A Discussion of sexualised design of male/female characters


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yeah the first blatant use of it i can remember was in DMC3 with the whole shirtless Dante thing. there was shirtless Sephiroth, but i can't really say thats what they were going for that as that whole scene didn't make much sense. Japanase tend to show metaphysical characters naked sometimes to show a sense of transcendence, but it just look like he took off his clothes in Clouds mind creating a thousand years of darkness shipping


Premium Donor
yeah the first blatant use of it i can remember was in DMC3 with the whole shirtless Dante thing. there was shirtless Sephiroth, but i can't really say thats what they were going for that as that whole scene didn't make much sense. Japanase tend to show metaphysical characters naked sometimes to show a sense of transcendence, but it just look like he took off his clothes in Clouds mind creating a thousand years of darkness shipping
Shirtless? You mean naked right? XD He was completely nude in that opening scene with all the strategically placed food covering his more sensitive areas while he was getting dressed.


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Shirtless? You mean naked right? XD He was completely nude in that opening scene with all the strategically placed food covering his more sensitive areas while he was getting dressed.

Russian meant this Dante:



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Russian meant this Dante:

Oh, my bad XD Ugh, I feel kinda silly, disregard what I said, the one i meant by accident the one where I think they buzzed his hair and dyed it a different color which I think divided the fans, I myself personally preferred his classic look with the short silver hair, the redesign just looked strange and like he just got outta prison or something. That particular outfit I've seen on pixiv:

I'd like to think they did the coat thing that way so it could be somewhat fanservicey while also being something the average male gamer would consider "cool" or "badass", and in most cases long leather trench coats with nothing underneath is seen that way, I mean just look at DOA4 Christie. XD They have to find a balance so it doesn't end off off putting any fans.


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Dante is both a badass and a videogame sex symbol ever since the first DMC. After all the reasons Bayonetta is considered a female Dante go beyond gameplay and attitude. I mean in 3 he wears a friggin' nipple belt and in Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble he has a speedo alt.

Now it got quiet because DMC is not popular anymore, but once it was different: it was not uncommon to find DMC fangirls, and they weren't there for nothing.
The teams working on DMC, Resident Evil and Sengoku BASARA are all aware of their male loving fans, and it shows, oh if it shows.
When I can, I will try to post pics... especially from BASARA since it's very unpopular in the West, but it's a series ridden with male fanservice, male beauty and homoerotic tension; it has a mostly female fandom and the BASARA side of the Capcom café is much more cute than quirky.


Premium Donor
Dante is both a badass and a videogame sex symbol ever since the first DMC. After all the reasons Bayonetta is considered a female Dante go beyond gameplay and attitude. I mean in 3 he wears a friggin' nipple belt and in Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble he has a speedo alt.

Now it got quiet because DMC is not popular anymore, but once it was different: it was not uncommon to find DMC fangirls, and they weren't there for nothing.
The teams working on DMC, Resident Evil and Sengoku BASARA are all aware of their male loving fans, and it shows, oh if it shows.
When I can, I will try to post pics... especially from BASARA since it's very unpopular in the West, but it's a series ridden with male fanservice, male beauty and homoerotic tension; it has a mostly female fandom and the BASARA side of the Capcom café is much more cute than quirky.
Nipple belt? I always thought it was to keep his coat from flying openly everywhere. And sengoku basara?? Why do I feel like I've heard that name before? Sengoku seems familiar


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Well, if it's not a nipple belt, I dunno what it is, lol.

Sengoku BASARA is basically a Musou game from Capcom, by the DMC team. It's a crazy and over the top action game, with gameplay similar to Samurai Warriors , but with a more complex (still simple) battle system and missions just play differently over all (usually stages have a gimmick).

The sengoku period is a period of total war between feudal lords in Japan. It's very romanticized, many of its historical figures are idolized, and a lot of castles from that time are still up today, keeping tourism alive. Also a lot of media has been made around it, with Samurai Warriors (Sengoku Musou in Japan) and Sengoku BASARA as some videogame examples at hand... It's not always historically accurate and sometimes it can go overboard (see: BASARA and all the sengoku dating sims on Google's app store).

Naotora is based on a historical figure from the sengoku period, too.


Premium Donor
I hate Capcom's take on Naotora tho, her design sucks in comparison to KT's. XD They made her serious instead of timid and relatable and they gave her boring ponytail over her low tied hime cut....ew. ~_~


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I didn't know what you were talking about so I looked up Naotora's design from the Capcom one and I prefer her KT look as well. It's just better to me.
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Naotora in BASARA is extremely boring, can't blame you all. She is from Sengoku BASARA 4 which does not have Makoto Tsuchibayashi as a character designer anymore, and I feel like the designs not made by him are just not the same.
Of the two games, Samurai Warriors tends to be a little more accurate with its portrayals, and generally looks very pretty and attractive, BASARA is just fucking bonkers and sends historical accuracy out of the window, and has an aesthetic a bit more DMC-like, and simply looks crazier.
But that is not what I want to talk about now, so it will be for another thread in another time in another dimension.

I said I would bring pictures of handsome men made by the circle of people working on DMC, RE and SB, so yah.
I think they tend to be the best at this stuff because they put a lot of emphasis on the face, which is, IMO, the most attractive part of the body.
Even if most these characters barely get half naked and are not as sexualized as some DOA guys in certain outfits, they look much better simply because of the care and work put into all that is part of their looks (but as I said, especially the face) ; not to mention their cool, charismatic personalities, since that does a lot on whether a character pulls you in or not (can't speak for Resident Evil's characters though, since I don't play it).





(he usually does not wear glasses but I could not find other clear pictures of his face)





These characters are not blatantly sexual, yet I can feel the fanservice from simply looking at how well made the faces are. Not to mention some of them DID get sexy outfits... (*coughcough* Chris Redfield... *cough cough*... or... Yukimura's huge chest window *coughcoughcough*).
People usually link male beauty with Square-Enix or Kojima's games, but IMO Capcom is the best at it, and if somebody wants to make attractive male characters, they should take a note from them.

And this is without even mentioning their other non-RE branched games! (I did not mention Onimusha though... sorry, I know it even less than RE, but it seems pretty good...)



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Did you know he is the most popular character in Japanese BASARA polls, and that BASARA is pretty popular in Japan? Well, now you do.
He is not my favorite but I figured adding him would show they can cater to the k-pop loving mofos.

But yes, I love to work a hour on a post only to get memed on :)


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It's alright dude, I was not 100% serious when I wrote that (even if my ass is a bit sore because I looked at the clock and I thought "Oh shit it took me THIS long?!"), plus I can understand why his weird ass k-pop hair cut and fivehead would bring questions... kind of like Bayonetta's beehive and proportions (which is from the same school of Capcom character designs, now that I think about it...).


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So is that why the DOA girls who are Japanese are rendered with no butt but girls like Mila and Helena have bountiful globes?


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So, i just looked up the sengoku basara design for naotora li, i have to say i liked it, i can't really compare to KT's design, because, my problem with KT's naotora is the voice and moveset, but not important.

I think they tend to be the best at this stuff because they put a lot of emphasis on the face, which is, IMO, the most attractive part of the body.

They do put it, and a lot of their males are really good looking, yeah, but i think is more of which artist in which capcom part is working, because the art team in SFV butchered most male faces...

And about females...

They do really good....

faces as well.