EVO 2013: DoA5 has a shot! But there's a catch...


So the EVO 2013 lineup was announced just moments ago on Wakeup SRK, and it's the largest EVO roster in years. Dead or Alive 5, unfortunately, is not on the main roster. This is due in no small part to a lack of consistent offline support in comparison to other games. We've been on the upswing, especially after the solid showing at NEC, however we have a lot of building to do yet. This is something that we're still working hard on changing, but this is currently our reality.

Now, the title says we still have a shot, and we do, but that catch is really going to put us in a put up or shut up position like never before! The Player's Choice slot, EVO 2013's eighth title, goes to the community and game that donates the most money to a chosen charity. The other part was that the game had to receive more than 500 votes in the poll that ran on the EVO Facebook page, which we did pull off. As of this writing, the donation page (link at the top) states we have 21 days to donate as much as we can, or til the end of January.

This is a chance for the entire DoA community to back our game. Online players, offline players, stream monsters, EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to help out the community. If you can't travel, toss a few bucks at the donation. If you prefer online play for any reason, donate anyway. If you do travel, definitely donate. Everyone should be donating as much as they can so that we can get our game back on the EVO main stage. Even if that doesn't happen, your money still goes to charity.

So DoA community: FSD members and DoAWorld members, online and offline players, casuals and pros...the time to step up or stay off to the side is coming!
...lol let's face facts whether or not Tekken is a "Shit" game guess what Tekken players are seeing more money then DOA so just accept that fact and move on because as far as this poll's concerned Skullgirls beating out DOA is hilarious so who's to blame? the game or the community? answer is obvious...

why does it matter if a game sees more money than another? plenty of games see more money than tekken, but that shouldn't mean anything.
some games just have a smaller following. what's so hilarious about any of it?

Pride? lol enjoying a game is great and all but to have pride for DoA and not making any real money from tournaments is kinda...eh may aswell go learn another fighter at this point DoA is an awesome game but at this point i think it's safe to say it's past it's prime sorry if that offends anyone just my personal opinion.

what's wrong with having pride in your interests? this is what i don't understand about the FGC nowadays. why do people have to take it past the simple enjoyment of something? everyone nowadays says the FGC is so much better than it's ever been... sure, the monetary aspect, accessibility of information, and larger crowd; however, the FGC has just become mentally twisted and frustrated with all these arguments and politics.

i like playing games and sure, take them seriously enough to try improving, be competitive, and have fun in the process, but the FGC has taken it way beyond that and it's pretty sad.
I find the last paragraph very ironic considering its most likely pride is the reason that Smash players are donating money to get over a 10 yr old game into EVO.

As far as making money playing DOA ,DOA 4 was the series prime.DOA as a series isn't past its prime yet. I would say Tekken is past its prime.Same old characters, same old tired constrictive game play structure, same old female character models with massive shoulders,ect. Only thing is that people continue to love it and play it as a series.

DOA as a series has been forcing other 3D fighters to raise their game when it comes to production values and interactive background stages. DOA was the first 3D fighting game series to have a Tag Team option. DOA was also one of the first 3D fighter to go online.

With DOA 5 at least Team Ninja is making an attempt to move the series forward in terms of game play and graphics. Tekken hasn't innovated itself as a series since Tekken 5.But that's just my opinion.

Team Ninja making an attempt to move the series forward? lol since when? all i see is costume pack after costume pack where's the actual bread and butter? wheres that netcode fix that drove so many players off to begin with? in truth when is Team Ninja gunna address those problems? and actually listen to the people who are playing the game for once cause i haven't seen them do shit besides fanservice DLC.

DoA hasn't been forcing ANY other fighting game to step they're game up at all if anything it's been sidelined waterboy for years now. Tekken is blossoming, Street Fighter is still the same, MK9 is staying strong, UMVC3 is the undisputed champ on the East Coast, Smash still has the massive following and respect in the competitive scene.

