Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • oh wow, all this time i thought honoka's 4ppp string was safe and i was just messing up the timing of the fuzzy, turns out that shit is -10 lol, learn your frame data kids!
    Advantage only exists in the moment, once it's gone, it's back to neutral
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I wish I had heard this advice years ago instead of hearing it last week on a SCV analysis video
    Not unless you've been successfully playing mind games all day. Your opponent locks up mentally and you become +infinity
    The hardest part is to read your opponent's state of mind and force him to do you want.Seeing him freeze and think twice is what i prefer :D

    Download complete !!!
    I've heard of players with random offence, but today is the first time ive seen someone with random defense :/ if that even makes sense
    Blades Strangers, fun game, it's simple and casual as fuc for a 2D fighter, but it's fun and has characters I really like so i don't mind, 8/10 for me
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    single player content is kinda lacking and if you care about that stuff, wait for a sale, but if you're a training and versus mode person and you like these characters and the games they're from, it's worth the 40$
    No alternate costumes in sc6, thoughts?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    IF the character customization is good, and thats a big if. T7 had okay customization but all the good shit was 2 expensive (have fun grinding out treasure battles), but even T7 had alternate costumes. and sc5 had all its high quality stuff as dlc. So i wouldnt hold my breath
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    At least the defaults look good but recolors only is the type of shit you pull when you're designing an indie anine fighter with 12 characters, not a triple A fighting game. My only guess is that because this is a retelling of the first game having alternates from future games wouldn't make sense, it's a weak excuse but it's all I can think of
    I could see that as their PA crutch yeah. The real truth is probably lack of budget. I doubt its creative influence. Dont get me wrong I love SC but SCVI? Feels less like a legitimate game and more like their F2P game v2.0
    What kind of forward advancement do you prefer in fighting games, dashes or running?
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    Reactions: NewWestFan
    Dashes in 2D both for 3D
    If I'd have to choose between the two, probably running. It leads to more mobility as well as to more offense/pressure you can put on a player, take Blazblue/Guilty Gear and Mortal Kombat X as an example.
    Dashes clearly especially in 3d,but in a 2d game i prefer good walkspeed ala St2 over dashes/run.
    so, DMC5 takes place after DMC2, that has some very interesting implications
    It was pretty obvious when he appeared with the beard. Course, I'm just glad there's a new DMC from Capcom's side with the only downside is that I have to run through stages as Nero again. This might be Dante's last game (which at that point, DMC might as well die literally). It'd be nice if we get to play an entire game solely for Vergil in the future.
    Dante didn't grow old he just grew a beard.

    You also gotta think they're using face actors in 5 that plus a note realistic style just makes him look old.
    Also If that's the case, why isn't Dante wearing the DMC2 coat? it looks like DMC4 honestly
    what character would be more viable in a long set as opposed to a short 2/3 set in DOA? or is that not a thing in this game?
    You mean a deathmatch? Ayane, Christie, Kasumi, Momiji, and Hitomi I know are all good in long sets. The aforementioned Bayman & LeiFang are good too. Generally any character with good neutral and/or good mix-ups. Someone like Leon or Rachel can falter a bit in long deathmatches compared to the more well-rounded unpredictable characters.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    sounds like all these long set characters are characters who are good at setting the pace of the match, that makes sense
    Zack is pretty bad in long sets, so you're supposed to 5-0 your enemy before they adapt lmao, or change your playstyle every game.
    Well that Onimusha HD rerelease came outta nowhere. Possible Oninusha 5 in the works?
    I do wonder why its only the first game and not a trilogy... Not that it matters much to me, Onimusha 1 was great and I'm glad that Capcom ate taking the risk to HDmaster the series.

    Hopefully 2 gets a HD remaster too I've never played that one.
    I hope so, this is really exciting!
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Maybe the success of the first one will determine wether 2 and 3 (and possibly dawn of dreams) get hd releases, if they sell, onimusha 5 baby! If not, onimusha soul 2 :(
    Why block, when you can just backswing blow. maybe doa players and tekken players aren't all that different :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Unless your name is dragonav
    You can make drag's backswing whiff with a single backdash my g. And then after that it's like -14. His b1,2 is more of struggle but even that's -12~-13. Drag players who still use these moves are usually...... garbage xD

    (Unless they're making solid reads but, hard to come across a drag player with a brain online)
    DOA & Tekken players aren't all that different on average. Huge amount of scrubs in both. Tekken players just think they're better than DOA players.
    and a Streets of Rage 4 appears out of nowhere !:O
    Thats good to hear. Always wanted SOR4. Hoping it on consoles and also hope Yuzo Koshiro is doing the music again.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i don't think he's doing the music since from the little infomation that's been revealed his name is nowhere to be seen, but from the trailer, the music that's there is BUMPIN'! so props to whoever made these new tunes
    That sucks but i am hoping he does but if not thats ok. Just hoping it will be on consoles.
    So Azwel is his name? That's a weird way to spell Shang Tsung. Reel talk though he looks dope, hope he's playable and they don't pull a vf5 dural with him
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    He also looks like Zhang Jiao from the Dynasty Warrior series. He is Necrid and Algol's lovechild moveset wise it would appear..
    He got a trailer, that kinda implies he's in the main roster.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    hope you're right about that, maybe it;s like T7 kazumi where her base form is playable but her final form boss mode is not, that's if he even has a final form, but fingers crossed he's playable, and hopefully you wont have to do some stupid shit like beat story mode to unlock him, I hate that shit
    the fact that nyo can't stance cancel her 66k on block makes me a little salty, considering this is not the case with any other character in the game with moves that can cancel into a stance on hit
    so are force techs gone in doa6? just watched the whole batch of the evo footage and it looks like ground hits just pester you on the floor rather than force you up
    maybe it's cuz i started with VF and DOA but I find being able to grab the start up frames of strikes with neutral grabs to be very obnoxious
    As much as I love dark souls, I have to question why they're releasing the Dark Souls Trilogy, all 3 games are available on current gen consoles, why resell them as a trilogy?
    Yet they don't even include Bloodborne which was better than Dark Souls.
    Because there's still people out there that have an interest but don't own all/any of them. So probably cheaper to buy a bundle than separately.

    Its also not coming to Europe... even though it was announced during Gamescom...
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