Senran Kagura Series


Well-Known Member
Just watched episode 6, Really liked this episode. The anime has actually really made me like Yumi more, It going into how she used to feel about justice versus how she feels now from what Asuka has taught her made me like her more. Its made me like Ryona more too. She has a lot of crazy moments in the anime. ( @KasumiLover you'd like it you should watch it )


Premium Donor
Just watched episode 6, Really liked this episode. The anime has actually really made me like Yumi more, It going into how she used to feel about justice versus how she feels now from what Asuka has taught her made me like her more. Its made me like Ryona more too. She has a lot of crazy moments in the anime. ( @KasumiLover you'd like it you should watch it )
I have to watch Episode 6 now, thank you for reminding me that it's out xD is there an English dub for it yet or just subs?


Well-Known Member
Just saw the latest episode, they actually made the Hanzo ending of Shinovi Versus canon :eek:. I'm also getting really tired of all the focus on Yumi but at least they finally showed her losing and vulnerable for once.

Really disappointed that Asuka seems to have reverted back to her usual self negating everything she had been doing the last few episodes though.

And they are really dragging out the rescue of the other Hanzo girls; almost halfway thru the season and they still havent done anything relevant :rolleyes:.

At least Ryona was a constant source of entertainment :p and the bit with Crimson squad in the vents was funny, especially when Mirai bumped face-first into Haruka's butt (looks like they're making it a thing for her to do that to parts of Haruka's body).

Also saw the dub of the 3rd episode; still prefer the original but the scene with Murakumo and Mirai was done well.


Premium Donor
It's also worth noting Ayane is coming to New Link
Didn't they also add a Kasumi costume as well for asuka? I wasn't sure if that was actually Kasumi at first but it seems to just be an outfit xD and Ayane needs to leave SK, I'm tired of that pig bitch, they need to replace her with Kasumi, I mean she is the third most popular and relevant DOA girl and Ayane is behind her in popularity >.>


Well-Known Member
Didn't they also add a Kasumi costume as well for asuka? I wasn't sure if that was actually Kasumi at first but it seems to just be an outfit xD and Ayane needs to leave SK, I'm tired of that pig bitch, they need to replace her with Kasumi, I mean she is the third most popular and relevant DOA girl and Ayane is behind her in popularity >.>

Omg lol! Poor Ayane...It's not her fault she's more popular in collabs than Kasumi.

So @Juihau @Banana56 @anyone:p has anyone got any idea when there will be more news/another livestream? It seems like everything is getting new info but Senran Kagura isn't. The anime is officially halfway through its 12 episodes now too, I've enjoyed it so far, No clue though what's going to happen with -

( Story spoilers )
That island with the giant yoma spawning hole in it? I don't know if that Will be used to set up SK7's story or If it will be a part of the last 6 episodes of the anime. In my head I'm thinking what If they were like -

Rin - "we need help fighting the yoma to close the hole, Everyone watching thw shinovi master tournament help us!"

* And then the new wave girls like Maisen that were shown to be watching the tournament would appear and help and that would set up them being playable in SK7!!! :D*
.........umm yeah lol that's obviously biased and not gonna to happen lol. Although I do hope Maisen etc being shown in the anime helps their chances of being in SK7.

But yeah anime which I am enjoying and will be watching all of aside I'm not really bothered about Peachball or Renewal, It's SK7 I'm excited for and want to see more of, The slightly cel shaded new models ( well Asuka's is the only one we've seen but you get the point ) looked great so I want to see how more of the characters look with their new models.


Well-Known Member
* And then the new wave girls like Maisen that were shown to be watching the tournament would appear and help and that would set up them being playable in SK7!!! :D*
.........umm yeah lol that's obviously biased and not gonna to happen lol. Although I do hope Maisen etc being shown in the anime helps their chances of being in SK7.