Now answer me this, where does DoA fall in the Competitive Category? that's right nowhere except an online warrior because there's barely any Major tournies for it, DoA's past achievements [i.e. being the first game to do this blah blah blah] doesn't mean jack shit in the present because as a competitive game it's completely off the map where's the real money to be made? other fighting games it's as simple as that.
why does it matter if a game sees more money than another? plenty of games see more money than tekken, but that shouldn't mean anything.
some games just have a smaller following. what's so hilarious about any of it?

what's wrong with having pride in your interests? this is what i don't understand about the FGC nowadays. why do people have to take it past the simple enjoyment of something? everyone nowadays says the FGC is so much better than it's ever been... sure, the monetary aspect, accessibility of information, and larger crowd; however, the FGC has just become mentally twisted and frustrated with all these arguments and politics.

i like playing games and sure, take them seriously enough to try improving, be competitive, and have fun in the process, but the FGC has taken it way beyond that and it's pretty sad.

Ok let me explain what i previously stated, There is nothing wrong with taking Pride in something one enjoys. The problem becomes taking pride in a game that right now can't stand on it's own two feet in a competitive aspect. DOA ever since it became a Xbox exclusive kinda divided the community and now because DOA5 is here TN is trying to gather up all the old fans back on the Playstation which i appreciate them doing.

It's cool to enjoy DOA as a casual fighter but to go as far as say it's hella competitive is complete bullshit, it doesn't have the dedicated fanbase as other games do have. For a game to be successful in competitive play it needs to 1] Be an enjoyable game and 2] Have a dedicated following for it, the whole reason DOA isn't winning and probably will not win the EVO vote is because [Drum roll] the community isn't dedicated to the game itself.

Now before many get way too pissed off about what i just said. Yes there is a major following for the game hence why your on this forum but realize but way too many people are calling other games like Tekken garbage when let's face facts here Tekken has Majors/Tournies/A dedicated following and ontop of that Money to be made what does DOA have right now going for it? not much besides a fun game to play.

Money is a driving factor and DOA just does not have that.
Ok let me explain what i previously stated, There is nothing wrong with taking Pride in something one enjoys. The problem becomes taking pride in a game that right now can't stand on it's own two feet in a competitive aspect. DOA ever since it became a Xbox exclusive kinda divided the community and now because DOA5 is here TN is trying to gather up all the old fans back on the Playstation which i appreciate them doing.

It's cool to enjoy DOA as a casual fighter but to go as far as say it's hella competitive is complete bullshit, it doesn't have the dedicated fanbase as other games do have. For a game to be successful in competitive play it needs to 1] Be an enjoyable game and 2] Have a dedicated following for it, the whole reason DOA isn't winning and probably will not win the EVO vote is because [Drum roll] the community isn't dedicated to the game itself.

Now before many get way too pissed off about what i just said. Yes there is a major following for the game hence why your on this forum but realize but way too many people are calling other games like Tekken garbage when let's face facts here Tekken has Majors/Tournies/A dedicated following and ontop of that Money to be made what does DOA have right now going for it? not much besides a fun game to play.

Money is a driving factor and DOA just does not have that.
Zack approves of your post.
The problem becomes taking pride in a game that right now can't stand on it's own two feet in a competitive aspect.

i don't see why that's a problem. i'm proud to play VF even though it's community is almost non-existent, probably the smallest community in america of all the games nominated for the charity drive, even including DiveKick. that's where my interest lies. what other larger scenes think about it shouldn't matter. i respect the choice to praise the game you enjoy, whatever the state of the scene may be. it would be more of a concern if people were ashamed of what they play.

It's cool to enjoy DOA as a casual fighter but to go as far as say it's hella competitive is complete bullshit, it doesn't have the dedicated fanbase as other games do have. For a game to be successful in competitive play it needs to 1] Be an enjoyable game and 2] Have a dedicated following for it, the whole reason DOA isn't winning and probably will not win the EVO vote is because [Drum roll] the community isn't dedicated to the game itself.

all of that is subjective. what's an enjoyable game? and what does it mean to be truly dedicated?
not everyone's definition is going to be the same.
the percentage of players willing to donate in any given community may very well be the same.
that goes the same for those who do not want to donate. it may be that smash bros. has a much larger community, and by sheer volume, appear to have much more support and "dedication" than those of DOA.

