Character Customization


New Member
I feel like we're ganging up on UNDERX which I don't feel is a good way to expand our community so I'm going to try and be the civil one for once.

Like some of the other people have said, visual appeal isn't what's holding DOA back at the moment. There's lots of eye candy and the costumes the developers will come up with will most likely be infinitely more creative than 99% of any created in a CC type mode.

It's not change that we're afraid of, in fact, we're demanding change but just in regards to the gameplay and we're reluctant to have the developer take away resources from items that need infinitely more attention at the moment. Especially considering that what we have seen, looks exactly the same as the last two games which were horrible. Our priorities with the game right now are to have it play well. Even without CC, it's still visually appealing to most people.

Thanx for believing in a democracy...

I am not arguing that gameplay isn't the most important thing! I AGREE!! I am talking about other features! Forgot gameplay lets say were talking about DOA 4 - What is so bad about CC mode ? Why the negative reaction ? Asks yourself that, Dont say gameplay we've already establish gameplay is the most important, But really what is so bad about CC you get to be creative you get to create an original fighter. CC mode would be awesome. I have yet to hear a reason why it wouldn't!


Well-Known Member
Thanx for believing in a democracy...

I am not arguing that gameplay isn't the most important thing! I AGREE!! I am talking about other features! Forgot gameplay lets say were talking about DOA 4 - What is so bad about CC mode ? Why the negative reaction ? Asks yourself that, Dont say gameplay we've already establish gameplay is the most important, But really what is so bad about CC you get to be creative you get to create an original fighter. CC mode would be awesome. I have yet to hear a reason why it wouldn't!

The real question is why do you want them to waste time on such a useless feature. You know whats going to happen? Instead of a bunch of scrubs picking Ryu online. It's going to be a bunch of scrubs copying and pasting 1 guys idea who who still uses Ryu's move list, or trolls who will make a female character as naked as possible. Seriously, its a stupid feature that really does take away from the game. Stick with the normal cast. We don't need a bunch of uninspired characters that look terrible. TN can put their resources in other things that are actually worth while in making the game more appealing to casuals.

Again, lets get back to the original topic. I'm sick of reading about this stupid create a character crap.


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But really what is so bad about CC you get to be creative you get to create an original fighter. CC mode would be awesome. I have yet to hear a reason why it wouldn't!
Rikuto gave you some valid reasons a while ago on page 2... good ones, actually. This would mean some extra time would be put into resources for that mode alone (with the risk of potential bugs in the system that could ruin the game's quality), thus delaying the game until 2013.

If the gameplay is truly priority one - as you've recently agreed - and TN is trying to get the game finished in 2012, please be aware that DOA5 can't afford to take those kinds of risks right now and make the same mistakes SC3 and SC4 did. These were the reasons why those two games aren't taken seriously as competitive fighters. They had their priorities backwards.

But instead of acknowledging them and dropping the subject, you chose to ignore Rikuto's reasons, when all the while pushing the subject like it's priority one over gameplay, and forcing your opinion on others by keeping this argument going and picking on Raansu instead. If that's not your intention, be aware that it definitely looks that way.


A large part of the problem is that when a new game is being released after so long, people pin their hopes and dreams on it because it seems like a blank slate. They see it as they want to see it, not as what it is.

When someone rejects their ideas, it no longer becomes the game they were hyping themselves up for.

Matt Ponton

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I personally prefer a costume edit mode over a create a character mode. I couldn't create a talim character in sc4 because the created characters caused hotbox issues due to their change in height and proportions, as much as I wanted a big-titted talim, it was not to be :(. Costume edit would alleviate the wasted slots for color change outfits.


Well-Known Member
CC is a valid idea and there are valid concerns against it, but lets not argue about how Team Ninja's resources are best spent, since we do not know about this nor should we have pretensions to. Like I said, they can do any and all features; they are a professional development studio with plenty of staff. I think I'll leave it to them to plan what they can leave in or out.

Lets discuss for and against ideas on their merits

Character creation vs character customisation... everyone is happy with customisation (costumes, items, colours) but creation raises some issues that would suggest TN would have to do it differently to satisfy players that it wouldn't break the game. Fair summary? Since its way too early to argue the merits of TN's non-announced features in close detail like this should we move on?


