What is the best way to catch up to the story?


New Member
First off all, I noticed the Q&A thread, I just saw that it didn't get any new replies in it so I thought I would have a bigger chance to get a reply if I post a new thread. I hope nobody minds this.

So the question I have is as the title suggests. I tried to do some Google search, look at the various Wikis, Team Ninja's website (it has some info, but it is really bare bones) yet I couldn't find anywhere that tells in great detail what has happened so far in the story.

For reasons I can't really talk about right now, I'm interested to learn more of the backstories of certain DOA character. One way would be to go the DOA Wiki (http://deadoralive.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_or_Alive_Wiki, I love that wiki so much :)) and read the backstories for each character.

Now for my purposes, I would have to read for two characters, which is not that bad. But I would like to learn more about the DOA world and get into the series the "proper way". That would require to read all the characters entries and then manually connect all the dots. That would take a lot of time, and I would probably make many mistakes that could make my life harder later on.

Some of you might think that this is all excessive, but when I get into a game series, one of the best ways I can connect with it is to learn all there is about it's story. No matter how silly or pointless the story is. For me story and it's characters are the most important thing in video games.

So does anyone know a good video or article on the web that tells the complete history of DOA until 5? I would be really grateful if someone would give me a hand with this one.


Well-Known Member
I recommend starting with the first Dead or Alive game, in case you can still find a copy of it. After you've seen the story, you should go ahead with DOA2U, then DOA 3, then DOA4 and last but not least: DOA5. It's the order that makes the most sense since the newer DOA games assume you have a lot of background knowledge on the story. For example, if you would now play DOA5's story without playing the other DOA's, you might be thinking: ''What is this all about?'' So starting off with the first one is always a good idea. Like you said, the DOA wiki has tons of information too and you can gather a lot of information there.

If you have a 3DS by the way, I highly recommend buying Dead or Alive Dimensions and playing the story of it. It gives a great summary from the stories of DOA1 through DOA4.


New Member
I recommend starting with the first Dead or Alive game, in case you can still find a copy of it. After you've seen the story, you should go ahead with DOA2U, then DOA 3, then DOA4 and last but not least: DOA5. It's the order that makes the most sense since the newer DOA games assume you have a lot of background knowledge on the story. For example, if you would now play DOA5's story without playing the other DOA's, you might be thinking: ''What is this all about?'' So starting off with the first one is always a good idea. Like you said, the DOA wiki has tons of information too and you can gather a lot of information there.

If you have a 3DS by the way, I highly recommend buying Dead or Alive Dimensions and playing the story of it. It gives a great summary from the stories of DOA1 through DOA4.

Well, playing the older DOA titles is out of the question because I don't own any of the consoles. And playing through all of them would take me too much time anyway. Didn't know that Dimensions gives a good summary of the story so far, thanks of the tip.

You could watch the cutscenes of Dimensions on Youtube.

That is a great suggestion, maybe even watch a full LP of it. Thanks a lot for the suggestion.
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Pictured Mind

Well-Known Member
DOA 5 was my first DOA and I got Dimensions a little bit later. Dimensions explains the story pretty well in my opinion. Just don't put the voices on English because Helena sounds hella weird.


New Member
DOA 5 was my first DOA and I got Dimensions a little bit later. Dimensions explains the story pretty well in my opinion. Just don't put the voices on English because Helena sounds hella weird.

I'm not planning to play Dimensions since I don't have an 3DS. I will watch it on YouTube.


Well-Known Member
Best way? Youtube. lol. Youtube is your best friend to catch up and spoil.

Due to busy life, I couldn't play RPG anymore. And that affected my FFXIII-LR. But with Youtube, I was able to enjoy the good ending scene without having to replay and having long grind fest anymore.

As a gamer with changing lifestyle, there are sure a lot of things I had to miss, glad YouTube is out there to sort my problem.


New Member
Best way? Youtube. lol. Youtube is your best friend to catch up and spoil.

Due to busy life, I couldn't play RPG anymore. And that affected my FFXIII-LR. But with Youtube, I was able to enjoy the good ending scene without having to replay and having long grind fest anymore.

As a gamer with changing lifestyle, there are sure a lot of things I had to miss, glad YouTube is out there to sort my problem.

Yeah, I'm sure I will get a lot of use of YouTube once I get a job and I don't have enough time to play those huge games. I for example watched the playtrough of Resident Evil 1 - Chris's version, since I was barely able to complete the game with Jill and I didn't want to play the game again.

Nice avatar by the way, I approve. :)