Tekken has Majors/Tournies/A dedicated following and ontop of that Money to be made what does DOA have right now going for it? not much besides a fun game to play.

Money is a driving factor and DOA just does not have that.

i think these closing points are where we majorly differ. "besides a fun game to play." is all i really need to appreciate it and i'm far from being just a casual player.
although money now plays a significant role in the FGC, it certainly didn't start that that way, and definitely shouldn't define the progress of a community.
@ PR_Rogue Strife and Master Havik

My 2cents

*I can't believe you are bringing the FGC bullshit to the forums yet you say your DOA players and fans.So I'll make it simple for you with this post.

*DOA maybe a game whose premise revolved around fan service.But because of DOA's high production values other 3D games series have upped their game stole concepts that originated in DOA. That's a fact.

*As far the competitive scene is concerned.Its been 7 yrs since DOA released a sequel. Common sense would tell you the community would need to rebuild after a 7 year lay off.

*A lot of people say DOA is trash and not a viable competitive fighting game.But that's an excuse by those in the FGC who are so used to playing "formulaic" textbook fighting games for years. Most of the FGC are pretty ignorant anyway.Because the FGC is a big popularity club with individual tribes.Who mostly stick around or congregate within their comfort zone of just playing what everyone else is playing.

*Most american players like their games flashy,broken, and unbalanced. And since a good chunk of them of them primarily owned Sony consoles ,they primarily supported fighting games that appeared on Sony consoles.Even though most of the 2D fighters were crappy ports. The Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, and the original X box had better ports.

*Most players is the FGC can't handle playing a fighting game that requires game knowledge, technique, and a lot adaptivity. Which is why most don't play or support the VF series here in the states.Many in the FGC can't or won't play KOF XIII because of its high execution and learning curve

*DOA foundation is built off of the VF series. Only the Triangle hold based system and stun heavy game play is what really separates it from VF.

*The true reason why those in the FGC talk shit about DOA is because they are so brainwashed into playing "textbook" by the numbers type fighting games.Or games that a lot other players play.

*A good chunk of the FGC is made up of wannbe's,internet trolls, and shit talkers that like to talk theory fighter. The funny thing with DOA its a "theory fighter" proof game. You can talk numbers all you want and have solid set ups yet you can still lose to a player using basic mind game shenanigans, basic combos, and opportunistic counter holding.

* I agree that the DOA community doesn't have a huge offline scene.But in the end it doesn't really need to in order to be a community. The sad thing is that the community is split because the community doesn't have a true identity yet.

* I applaud Dr Dogg,Mr Wah, Rikuto, Master,Vanessa, Mamba,Swoozie, Tom Brady(yes I said Tom Brady) and many others who are trying to create an offline identity for the DOA community. I may not agree with a few of the members approach,opinions or philsophy's concerning the DOA community. But because of their efforts DOA has had multi media success. DOA offline players were televised and appeared on TV( CGS and a few video game based reality shows).DOA appeared at the World Cyber Games. And DOA has appeared at EVO and other major tournaments.

*DOA has been around for a long time and has maintained its fan base despite the ignorance of the majority of the FGC.

*For all the talk of fan service, boobies, ect.Tekken has been trying to jump on that bandwagon as well. Didn't TT2 also have bikini DLC? Even Tekken,SC, and even VF added boob physics to there female characters because of DOA. Everyone likes boobs to some degree.Yet I find it funny that many in the FGC comes off as a bunch whiney virgins when they bitch and moan about fan service or boobs in DOA.Yet most fighting games have similar content.Don't hate because TN has mastered the art of sexy. And they have profited from it while making a very good fighting game.

*So in the words of Rock "It DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!" Because as of now the crap both of you guys is posting is a bunch of trolling and you know it.

*I could bullshit with you guys all day but that would only flood this thread with more bullshit. I have been in so many of this type of discussions that as of now there really isn't no point for me to repeat myself.