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Okay, so how about a Stage Creation? To go along with the topic title.
That'll work. Especially given the dull design of the Tatami in DOA4.

Traditional stages with even flooring and walls is doable as well.


New Member
Bravo Berz you are the 1st person to admit that it is ok to discuss what we want and that pretending to know what goes into what resource as a debate point is dumb!

CC mode has been proven to work very well in SC and I have never had an experience playing SC in which i felt Talim or anyone else felt hotboxed. Did you know that all the customized Characters in SC are the same height ! They did this so they wouldn't be hotbox issues, so I don't think your argument is correct, sorry.

Again The only complains (that are valid, not resource based) I hear about CC mode is people not wanting to see other peoples original items because they would be lame (Guess what you can't control the world) If Someone wants to make a character that is "tacky" it's their prerogative, Having the option to is still a good thing. (And it is A SELLING POINT)

Awesomic you are suggesting that I want to this game to be something that it is not ? That i am projecting my own wishes, Ummm yeah thats what we are all doing. (and CC mode is not that far fetch for a) a fighting game b) TN (since DOAx has customization (We all have ideas) Except I am capable of accepting this possibly awesome new feature, where you guys are not. (Juts because there was no CC mode in previous DOA doesn't mean there shouldn't be) SC 2 no CC SC 3 - 4 CC and people love it! You see change is ok.... ;)

Again I have yet to hear a truly good reason why CC mode is not a good idea!

With CC mode comes:
Extended replay (since the costumes can be recreated over and over - to all the morons who don't understand - being able to remake things anew ie new costumes = replay) I'm sorry but there are people dumb enough to argue this LOGIC!

(From TN business standpoint)

A selling point for the casual market (Me and you love Hitomi and rest of the DOA cast but been able to create a "Spiderman" or "Catwoman" would be a huge selling point to people who dont relate with the DOA cast!)

A great opportunity for DLC int he forms of new designs, cloths whatever!

Also I agree stage creating new stage would be great!

Rikatu we are hear to discuss the things we want to see in DOA 5 - get over yourself! As far potential bugs being a good reason, wrong, there could be bugs in anything there can be bugs in the game play! That is not a goo reason! Should I clarify and say I would like A CC mode without bugs does that help you understand why your argument is not valid ?

I know you guys think im pushing it, and maybe I am but I believe CC mode only enhance this game that I love very MUCH! And unless you present a logical reason why it wouldn't - the only thing I'm hearing is -

I cant accept change!


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Again I have yet to hear a truly good reason why CC mode is not a good idea!
"Resources being put towards a better use" isn't a valid example? I'd much rather have Team Ninja focus on more levels, DOA's bread-and-butter and the clear focus of DOA5, rather than on customizable characters and/or outfits.


Damn that man Rikatu, and his inability to accept change.

It's a good thing we've been pushing extra hard for it, right guys?


Well-Known Member
I created a conversation/pm, we can move this wacky discussion there. Or in a new thread, but like Mr.Wah said(as well as I in earlier postst), we really need to get back to the original thread subject.


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Since it appears no one else made another thread after Sorwah locked it, I made one.

So UnderX, you can continue blowing steam and accusing us all of being incapable of accepting change all you want to your heart's content.


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Awesmic being bold and calling people out? I love it! New Awesmic is awesome.
You're reading too much into the OP. =P

UnderX, to clarify on my OP (I was in a rush when I started the topic), that response was to your recent post before the lock on the other topic. You acted as though I was completely disregarding your idea of character customization (seeing as you only acknowledged Berserk while making the rest of us look like the bad guys, including me), when in truth, I was suggesting that it would be something to take into consideration in the later stages of the game's development, just not in pre-alpha.

I was simply trying to say that it's risky to make that priority one in the development cycle this early, and used Rikuto's examples I initially thought you overlooked or ignored. I did not say it shouldn't be taken to consideration at all. Just because I agreed with some of Rikuto and Raansu's reasons doesn't mean I totally hate the idea.

I wanted to let you know that before you go off on me again about how brutally antagonistic I am about this whole subject.