Recent content by Kaiser Wiggly

  1. Kaiser Wiggly

    Why do kids pretend they have samurai spirit?

    People who get mad at others for taunting is one (rather silly) thing but now people are complaining that others don't taunt enough or at the right time? I mean c'mon, there's no rules to taunting; that's why it's never been recognised as an Olympic event. Yet. I'm a simpleton and I just taunt...
  2. Kaiser Wiggly

    Air Throws, how to do them?

    A way that usually works for me is doing it after :1::P:. With only one follow up to that move most people I've fought against will subconsciously chance a hold. Then the same most people will eat a hi-counter :41236::H+P:. Another one that works often enough (though keep in mind, my only...
  3. Kaiser Wiggly

    Petition to bring back LEON as DLC!

    He's a truly conflicted individual with more back-story than Team Ninja has ever been comfortable to reveal. There's not enough likes in the world for this picture. I died. Also this thread has completely lost it's mind, it's wonderful! I think we've all been spending too much time in the...
  4. Kaiser Wiggly

    Petition to bring back LEON as DLC!

    It turns out that Leon WAS originally planned to feature in Dead or Alive 5! In fact, thanks to this ULTRA-RARE concept art that I've now unearthed, it would appear that Leon was the ONLY character planned to feature in Dead or Alive 5. Well, at least balance wouldn't have been an issue.
  5. Kaiser Wiggly

    Air Throws, how to do them?

    I recommend that as well, Gero! It's simple to use and is my go-to thing when I catch someone with the :41236::H+P: throw next to a wall. So-long half of your health!
  6. Kaiser Wiggly

    DOA5's Story

    Wouldn't be too bad an idea! Lisa and Christie's could explain the inner workings of Donovan's corporation and give more of an explanation to the how's and why's of Rig. Also it'd be nice to find out how (if?) Lisa survived being exploded at the end of the game. I mean, I know luchadores are...
  7. Kaiser Wiggly

    DOA5's Story

    The story wasn't bad, it was perfectly serviceable. It did ask many more questions than it answered though. D'you think Story mode DLC is a possibility? I'm honestly not sure if that is the story as they intended or if stuff got cut due to time-restraints. Could explain all the plot-holes...
  8. Kaiser Wiggly

    Petition to bring back LEON as DLC!

    I am 100% in favour of Leon showing his stubbly, often very angry face in DoA5. He, along with Bass, was my absolute favourite in 4 (the DoA I've played most, please don't judge me too harshly). I loved how he had the same military training as Bayman but a totally different agenda. Where as...
  9. Kaiser Wiggly

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Hi there one 'n all! I'm a big fan of fighting games generally, and for some reason DoA's always been among my favourite. I've been playing since day one as Bass (cause he's the embodied marriage of 80's American Strong Style and Japanese Puro - and that makes him the best) and still haven't...