* In the end all the stuff that you guys will post is bullshit. You will just try to argue about what is popular,who sold more, what game has the biggest scene, and what game has done this or that. I've been apart of many of scenes in the FGC here in Cali. You wanna talk Tekken I did Tekken. You wanna talk SC,SF, SC, KOF, WWE (yes the WWE games do have an online competitive community.Its primitive but it does exist) hell I was even apart of the Rumble Roses XX community. I've been apart of the FGC ever since SF 2 debuted in the arcades.

* I've been apart of the FGC before both of you have picked up a controller for the first time.

*All fighting games can be played competitively whether online or offline. That includes DOA. And if you think it can't why are you here even posting?

*Having pride in anything is just that pride.Pride is not conditional.It a belief in something so much that you have a personal stake in it and you will defend that pride no matter what. I don't care what the FGC thinks or if the DOA offline scene is not as big as other communities. I will still continue to support and play the games because not only am I a player I am a fan of the series.

* DOA has proven to be a competitive fighter. Its big money days were in fact during DOA 4. Pro players were getting paid in tournaments,Sponsorships,TV appearances (CGS), and a big pay out at the World Cyber Games when it appeared there. DOA can achieve that same level of success again because the offline supporters have proven they can make it happen.

*The fact is that DOA set many standards in terms of production values that other 3D fighting games have adapted. Those are the facts. At least I argue facts and not bullshit semantics that you guys are doing.

* If your not here to support the game or the DOA community Then( in the words D3V and Return of The Shadow) you need to GTFO! And take your trolling and your bullshit else where.

*Notice I stayed on topic and didn't go into an immature rant hating on Tekken or Smash Bros. I don't play Smash but I know a lot of players who do.I respect their community enough not to troll or post bullshit about their game even though I am not a fan of Smash. I can't stand the Tekken community even though I like playing the game. I own all the Tekken games except for TT2. I have played in Tekken offline tournies in my area and around the Bay Area here in California. So the shit I talk about Tekken is based on experience and being around the scene.

Both of you guys need to grow up and stop being an "FGC Mark". The FGC is made up a lot of you guys. You guys play multiple games just to be a part of something but you claim or truly support nothing. You guys mouth off or post a bunch a bullshit and hope that someone agrees with you.But it only shows your ignorance because you fully haven't pledged your support or show pride for any game that you play. If you truly support Tekken or Smash then why are you guys here? Go over to there forums.

I know DOA has a very antagonistic offline competitive scene but you guys lashing out by trolling just back up the shit they say about the DOA community as a whole. If your going to a part of this community then support it by going to offline events,play online, and contribute to the community. Otherwise if your just going to talk shit you might as well just leave.
i don't see why that's a problem. i'm proud to play VF even though it's community is almost non-existent, probably the smallest community in america of all the games nominated for the charity drive, even including DiveKick. that's where my interest lies. what other larger scenes think about it shouldn't matter. i respect the choice to praise the game you enjoy, whatever the state of the scene may be. it would be more of a concern if people were ashamed of what they play.

all of that is subjective. what's an enjoyable game? and what does it mean to be truly dedicated?
not everyone's definition is going to be the same.
the percentage of players willing to donate in any given community may very well be the same.
that goes the same for those who do not want to donate. it may be that smash bros. has a much larger community, and by sheer volume, appear to have much more support and "dedication" than those of DOA.

i think these closing points are where we majorly differ. "besides a fun game to play." is all i really need to appreciate it and i'm far from being just a casual player.
although money now plays a significant role in the FGC, it certainly didn't start that that way, and definitely shouldn't define the progress of a community.

Don't let these guys bait you into argueing with there bullshit. One of them just doesn't know any better(MasterHavik) and the other(PR_RogueStrife) is just trolling. They're previous posts will most likely get deleted anyway. For all we know it could be the same person posting on separate accounts.
Don't let these guys bait you into argueing with there bullshit. One of them just doesn't know any better(MasterHavik) and the other(PR_RogueStrife) is just trolling. They're previous posts will most likely get deleted anyway. For all we know it could be the same person posting on separate accounts.

whether or not they're trolling or ignorant, i felt like expressing my thoughts on the current state of the FGC as a whole.
i actually feel it's more of a mess now than what it was in the "dark age" and people have lost touch with the raw enjoyment of the culture. it's really a shame.
plus i'm bored on a friday afternoon at work before a long weekend and felt like hitting refresh several times.
whether or not they're trolling or ignorant, i felt like expressing my thoughts on the current state of the FGC as a whole.
i actually feel it's more of a mess now than what it was in the "dark age" and people have lost touch with the raw enjoyment of the culture. it's really a shame.
plus i'm bored on a friday afternoon at work before a long weekend and felt like hitting refresh several times.

