Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

Fiend Busa

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Actually, I'd be saying that if I hadn't read impressions from a player that began playing with that exact mindset. The hordes are mindless sword fodder. But if you were to go toe to toe with one of the "advanced" zombies or a boss thinking they'll be the same case, you're gonna get bodied. This honestly gives me some hope that this game will be more than just mashing buttons throughout the game.

"It's not Ninja Gaiden, but at the same time it's not Dynasty Warriors." I wish I could link back to the review, but I can't find the link -_-

yea I read that or watched that quote somewhere as well

Im just going to skip this one and wait for NG4


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First off there is likley going to be a difficulty adjuster, 2nd I told then they should have kept the music in for that demo it makes the game seem more lifeless than it actually is.


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From the write up, it's safe to assume that TN is using Yaiba as a way to experiment with different things to apply to the next Ninja Gaiden. The overall impression sounds pretty darn good. I'm definitely looking forward to playing this XD


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i really think hes missing the point this IS NOT "their Ninja Gaiden" its just a fun game to fuck around in. hell the creators themselves even refer to the two series as being separate in the last outbreak vid. he is correct in saying its an Anti-ninja gaiden though.


It's also not being developed exclusively by Team NINJA, a fact that many (not necessarily here) are somehow missing.

Yeah, this I find very annoying and it is precisely what concerns me.

I think Yaiba looks pretty cool and potentially alot of silly fun. But, it is the timing of it that concerns me, along with the fact that it is largely being perceived as a Team Ninja game, and that you can already see some growing negativity on the game from the gaming community/media at large. After the debacle of NG3, Team Ninja needs a game that is going to be a positive force for them and one that shuts up the stupid chatter out there about how they have lost their edge (NG3RE easily did this for me but it is under-appreciated in a big way). What if Yaiba turns out bad (or just okay)? That is going to be yet another big hit on Team Ninja's reputation, fair or not. At the very least, we already know Yaiba is going to be extremely divisive.

This is why I think it is critical that Team Ninja drop some announcement early in the new year about what their own new, first next-gen game will be to raise hype/interest and as something exciting to counter-balance however Yaiba is received....


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Nice artworks from YAIBA depicting Ryu and Miss Monday:







Yeah, love the artwork.

Honestly, seeing Ryu in the game with this kind of art-style is probably what I am most excited about!


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I'm excited for the fight scenes this is going to be the closest I get to my Dead Fantasy fight because TN doesn't like showing Ryu off in the cutscenes like Dante. This game could completely bomb and I would still consider it successful if they give Ryu an awesome fight scene for once, judging from the opening I may just get my wish.


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I'm excited for the fight scenes this is going to be the closest I get to my Dead Fantasy fight because TN doesn't like showing Ryu off in the cutscenes like Dante. This game could completely bomb and I would still consider it successful if they give Ryu an awesome fight scene for once, judging from the opening I may just get my wish.

I'm sure that before the end Yaiba will be able to meet Ryu, fighting against and/or also together. In addition, it's also possible that Ryu could be a secret playable character for the game (but not in the story mode).


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I'd rather he not be, assuming we get a badass boss fight with him I want him free of the constraints of gameplay. So while they're making it they don't have to worry about creating a character that works and doesn't break the game they can just go nuts. I also want it to be VERY difficult.


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Yeah they even said half way through that Yaiba and Ryu start to interact not just kill each other. pleasant surprise considering I just thought you would meet Ryu at the end and fight .


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Yeah they even said half way through that Yaiba and Ryu start to interact not just kill each other. pleasant surprise considering I just thought you would meet Ryu at the end and fight .

Nah, for me it was pretty obvious that this couldn't be the case. You control Yaiba but already know that you will not kill Ryu (of course) and so that you can't fulfilling his final purpose: there is no way to make the player a winner if in the end Ryu should be the final boss... of course it's necessary that they Yaiba will be able to interact with Ryu in another way losing (if not definitely, at least temporarily) his priorities about killing him.

What amazed me is that Ryu is not only a character that Yaiba will meet, but a character that Yaiba will meet because is investigating on the same Zombie crysis (but in the end I blame myself for not having thought a similar thing, considering like it was the most logical way for making meet the two characters).
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Basically I thought Yaiba would chase Ryu, find the big bad, team up, then try to kill each other after they won, Yaiba puts up a good fight but is defeated(not killed).

That Ryu is actively trying to stop the zombies isn't very surprising he's like a psychotic Superman here to save the world(while reducing its population by 5%)


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Team Ninja FB profile posted this under the comments about the last Outbreak for Ninja Gaiden Yaiba (like answer to the usual fans regretting Itagaki):

TEAM NINJA: This is not an official comment at all, just from community manager sitting here with the team. Let me tell you, Itagaki won't come back to us. We won't bend our knees to him asking to come back. He left us, he left Tecmo whatever reasons he had. It's his business, not ours. Also Hayashi is the man Itagaki trained very hard and left his spirit as a game creator. Yes, he is still young but he has been trying to firm up his team to create a great Ninja Gaiden game someday for you. We learned a lot from Ninja Gaiden 3. Thanks for listening.

Karlos Miguel GalletaTotal: Thanks for the reply and yeah, I supposed that it wasn't official. But you know, in today games Ninja Gaiden was the one that I always expected, it makes a challenge, it is simple, effective... And if you change the things that made it for me... Well, I dont like it. I hope Hayashi gets better with time and we the fans will be more understandable, but Yaiba is the worst direction for the franchise (for me at least)

TEAM NINJA: Thanks. What we can do is to keep creating stunning Ninja Gaiden to live up to your expectation or even exceed it. We are fine if you don't like Yaiba. Because again, it's a family of Ninja Gaiden, but it's not a sequel.