian scrub who added me to friends list just to insult me... and it happened only once :\


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Damn I envy you folks. As a PC player, this shit port has no voice nor text chat available so I don't get to witness anyone's sodium levels explode. The most that happened to me was some Russian scrub who added me to friends list just to insult me... and it happened only once :\


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Joined this lobby. 4 bars. Got kicked halfway through the queue. Joined again. Same thing.
Was reading anyway and mainly looking to pass the time, so I figured I'd be a dick and keep joining. Went through this about ten times before being sent this.



Premium Donor
What was his problem? And plus I'd do the same thing in your shoes, a decent 4 bar lobby is hard to come by where I live XD


Well-Known Member
Nothing major on this one but

Joined a match

Nothing of note just an average match.

I win second round and the other guy quits (or dcs)mid match

Second guy tried to mirror match me but I refused and picked another. I win.

Other guy comes back and

N1tro123: can you kick this dick?

So Deathscared does.

I'm all wtf did I do?!


Well-Known Member
Joined this lobby. 4 bars. Got kicked halfway through the queue. Joined again. Same thing.
Was reading anyway and mainly looking to pass the time, so I figured I'd be a dick and keep joining. Went through this about ten times before being sent this.

Had someone do that to me as well The only difference was he a some weeb scrub and a dick who thought he could of get away doing it because like all online warriors who think they are untouchable and not have to suffer the consequences. Oh, could of have gotten away with it, but he had made one big mistake: harassment in another player's inbox. I kept kicking him out and comes back in with inbox messages such as "give up" "you won't win" "keep it up and see what happens" *suprise gasps* was that a threat? Dude just kept doing that shit for over 30 mins and didn't reply I just reported him for harassment after he stop overflowing my inbox and what do you know he got suspended which lengthen his day or better yet a week in not playing online depended on what Sony given him for that poor epic fail trolling attempt. Even though it's not a ban and just a strike, but at least he knows next time to common sense, swallow your rejection pill, and quit wasting everyone's time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Decent guy, but has a total impulse control when playing or losing to randoms online. I have no problem and can tolerate with him, but he needs to realize that he shouldn't online so serious and have some self-control because people will not fuck with him from the way that he plays with them, but how he acts around them. I understand that there 1 out of 1000 people you meet online will be some random idiot or asshole, but he needs to realize not become one those randoms himself.


Well-Known Member
Y'all niggas seriously have a thread to blog about people that name called you for not being better than you at a videogame?

Sad, tbh.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Awful lot of people seem to be carrying on a personal conversation instead of staying on topic. I wonder how that usually goes for people?