LoL ok.Just don't say I didn't warn you ^_^.

I agre with you though concerning the culture of the FGC. Too many people is just out to get there's. But at the same time the FGC is attracting new players, who just don't know any better so they indoctrinate themselves to the bullshit part of FGC culture.
Maybe I'll stand up on a table and threaten to strip naked if more people don't enter DOA before 12pm.

And, if my demands are not met, at 12:01 I'll get back up on that same table and start making my ass clap in my boxers.
If they don't enter it means they want to seem more and that they like it.

What hurts DOA is how they kind of cater to people who love that fanservice and shit. Why do you think it gets called a casual T&A fighter? Yes other games do it, but it's not main selling point. It's a selling point for DOA, which is....I'm sorry.... kind of sad.
How is that hurtful? BTW Tekken does it as well.

The T&A thing is a running gag. Everyone knows T&A is in pretty much every video game.
@ PR_Rogue Strife and Master Havik

My 2cents

*I can't believe you are bringing the FGC bullshit to the forums yet you say your DOA players and fans.So I'll make it simple for you with this post.

*DOA maybe a game whose premise revolved around fan service.But because of DOA's high production values other 3D games series have upped their game stole concepts that originated in DOA. That's a fact.

*As far the competitive scene is concerned.Its been 7 yrs since DOA released a sequel. Common sense would tell you the community would need to rebuild after a 7 year lay off.

*A lot of people say DOA is trash and not a viable competitive fighting game.But that's an excuse by those in the FGC who are so used to playing "formulaic" textbook fighting games for years. Most of the FGC are pretty ignorant anyway.Because the FGC is a big popularity club with individual tribes.Who mostly stick around or congregate within their comfort zone of just playing what everyone else is playing.

*Most american players like their games flashy,broken, and unbalanced. And since a good chunk of them of them primarily owned Sony consoles ,they primarily supported fighting games that appeared on Sony consoles.Even though most of the 2D fighters were crappy ports. The Sega Saturn, Dreamcast, and the original X box had better ports.

*Most players is the FGC can't handle playing a fighting game that requires game knowledge, technique, and a lot adaptivity. Which is why most don't play or support the VF series here in the states.Many in the FGC can't or won't play KOF XIII because of its high execution and learning curve

*DOA foundation is built off of the VF series. Only the Triangle hold based system and stun heavy game play is what really separates it from VF.

*The true reason why those in the FGC talk shit about DOA is because they are so brainwashed into playing "textbook" by the numbers type fighting games.Or games that a lot other players play.

*A good chunk of the FGC is made up of wannbe's,internet trolls, and shit talkers that like to talk theory fighter. The funny thing with DOA its a "theory fighter" proof game. You can talk numbers all you want and have solid set ups yet you can still lose to a player using basic mind game shenanigans, basic combos, and opportunistic counter holding.

* I agree that the DOA community doesn't have a huge offline scene.But in the end it doesn't really need to in order to be a community. The sad thing is that the community is split because the community doesn't have a true identity yet.

* I applaud Dr Dogg,Mr Wah, Rikuto, Master,Vanessa, Mamba,Swoozie, Tom Brady(yes I said Tom Brady) and many others who are trying to create an offline identity for the DOA community. I may not agree with a few of the members approach,opinions or philsophy's concerning the DOA community. But because of their efforts DOA has had multi media success. DOA offline players were televised and appeared on TV( CGS and a few video game based reality shows).DOA appeared at the World Cyber Games. And DOA has appeared at EVO and other major tournaments.

*DOA has been around for a long time and has maintained its fan base despite the ignorance of the majority of the FGC.