Besides those that showed up in PBS, I dont expect any of the new wave teams to play any role for the rest of the anime or SK7; there would just be too many teams to keep track of if they did. They even removed focus from the Hanzo girls just to properly introduce team Kagura.

At least they actually have shown up unlike Daidoji who despite being one of the original cast, has not :mad:. And seeing how little the Hanzo characters (even Hanzo himself in the shinovi versus flashback where he did show up) have done in the show so far with Asuka being the only one who has actually done anything while the rest of her team just hung around, its likely she wont show up at all.

Speaking of Daidoji, I tried checking again for Shinovi versus DLCs and it turns out I could buy her and Rin :), there was just some problem with searching DLC from the game itself. Havent been able to try them out yet but maybe now, I can actually get around to doing everyone's shinobi heart.

Still have some spare PSN store credits so I might save up to buy some more and buy the digital Asian release of Renewal where I dont have to worry about it being censored :p.


Premium Donor
With all the censorship drama I'm kinda turned off by Burst Renewal tbh, I think I may skip it and just preorder DOA6 instead xD


Well-Known Member
Umm I'm going to keep on hoping Maisen get in though. :p I'd be so happy to see them manage to get into sk7, Even if they weren't a part of the main story and were more focusing on their daily lives adjusting to Japanese culture or something I'd be happy. I do think there will be new schools in SK7 personally since it seemed like they teased the pop idol and rock schools not to mention Fubuki and the sisters will be likely in sk7.

With all the censorship drama I'm kinda turned off by Burst Renewal tbh, I think I may skip it and just preorder DOA6 instead xD

I'm thinking of passing on renewal as well with it being a remake of the first game and no one had much good to say about it sadly. Maybe I'd get it when it was cheap but who knows.


Premium Donor
Umm I'm going to keep on hoping Maisen get in though. :p I'd be so happy to see them manage to get into sk7, Even if they weren't a part of the main story and were more focusing on their daily lives adjusting to Japanese culture or something I'd be happy. I do think there will be new schools in SK7 personally since it seemed like they teased the pop idol and rock schools not to mention Fubuki and the sisters will be likely in sk7.

I'm thinking of passing on renewal as well with it being a remake of the first game and no one had much good to say about it sadly. Maybe I'd get it when it was cheap but who knows.
Yeah at this point im not getting it unless it drops to like less than 30 or twenty dollars xD Ryona isn't even in the game by default either, you have to buy her but Japan iirc did have character free trials so hopefully EU and US get that as well!


Well-Known Member
You could get the original burst on 3ds instead? Its easily available (it is digital only, I believe) and not too expensive.

I remember getting SK2 on 3ds and that game was good so maybe, I'm just seriously ready for more info on SK7, Asuka looks great with the new model and style so It would be cool to start seeing how some of the other characters look in sk7. Maybe December we'll see something?


Well-Known Member
Just saw the latest episode.

I was expecting throughout that the big reveal over who Fubuki is was that she was Yumi's grandmother (in a younger form like how Asuka's grandmother can turn into Jasmine) or aunt but then the twist in the end that she was a classmate of Yumi before the other 4 arrived makes me suspect she's her cousin. Still managed to surprise me though and its a welcome change to see Yumi actually losing a fight for once.

I like how Kagura was completely unfazed with everything going on. I'm hoping she actually fights in her adult form in the end and easily finishes off all the threats by herself just to show off how much more powerful she is compared to everyone else.

Now that the big threat has been revealed, I'm hoping Daidoji and maybe the other Hanzo characters show up for the last few episodes. At least they finally teased the other Hanzo girls being freed and actually doing something other than "hang around".


Well-Known Member
Okay yeah this was a really good episode, again the anime is making me like Yumi more. And now that Fubuki has gone full crazy it seems the shinovi masters tournament is over and Fubuki is just wanting to kill everyone now. Maybe it will now focus on that Youma island for the rest now of the season? And yeah it looks like next episode the Hanzo girls will finally be free.