(WWE) The Rock

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
I think if Cena turned heel he might end up getting cheered.

Randy is only a face now because he was getting cheered and WWE doesn't
understand that people want badass faces.

They want all kinds actually but it seems like most of their new guys fit
too neatly into the smiling/smirking/dancing/bad promo cutting Good Guy.

But let's say Cena turns...who does he feud with?

Del Rio

Rock is gone after mania
Jericho is finishing up before his next Fozzy tour
HHH is semi retired
Orton is probably going to be a heel soon

WWE is stupid.

They got rid of Kennedy

They made MVP into a loser.

They buried Christian.

They destroyed R Truths heel push.

They refuse to take TNA talent.

I watched John Cenas shit promo last night and didn't turn the show back on again.
Raw is a chore and I'm doing it as quickly as possible from here on in.


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But hey, at least the WWE Spinner Belt is gone.




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His fake surprised look he always has when he wins a rumble/mitb/etc. always angers me because it's soooo obvious it's fake. "What? I won ? Wow, so unexpected. *troll face*"

been waiting for a reason to use this ever since i made it a year or two ago lol

Game Over

Well-Known Member
I think if Cena turned heel he might end up getting cheered.

Randy is only a face now because he was getting cheered and WWE doesn't
understand that people want badass faces.

Heel Cena ABSOLUTELY would get cheered!! SO MANY PEOPLE have been wanting to see it because it would make the show INTERESTING TO WATCH again.

Randy as a heel would absolutely get cheered as well! But that's beside the point. The point is his face turn has now long run its course, and it's time for him to be booked up to his full potential again! And it seems like that will only happen with him as a heel, or with him being allowed to get back to being RUTHLESS as is natural to his character and style in the ring (and being played up once again as at the TOP TIER of wrestling).

In the alternate universe where WWE actually turns Cena heel and follows a similar storyline like the one I've proposed, Orton is perfectly suited for eventually being the centerpoint of that story (regardless of being face or heel). Even as a heel, he could be worked-in to be the leader of "Team WWE" after a certain period of the Cena/Punk/Shield group dominating the show(s).

They want all kinds actually but it seems like most of their new guys fit
too neatly into the smiling/smirking/dancing/bad promo cutting Good Guy.

The problems of playing TOO HARD to the "PG audience". Either they need to go back to TV-14, or actually show they have the GUTS to COMMIT to taking risks with the PG rating. Honestly, wrestling should not be PG, and the fact that it is is just WWE trying to cash-in on their young audience who don't yet have the sense to watch wrestling with a brain.

But let's say Cena turns...who does he feud with?

Del Rio


YET ANOTHER PROBLEM with the current state of WWE. Right now, NO ONE ON THE ROSTER can be sold as a "legitimate threat" to beat Cena in a match/feud consistently, and ESPECIALLY not "clean". So the only smart way to play this is to grow some balls and make CENA the threat against WWE!! SOOOOOOOOOO many good angles can be worked off of this one change!

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Heel Cena ABSOLUTELY would get cheered!! SO MANY PEOPLE have been wanting to see it because it would make the show INTERESTING TO WATCH again.

Randy as a heel would absolutely get cheered as well! But that's beside the point. The point is his face turn has now long run its course, and it's time for him to be booked up to his full potential again! And it seems like that will only happen with him as a heel, or with him being allowed to get back to being RUTHLESS as is natural to his character and style in the ring (and being played up once again as at the TOP TIER of wrestling).

In the alternate universe where WWE actually turns Cena heel and follows a similar storyline like the one I've proposed, Orton is perfectly suited for eventually being the centerpoint of that story (regardless of being face or heel). Even as a heel, he could be worked-in to be the leader of "Team WWE" after a certain period of the Cena/Punk/Shield group dominating the show(s).

The problems of playing TOO HARD to the "PG audience". Either they need to go back to TV-14, or actually show they have the GUTS to COMMIT to taking risks with the PG rating. Honestly, wrestling should not be PG, and the fact that it is is just WWE trying to cash-in on their young audience who don't yet have the sense to watch wrestling with a brain.

YET ANOTHER PROBLEM with the current state of WWE. Right now, NO ONE ON THE ROSTER can be sold as a "legitimate threat" to beat Cena in a match/feud consistently, and ESPECIALLY not "clean". So the only smart way to play this is to grow some balls and make CENA the threat against WWE!! SOOOOOOOOOO many good angles can be worked off of this one change!

Cena as a heel would ONLY work if he has a strong B side.
HHH as a heel only really worked when was doing it because of Rock and Shawn.

That or a strong heel team mate to share the load. If they did a Two Man Power Trip with Punk and Cena or Cena and Lesnar then it might work. With Heyman playing the role of Vince Al la the original power trip of Austin and HHH. They both dislike the rock so letting Punk and Heyman fuck the Rock over at mania would make sense and all they would have to do is Trot cenas goofy ass out on RAW the next night and he could snap during one of his dumb promos and finally tell all the people booing him to shut up.

Then just come out later and help punk or Lesnar fuck up the rock.