*For all the talk of fan service, boobies, ect.Tekken has been trying to jump on that bandwagon as well. Didn't TT2 also have bikini DLC? Even Tekken,SC, and even VF added boob physics to there female characters because of DOA. Everyone likes boobs to some degree.Yet I find it funny that many in the FGC comes off as a bunch whiney virgins when they bitch and moan about fan service or boobs in DOA.Yet most fighting games have similar content.Don't hate because TN has mastered the art of sexy. And they have profited from it while making a very good fighting game.

*So in the words of Rock "It DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK!" Because as of now the crap both of you guys is posting is a bunch of trolling and you know it.

*I could bullshit with you guys all day but that would only flood this thread with more bullshit. I have been in so many of this type of discussions that as of now there really isn't no point for me to repeat myself.

* In the end all the stuff that you guys will post is bullshit. You will just try to argue about what is popular,who sold more, what game has the biggest scene, and what game has done this or that. I've been apart of many of scenes in the FGC here in Cali. You wanna talk Tekken I did Tekken. You wanna talk SC,SF, SC, KOF, WWE (yes the WWE games do have an online competitive community.Its primitive but it does exist) hell I was even apart of the Rumble Roses XX community. I've been apart of the FGC ever since SF 2 debuted in the arcades.

* I've been apart of the FGC before both of you have picked up a controller for the first time.

*All fighting games can be played competitively whether online or offline. That includes DOA. And if you think it can't why are you here even posting?

*Having pride in anything is just that pride.Pride is not conditional.It a belief in something so much that you have a personal stake in it and you will defend that pride no matter what. I don't care what the FGC thinks or if the DOA offline scene is not as big as other communities. I will still continue to support and play the games because not only am I a player I am a fan of the series.

* DOA has proven to be a competitive fighter. Its big money days were in fact during DOA 4. Pro players were getting paid in tournaments,Sponsorships,TV appearances (CGS), and a big pay out at the World Cyber Games when it appeared there. DOA can achieve that same level of success again because the offline supporters have proven they can make it happen.

*The fact is that DOA set many standards in terms of production values that other 3D fighting games have adapted. Those are the facts. At least I argue facts and not bullshit semantics that you guys are doing.

* If your not here to support the game or the DOA community Then( in the words D3V and Return of The Shadow) you need to GTFO! And take your trolling and your bullshit else where.

*Notice I stayed on topic and didn't go into an immature rant hating on Tekken or Smash Bros. I don't play Smash but I know a lot of players who do.I respect their community enough not to troll or post bullshit about their game even though I am not a fan of Smash. I can't stand the Tekken community even though I like playing the game. I own all the Tekken games except for TT2. I have played in Tekken offline tournies in my area and around the Bay Area here in California. So the shit I talk about Tekken is based on experience and being around the scene.

Both of you guys need to grow up and stop being an "FGC Mark". The FGC is made up a lot of you guys. You guys play multiple games just to be a part of something but you claim or truly support nothing. You guys mouth off or post a bunch a bullshit and hope that someone agrees with you.But it only shows your ignorance because you fully haven't pledged your support or show pride for any game that you play. If you truly support Tekken or Smash then why are you guys here? Go over to there forums.

I know DOA has a very antagonistic offline competitive scene but you guys lashing out by trolling just back up the shit they say about the DOA community as a whole. If your going to a part of this community then support it by going to offline events,play online, and contribute to the community. Otherwise if your just going to talk shit you might as well just leave.

Well....here's the thing my main games and the ones I like are non-Capcom games(SC, MK, BB, Persona, PS Allstars, and Smash)...so don't group me with the FGC guys. Three of those games shitted on by most people. I got rip by the SC community for playing Brawl for fuck's sake.It's not the basic format that troubles me about DOA it's that the main idea of the whole thing isn't good. I'll give TN some props for fixing the game, but I learn about DOA when I headed offline for it at FF5. I learned a lot from talking to AP, RyuJin, and Tom Brady. I learned some very interesting things about 3.1 and why it's good compared to the others. I mean everyone wants to hold in 4 and 5. If you did that is 3.1 say good bye to some life. Holding out of stun needs to go it doesn't help the game.

