When did you start playing in the community?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
According to the first post. You did.

What? Did you think you could stop derailing threads? Because I didn't.


Active Member
Oh god... I started this monster?!
Inorite... I was just as surprised to see my name quoted in the first post.

Still it's kinda cool to see how long a lot of have been a part of this. I still remember to this day the day I got my 360 just so I could play DOA4. How my dad went to stand in line at midnight to get the 360, then realized the store didn't actually open at midnight, but at 8am. Needless to say, he said a big 'to hell with this' and came home empty handed, so I had to go out later in the day and find one at a Toys'R'Us.

Ahh, good times.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, that dreamcast demo is what started it all for me. I remember being AMAZED at the story cut scenes, and couldn't believe a fighting game could have such a cinematic and coherent story. I thought the cut scenes were part of a larger whole, and when you bought the real game, you would get this mk9-esque story mode.

Boy was i wrong, lol.

x Sypher x

Active Member
In January 2010 I revisited DOA4 by buying my own copy, and I've been playing that (online) ever since. I've improved over the years, but I'm still not by any means good. I average at the C+ to B range. I've always played DOA4 casually and never really understood all the technical mumbo jumbo, but I intend to jump into all of that with DOA5 and hopefully actually get good at the game. We'll see what happens.

Haha yeah I remember the days when I totally sucked. I used to be D and C rank range for a little while, but within a few months I gradually joined the B ranks and eventually A as well. I never managed to reach S though, that fucking A+ scale is stupid huge lol. I switched around my main quite a few times though. My 1st was Hayabusa, then Kokoro, Christie, Hayate, Kasumi and back to Hayabusa. But nowadays I just fuck around with about half of the cast. When DOA5 drops I will most likely remain with Hayabusa as my main, but I currently got my eyes on Jan Lee so that may change haha.


Well-Known Member
I first played doa when I was 8. I had played DOA2H for a time at a childhood friends house. Then the next year I got my first xbox with DOA3 and ever since then I have played it. Im 19 now....

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I switched around my main quite a few times though. My 1st was Hayabusa, then Kokoro, Christie, Hayate, Kasumi and back to Hayabusa.

I've jumped around quite bit, myself. All of the mains that I've had in DOA4 over the years that I can remember would be Hitomi, Ayane, Nicole, Tengu, Leon, Eliot, and Helena, in no particular order. I almost exclusively use Tengu now though. I'll have to pick a new main in DOA5, so I'll have a lot of experimenting to do as I relearn all of the characters and learn all the new mechanics.

x Sypher x

Active Member
If you want a big, heavy, hard-hitting guy like Tengu then Bass is the way to go I would assume. He's got some good nice tools and buffs this time around. Otherwise it's just personal preference I suppose. I can imagine though cuz just about everyone has gotten nice improvements.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Bass does sound better this time. I'll try out everyone though, Bass included. I'll just have to wait and see who works out best for me.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
I started back in 2002, I was 18 years old at the time. Built Doac(my baby is dead) lol.


New Member
I started playing when my older brother introduced me to DOA2 when I was either 5 or 6. It was my very first fighting game.. then I heard that Dead or Alive 3 was on Xbox only, and I begged my parents for an Xbox and DOA3 for christmas.. They made it happen as my "Santa" presents. I literally never put that game down for months.. Then I got DOAU and my Dad took it away over an M rating, when he let me play Halo and watch violent movies... and it was funny cause he played DOA and DOA3 with me, but never even watched DOA2U...

Sorry for the life story XD So many childhood memories. D

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
I played DOA2 off and on as a kid. Then I really got into the series with DOA3, played it and 4 religiously with my brother. I played DOA2U alone randomly with other online players. I was always a mediocre player, just playing all different games mastering none, I was only good enough to beat up friends. My mid to late teens I slowly put the game down (DOA2U and 4), eventually I stopped playing all together.

Then on October 22, 2008 around 9:34pm I got into a verbal altercation with an individual. The altercation lead to shots being fired, which caused 1 death, and me being hit multiple times (4). So during my 4-5 months of physical therapy, I started back playing DOA4 online and a little bit of SF4. Playing video games or watching TV was pretty much the only things I could do.

After hearing a few names being associated with "the best" in DOA. I started googling those names, that brought me to CGS and WCGS. Me not knowing anything I believed that stuff was still going on and I wanted to be apart of it. Several clicks later I stumbled across DOAC, and to my surprise CGS and WCGs was before my time.

Once my PT was over with, I continued to play DOA competitively because I didn't know this game as well as any other fighting game was played on a deeper level besides just being at home with friends. For the most part getting beat constantly didn't sit to well with my extreme competitive side. So that kept pushing me to get to better at the game. I also managed to come across some pretty decent people on DOAC, from playing online, and from me traveling to offline tournaments.

(Any questions on this PM me, if you are curious enough to ask me questions, I am not going to derail this thread on a conversation about me.)

A bunch of other small things kept me around DOA, the community, and games in general. What I posted above is the cornerstone of it all.


Well-Known Member
Started playing DOA3/2U around 2003 or 4, after I saw 2U on T.V. Unfortunately I didn't have Xbox LIVE until a year after 4 was out, so I was a little late. Joined DOAC a year or two after that.


I came to doacentral picking nonsensical fights back in 2004 or so.

It's 2012 but all that's really changed is now I'm picking better fights. Oh, and I've got a cool hat.


Active Member
I came to doacentral picking nonsensical fights back in 2004 or so.

It's 2012 but all that's really changed is now I'm picking better fights. Oh, and I've got a cool hat.
I remember the first time I heard about you, Tom Brady was telling me about a 4-man tournament you were in.


Fifth in a four man, they called me.

I was breaking the mold even when I was losing. Those guys could never keep up.

Dr. Teeth

Active Member
Standard Donor
Started with DOA 2 on Dreamcast in 2000 and then lurked everywhere until I actually made an account here. My story's not as cool as everyone else's.