Weirdest Online Moments


Well-Known Member
I've had somebody come into a lobby and claim that a friend was, in fact, Black Mamba on PSN with the intent of stealing grade from low ranks, and that he was going to beat him as revenge. From that moment, lasting about two weeks, he'd randomly join a lobby and declare that he was going to win this time. He never did. He became known as The Liberator for a time.


Well-Known Member
Since I never play online (excluding right now) I just got my first Gen Fu hate. Some girl got butthurt that I beat everyone in the lobby and starts calling Gen Fu cheap and picks Alpha, lol! Since I never get hatemail, I feel proud of myself.

EDIT: lol the girl is now bitching about some other guy. Must be on the rag.
EDIT2: Now some guy is white knighting her. This shit is hilarious. Is this what you all deal with everyday?

Surprisingly, no. I must find most of the civil lobbies.

BTW, ran into more AFKtards. Not impressed, assholes.

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
So I joined a tag team lobby (first and last time probably) and there was only one guy in there. Game starts, he makes random noises but I couldn't really understand what he was saying. Then after one round I'm like "wait, is he singing?" It sounded like he was singing but in a very drunk way. The fact that he played Brad Wong made me believe he was actually drunk. I won three to one and then suddenly I hear him say "Fuck you, get out of my lobby!" And I get kicked.



The Xbox Live community has turned into garbage. I can't play anyone without tons of smack.

If I win, I'm a spamming piece of shit who only uses Brad because I'm too stupid to learn anyone else (I only use Brad, yes, because I have so little time and I'm not naturally good at fighters and learning Brad took 7 years).

If I lose, I'm trash that was "2 ez" and I should quit DOA.

Side note: why is it when I beat people they say "get on my level"? If I crushed you 5 matches in a row, wouldn't getting on your level actually mean I'd have to get worse?


Well-Known Member
I was having a fun bash in some DOA5U lobbies until I had this gem of a moment. I create my own lobby, look for the correct music to whack on my headset while I wait for a player to come into the lobby. He/she enters under the disguise of Ayane’s eyes boasting an A+ gold bar ranking against my dull grey bar E rank.

It went a little something like this:

Me: Welcome buddy, ready when you are.

Redshadow272: …………..

Me: …………..

*Clicks ready status*

Redshadow272: Erotic costumes?

Me: Huh?

Redshadow272: Erotic costumes?

Me: What about them?

Redshadow272: Let’s fight with erotic costumes lol

Me: Oh haha, yeah okay why not............. O_O

The shadow that is red chooses Ayane in her fluffy rabbit costume, intrigued by this fellows urging desire for both of us to choose erotic costumes each I decide to highlight Bayman using his budgie smugglers just to see what response i get. Obviously annoyed by my selection we automatically return back to the lobby screen.

Redshadow272: What did I say?

Me: You said let's use erotic costumes remember?

Redshadow272: Indeed, I did. So where is your erotic costume then? Why don’t I see it?

Me: I did go erotic mate, i chose Bayman in his Y-fronts

Redshadow272: That’s not erotic though lol

Admittedly a little fed up by this unnecessary scenario, I said this.....

Me: Well, It is to me big boy. Rawr!!! ;)

He left & about five mins later I got this message from him:

“Lol, oh i see now you're a chick right? Which explains why you chose Bayman in that outfit lol, my bad :) Feel free to add me”

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Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
It was a wonderful day for a wonderful lobby ! Once a day Nameless and his friends played DOA5U Solo with 3 rounds. Everyone was happy and respected to each other. But ........ A random guy appeared. A weird noise disturb us so Nameless decided to break the matches for a while and went to the lobby menu. The discussion has begun.