Now onto fanservice...if you read my post properly instead of grouping me and telling me to gtfo. I said DOA USES IT AS A MAIN SELLING POINT FOR THEIR GAMES. So saying," Oh Tekken and others are doing the same thing." Tekken and SC got it...but it's not one of the reasons why you should buy the game. It's going to be there in every fighting game, but DOA makes it their goal to make sure you know about the hot girls. There is a difference from having fanservice to using fanservice as reason to buy the game. Did Tekken and Sc make spinoff games that were bad just to please the fanservice audience? No they didn't.

Btw....I play VF too it's my first VF game, but I love it...so I hate to repeat myself, but don't group me with those FGC guys. but let's go after some of your main points.

" Both of you guys need to grow up and stop being an "FGC Mark". The FGC is made up a lot of you guys. You guys play multiple games just to be a part of something but you claim or truly support nothing. You guys mouth off or post a bunch a bullshit and hope that someone agrees with you.But it only shows your ignorance because you fully haven't pledged your support or show pride for any game that you play. If you truly support Tekken or Smash then why are you guys here? Go over to there forums."

I'm an FGC mark?:D I don't like Capcom games, I made it a goal of mine to avoid them like the plague. So telling me to grow up all because I'm not on Team DOA is a bunch of crap. I'm happy about 1.03, but DOA still needs to fix a few things. I state my opinion my goal isn't to make you agree with me. It's okay to have your viewpoint, so don't assume my intentions. I don't play multilevel games to be apart of something. You're talking to someone who had to dig to get MK9 and is the Co-Jax Mod on TYM. I been grinding out Mk and I'm getting back into it for evo. I support a lot of things. I have defended Mk, Smash, and SC. Heck, I even defended Persona and I don't play that game like that. I tried to tell people to get their stuff correct because people from FGC come up with the biggest BS reasons why a non-Capcom games "sucks".

" I know DOA has a very antagonistic offline competitive scene but you guys lashing out by trolling just back up the shit they say about the DOA community as a whole. If your going to a part of this community then support it by going to offline events,play online, and contribute to the community. Otherwise if your just going to talk shit you might as well just leave."

Uh....I ran my own side tournament for DOA when I was back home for break at one of the big local tournaments. So watch the blanket statements friend.

" The fact is that DOA set many standards in terms of production values that other 3D fighting games have adapted. Those are the facts. At least I argue facts and not bullshit semantics that you guys are doing."

Looking pretty doesn't win the day or means anything. Hell I know a GG player on campus that says, " DOA looks good, but doesn't play well." DOA looks okay....but I'm sorry when it comes to looking ncie Tekken and SC do a better job. Everyone looks good in Tekken. In DOA...the girls take priority over the guys. I mean for example my man Zack looks like a damn clown in DOA 5. He looked cool in 4, but now he's retarded cartoon. Take him and compare him to someone like Dr.B or Kuma design wise it's a joke. Even comparing him to Bruce from Tekken is no contest.

"DOA has proven to be a competitive fighter. Its big money days were in fact during DOA 4. Pro players were getting paid in tournaments,Sponsorships,TV appearances (CGS), and a big pay out at the World Cyber Games when it appeared there. DOA can achieve that same level of success again because the offline supporters have proven they can make it happen."

That had lots of backroom dealing going around that many players can confirm....and CGS died out after two seasons.

"I've been apart of the FGC before both of you have picked up a controller for the first time."

Just because you have more experience doesn't mean you're better. People like KD(Kevin Durant), Russell Westbrook, and Derrick Rose are showing that they can keep up with the older guys. Not only that, they have shattered records and milestone in lesser time compared to the greats of the NBA. So this," I have been around longer than you spill" does make me respect you by default, but doesn't mean you run everything.

"All fighting games can be played competitively whether online or offline. That includes DOA. And if you think it can't why are you here even posting?"