Turn complete.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
IMO, just siding with Punk or Lesnar (with or without Heyman) wouldn't be big enough to truly sell a Cena heel turn as hard as it should be.

I think better would be like I suggested, with Cena's turn leading to him and Punk aligning with The Shield, becoming essentially an ever-growing "F*** YOU!!" to the company. It would make sense, it would not be seen coming, and would mimic (in a GOOD way) the start of NWO when Hogan suddenly aligned with The Outsiders.

Plus, if it grows out into TRUE warfare involving a hefty bulk of the roster, you'd have, over time, guys like Kane, Swagger, Barrett, Rhodes, etc. join Cena/Punk/Shield ... Sheamus, Del Rio, Jericho, Ziggler, Miz, Bryan, Mysterio on the WWE side ... guys like Cesaro, Big Show, Henry, Sandow, etc. either staying "independent" or getting "taken out" ... then have Orton be THE turning point to either make the rebellion UNSTOPPABLE or actually give the WWE team a shot at being able to stand up to the building threat. Sin Cara would get taken out, Kofi Kingston would get taken out, a bit of tension between Ziggler and Jericho could lead to Del Rio getting taken out in a team match ... etc. This could end up being AS GOOD, if not better, than the old WWE vs Alliance faction feud!!

They might even work Lesnar in late, siding with the rebellion to turn tides to their favor, then The Rock actually returns again for a short period to balance that out, and it just keeping building and building and building ....

Oh, and Ryback would be the FIRST guy taken out by the rebellion ... and would come back later, perhaps to offset Lesnar if The Rock can't take that spot!

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
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I think what stopping Cena heel turn is the fact they don't have a babyface that can Rival him. Who will take his place as THE face if Cena turn? Sheamus? Randy? Both are jokes when it comes to being a face imo. I think vs The Rock if they wanted Cena to turn heel WM would be the place. It's just unlikely.


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I think what stopping Cena heel turn is the fact they don't have a babyface that can Rival him. Who will take his place as THE face if Cena turn? Sheamus? Randy? Both are jokes when it comes to being a face imo. I think vs The Rock if they wanted Cena to turn heel WM would be the place. It's just unlikely.
zack ryder obviously

Matt Ponton

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I think what stopping Cena heel turn is the fact they don't have a babyface that can Rival him. Who will take his place as THE face if Cena turn? Sheamus? Randy? Both are jokes when it comes to being a face imo. I think vs The Rock if they wanted Cena to turn heel WM would be the place. It's just unlikely.

Creative is positioning Sheamus for that role, he's just not there yet.

Game Over

Well-Known Member
IMO, the uncertainty of who becomes the top "Face" of the company in the midst of the Cena heel turn is one of the things that would help to COMPLETELY sell the impact of him turning! It would LITERALLY change the entire landscape of the WWE Universe.

Technically, Sheamus would be "the guy" to use to fill the gap, as Orton is best used as a heel (or a borderline guy similar to Stone Cold's classic persona).

Interesting read:


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Zack Ryder has not been used lately, which is really sad. He's thinking about leaving WWE if this keeps up
oh i was actually joking about that xD

but that sucks though, hate to see the guy go

i preefer heel sheamus to facemus

his heel persona is what got m to like him back in ecw when he feuded with shelton benjamin


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I see.

Also, Jack Swagger got arrested today for DUI, possession of weed, and speeding. He may face suspension or a firing by the WWE, probably after Wrestlemania

Game Over

Well-Known Member
I see.

Also, Jack Swagger got arrested today for DUI, possession of weed, and speeding. He may face suspension or a firing by the WWE, probably after Wrestlemania

If WWE was smart, they'd work this into the Swagger/Del Rio storyline.

Also, Zack Ryder, sad as it is, got his hot run killed by WWE because he was getting "too popular" and they didn't want him being seen as more popular than John Cena.

Thanks in part to his YouTube videos, Ryder has a cult following, and WWE feared he would have received a bigger pop than its main-event stars, including John Cena.

In other words, the WWE suits decided not to use a wrestler the fans want to see because they were afraid the cheering might be too loud.

And they wonder why half their fans are gone.


Game Over

Well-Known Member
^ what happened to that being the reason guys get pushed?

With no "legitimate" competition, WWE sees itself as having no incentive to give fans what they want. Instead, they want to just do things their own way with the insane idea that fans will just "play along".

The fact they would rather nerf the entire roster than have someone be seen as more popular than their "cash cow" John Cena is, IMO, a slap in the face to the longtime and/or legitimate wrestling fan who actually watches the show with a brain (and is not a kid or teen girl just "playing along").

ADD: And the ultimate irony of it all is that they seem to be soooooooooooooo desperate to preserve their money-making model that revolves around Cena that they (seem to) fail to realize they would make MORE money by bringing more guys up to his level and pushing guys when fans want to see a guy pushed! If they'd actually commit to pushing guys like Orton was in 2009/10 and Punk was in 2011, WWE's overall popularity would SKYROCKET again, instead of stagnate like it's currently doing.