Me: Hey Sir could you please turn your mic a little bit down. ?
Friend : He has right dude cloud you do that please ?
Random: Haveaaaa a probleeammmmm ?
Me: No sir but your mic is too loud and it makes weird noises. That disturb us. Could you turn your mic a little bit down please ?
Random : Hell no you have a problem dude you have paroblem. So fuck you and you friends !!
Friend : Why so agressiv dude ?
Me: Why so unploite ?
Random: Fuck you guys, you are so poor that you cant buy a mic lol.
Random: Lol
Me. What!!!!
Random: lol
Me. WHAAT !!!
Random: go fuck yourself .
Friend. Are you mentally retarded ?
Random: Hell no you have problem with my mic. So fuck you and your mom and tell her that she should buy you a mic so you can talk with me. I will insult you to the death,
Me: Hey sir please dont insult my friends. So if you want insult then please leave your anger on me. Leave my friends in peace.
Random: so you are a hero ? lol ! dont call me jahn lee !
Me: Ok Jahn lee I am not a hero. I just want that you leave them alone. So could you please turn your mic a little bit down?
Friend: Its okay Nameless this guy is a dumbfuck
Friend: Lol
2 . Friend: hey jahn lee why so serious ?
Random: Dont call me Jahn Lee you fucking t´retard. Your sucks my dick. My Jahn lee and Hayate will fuck your characters. I am a real person.
Me: Sir please take your medicamenrs D:
Random: Thanks bro !
Get a Friendrequest
Hää? WTF happend Nameless thought !
Random: Why dont you accept my request you son of a bitch !
Friend: lol ?
2. Friend: Sorry Nameless but I must leave I cant keep dullness any longer
Other friends; Me too please invite us later if you are ready.
Nameless: Wait I will invite you then
random: Why do your friends mean will dullness ? And yeah where do you leave ? I must give you my adress !
Me: ......
Random: Speak you wanker you must accept my friendrequest you son of a bitch
friend: facepalm
2. friend; Sorry I will leave my forehead are red
random: Your friends are silly
Me: hmmm I dont think so.
random: why do you champion for your friends ?
Me: Because there are my firends ?
random: You son of a bitch why do dont champion for me huh.
I left the lobby

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Well-Known Member
Well, there's still a logical reason for them to create one more set and that's because Leon, Jacky and Ein doesn't have one yet.

Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
For me is that some Chinese and Japan Players joins to my lobby (europe region) and says to me it lags as hell.


"Omg your connection is so bad, LAGGY SPAMMER". Well, you're on the other side of the fucking world, what do you expect?

I love it when I have good games with Japanese players tho.


Active Member
Just realized I have a weird moment! Or at least I think I do. There's some hollowiching (or something) guy on PSN that will kick me out of any session of his that I join. Granted, if I paid attention to whose lobby I was joining, I wouldn't join his. He clearly has some issue with me, which in and of itself is weird to me since I think we've played five times maybe? Regardless, those times he's always always always talked so much shit about the fact that I play Brad and called him broken and cheap and blamed any loss on everything you would expect. But what I always found weird and funny was that his response was to use, seriously?

Maybe it's just me but I find that odd and hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Just realized I have a weird moment! Or at least I think I do. There's some hollowiching (or something) guy on PSN that will kick me out of any session of his that I join. Granted, if I paid attention to whose lobby I was joining, I wouldn't join his. He clearly has some issue with me, which in and of itself is weird to me since I think we've played five times maybe? Regardless, those times he's always always always talked so much shit about the fact that I play Brad and called him broken and cheap and blamed any loss on everything you would expect. But what I always found weird and funny was that his response was to use, seriously?

Maybe it's just me but I find that odd and hilarious.
You mean hollowichigo? He has a reputation for thinking he's the hottest shit on the Earth and likes calling other characters cheap (including Jann Lee of all things). He also uses the cheapest character in the game, Alpha 152, because apparently he's a fan of irony.


Active Member
You mean hollowichigo? He has a reputation for thinking he's the hottest shit on the Earth and likes calling other characters cheap (including Jann Lee of all things). He also uses the cheapest character in the game, Alpha 152, because apparently he's a fan of irony.
Oh yeah, that's it! Ah I wasn't trying to call the guy out or anything, I only used him as an example because it happened like 15 minutes before I posted. Regardless he seems to think I've got some sort of grudge or something? A lot of players on PSN seem to be that way with others actually. Regardless, yes it's very ironic. Do you play on PSN Brute?


Well-Known Member
I have numerous grudges online for good reasons. I can think of 3 off the bat. I'll be sure to avoid this hollowichigo douche, thanks for the heads up.

I said this on someone's status a few days ago but-

I was in a lobby with this Ayane who thought they were hot shit (mediocre Ayanes that think they're the best players ever are pretty common in 5U). I told Aero about this person so he could witness that assholery firsthand and invited him to the lobby. In the timer thing inbetween fights, this player (who was also the host) saw that Aero in the queue was A- rank. Suddenly everyone was forced to the lobby screen and Aero got kicked out. I assumed he got kicked, asked him, and he said he was. Then I got pissed off and said in the lobby "-host's ID- just kicked my friend for being A rank! LOL" and wouldn't you know it, I was suddenly kicked!


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, that's it! Ah I wasn't trying to call the guy out or anything, I only used him as an example because it happened like 15 minutes before I posted. Regardless he seems to think I've got some sort of grudge or something? A lot of players on PSN seem to be that way with others actually. Regardless, yes it's very ironic. Do you play on PSN Brute?

welcome to the club. i've already amassed a brigade of butthurt trash that'll boot me on the spot in PSN lobbies. Its hilarious how these nitwits take this game so seriously online