Well....like I said before...wonky design and how the game change from 3 to 4.( Fuck you Itagaki). And saying all fighting games can be taken serious is...kind of...idk...flat off wrong and shows lack of knowledge. Games like the Budoaki series are prime example of brokenss.(There are 100% resets in the game). NA2 i.e. UN 5 is the only good Naruto game that is solid while the others are trash. The gamecube games were really good too. The Storm games are making an effort to fix that though. The new one looks really solid. But most fighters...like KI and such are popular for just how fun they are...not for their depth. Btw...I played RR XX too. Becky/Makoto all day.:)

"DOA foundation is built off of the VF series. Only the Triangle hold based system and stun heavy game play is what really separates it from VF."

When I learned that where the idea came from...I was like," Well it must be a watered down version of VF then." Since I was comparing Vf5FS to DOA 5. DOA really is just a watered down VF that makes sure their ninjas are okay.

But let's wrap this up Jax is wailing for me. I am not a troll. I am just looking at DOA objectively. I have learned in my comic book class to look at things down the middle instead of bias. For example, I am starting to not like the Walking Dead as much. I'll keep playing DOA. I mean Zack is one, if not my favorite fighting game character. And yeah shoutouts to Tina, Lisa, Christie, and Big Daddy Bass. But you shouldn't blow anyone up giving an opinion that doesn't agree with yours. I'm going to stay on DOA's case because I fuck care about it. I want more Zack. If DOA dies, then that's the end of the man with the swagger.

As Tom Brady said to the MK community," Don't tell outsiders to go back to *insert capcom game here* try to tell them why Mk doesn't suck or is dead." That type of attitude you and others are having will keep DOA small forever.

How is that hurtful? BTW Tekken does it as well.

The T&A thing is a running gag. Everyone knows T&A is in pretty much every video game.
Big difference dude. DOA uses it as a selling point Tekkn doesn't. Stop using Tekken to cover DOA's on this point. T&A is in most games, but did Namco run off and made some shitty volleyball game? It hurts because while they making costume XXX for Kasumi as a dominatrix or something they could be working on the game. It's counterproductive if you ask me.
@ MasterHavik

::Hands MasterHavik a shovel so she can continue to watch him dig his on grave::

I gave you a fair shot while others here felt you were talking out your ass. But you are so full of crap that your shit rubs off on others. So I'm just done. I'm tired of being trolled with bullshit. Every where I go.Every community in FGC I've been involved in I bump into players like you.

So continue to make excuses and post random opinions with out much experience to back them up. I can form an objective opinion about all the games I play.But at least I've played them enough competitively and been around their communities to form a proper opinion.

Right now you have just exposed yourself.Actually no, you have exposed your ignorance a long time ago. I just decided to be nice.

Well I've said all I had to say.If you want the last word you can have it.I'm sure you mean well with what your saying.But you lack experience and tact when it comes to being apart of a community. If you don't like DOA or continue to say shit it about it why be here? Its fine to post an opinion but you are saying shit most of us already know. Every DOA fan hears the same shit from everyone in the FGC. And its just that,bullshit.

How do you discredit a game and its community?You talk shit about it. If you do it long enough and you get enough people putting it down then it somehow becomes a fact. Which is bullshit.

I'm done.
::eats popcorn::
Big difference dude. DOA uses it as a selling point Tekkn doesn't. Stop using Tekken to cover DOA's on this point. T&A is in most games, but did Namco run off and made some shitty volleyball game? It hurts because while they making costume XXX for Kasumi as a dominatrix or something they could be working on the game. It's counterproductive if you ask me.
Then why does Namco allow the distribution of hentai and ecchi novels?

Also the vollyball games were fun unlike tekken's spin off games.
I really don't understand the people on this thread, seriously.

After reading all the shit that's been posted the last couple of pages including my own posts.I would have to agree with you lol.A bunch of bullshit over nothing really. All because of a couple of idiots. Then again I should add my self to the idiot list because I decided to try to reason with them.

::sips coke with rum::
After reading all the shit that's been posted the last couple of pages including my own posts.I would have to agree with you lol.A bunch of bullshit over nothing really. All because of a couple of idiots. Then again I should add my self to the idiot list because I decided to try to reason with them.

At least you made some logical points. You can't say the same about them.