Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • finally got my Dreamcast emulator up and running, u know what that means...
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    For me it didn't have good fps so I went with the ps2 version, luckily the 1.5.0 version of the emulator fixes the no sound issue that the game has on it.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    still has some sounds issue, but it depends on which version of the rom you run, the vanilla america version has perfect sound but if you run the japanese version for some reason the voices are really quiet compared to everything else
    You be better off with Demul or even that new emulator recently came out, redream.
    Beavis and Butthead is getting rebooted, and as someone who actually remembers watching OG Beavis and Butthead on television I have only one question, why u do this?
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    i think its because everything they bring out new dont capture the popularity of the old stuff, but at the same time they butcher the remakes. this happen many of times with movies and cartoon like originality has been lost
    Just gonna share this lovely clip. I remember renting this movie from blockbuster back in the day. If they are going to do a remake, it better live up to this. I swear I lose it every time he busts into the cockpit lmao.
    I'm dying like, I remember this too vividly
    In addition to all of yesterday's craziness, NuckleDu got into a car accident last night, but according to updates he's expected to make a slow but full recovery, thank goodness
    So, apparently at multiday smash tournaments, adults rooming with kids is a common occurrence, and it's like, I know ppl room to save on money, but to room with a kid? that's just screams terrible idea to me
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    or don't let them spend a weekend in a room full of strangers, pick their asses up or keep their asses at home, they aint going that far w/o their parents
    Went to my first tournament at age 13, was rooming with strangers at age 15. Never had problems. Maybe I'm ugly? /shrug
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Dam, I definitely wasn't brave enough to room with strangers or even go to tournaments at 15, at that age I was still anxious when getting pushed around and cussed out by adults when I went to the arcade
    if there's anything positive that's coming from these accusations, it'll at least rid us of all the abusers, rapists, and creeps who should of been gone, and we'll all be safer for it
    you know, we may argue over what's ban worthy in the FGC, but im glad we can all agree that pedophilia is something we don't tolerate at what i'd like say but after seeing droves of people come to the defense of a particular smash player (even after he admitted to it himself), im a lil' shook
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I mean i understand people don't want the FGC to be muzzled or censored or w/e, but come on y'all, you REALLY wanna give a grown ass man a pass for having sex with a 15 yr old because he plays the game real good? we gotta be better than that, no questions asked
    Nairo seems to have been considered a pretty big figure of the Smash community that most people and even players liked and he did write a well thought out apology message, however, from what I've seen on Twitter, the complete opposite is happening and apparently he wasn't the only one, information surfaced about Keitaro and D1 as well. As an outsider I definitely saw that the fgc has issues and not only with this.
    Like, I literally saw Chris G's message about female fighting game players way back in the day and just like that, 1-3 days after it got swept under the rug. There's a lot of work that needs to be done in order to fix things but its not impossible I feel.
    MKX got an update today, turns out it was to add ads for Aftermath into the game, but it was still hella random to see "MKX updated" on my screen lol
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    I bet it was, 5LR has an advertisement (well, just a message on top) as well that says that DOA6 is purchasable/out in the stores. I don't know when it got patched or added in but I don't remember seeing that months ago but who knows, I may have not payed enough attention and its been there for a long time now.
    Everyone else: Anyone trying to hop on Melee and enjoy this great new netcode?
    Me: Anyone trying hop on Smash 64 Remix and enjoy this okay netcode?
    anyone else noticing a weird spike in Kula usage as of late?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I mean im not complaining cause now i get to learn the MU more efficiently but it seems kinda random for ppl to be hoping on the Kula train for no reason
    Made me go out and buy the character so I could lab against it! :thumbs up: Got reaall tired of that sliding low (1H+K if memory serves).
    So what's everyone's beef with the last of us 2?
    Basically everyone mad at Neil Cuckman for having their loved character, Joel, killed with a golf club by a fugly shemale which takes the main role afterwards, all under the woke feminist supervision of Anita Sarkeesian.
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    My primary beef with the Last of Us 2 is that we don't get more games of this quality and that the XBone doesn't really get any games like this. Though, as a warning, don't play this if you're feeling depressed.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah i heard it gets super depressing, so i'll keep my prozac on standby just in case, but did people really like Joel like that? The guy basically doomed humanity for completely selfish reasons and it's really hard to root or relate to him after that, can't say I really felt for him when he got killed
    "I hate characters who can just throw out unbreakable command grabs all day" -Nemo 2019
    oh boy, I hope he never comes across DOA, mans blood pressure would skyrocket lol
    • Haha
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    Its not like he played a character in USF4 that likes to unga every second chance he gets or anything. Fighting games are full of cheap, dirty or annoying stuff all the time, some more than others. If the man would play REV 2 then he'd legit die of stress and anger in like 20 minutes after playing online but if he'd stick around long enough then he'd probably become a god at the game.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    well, guy plays umvc3 and kof, he's no stranger to cheap bullishit, and im sure he could be OD at any game he put his heart into, but i do find his disdain for the slow moving command grabers to be next level hilarious, but apparently that's a sentiment that's very popular amougst japanese players, he's just very vocal about it
    U know a character is a special type of awful when they've gotten nothing but buffs for a year but they're still bottom 5
    • Haha
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    When the core of a character is strong, it's hard to nerf them w/o doing something drastic, which is why Nico is still stonk and I'll never understand when ppl complain about her getting "nerfed". On the other hand when the core of a character is just plain bad, it's hard to buff them meaningfully without major overhauls
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that's when you end up with characters like Wu Ruixang and Kirby who are garbage at release, get buffed every patch since then, and are still garbage to this day, because they're so bad at a fundamental level that buffing things like start up speed, damage, and comboability do nothing for them
    That's called a lack of system balance or if so , then, it's more of a general yomi thing that can change with someone being REALLY good. NiCO was built with 6's system in mind to counter it appropriately. Break Hold? Bitch, charged 3 P+K whilst everyone else is forced to play triangle. Can't delay launch because BH has 100 active frames
    was kinda down on Warden being the final Samsho character for season 2, but after playing him for a day, he fits in surprisingly well
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    the slow ponderous movement, very satisfying heavy buttons, got cancels on cancels on cancels which gives him that extra depth to delve into, he feels just a like Samsho character, only things that sux are that he has no standing anti air so jumping can be annoying to deal with (he got that jubei air 2 air though, so that's cool) and the reward on his grab w/o meter are kinda meh, but overall a solid addition
    so why does absolutely no one use Mila's advanced mid punch hold?
    I use it often because she has a guaranteed ground throw. :cool:
    They forget it exists or remember that break hold is available lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I getcha, but breakable damage is still breakable dmg, even if it is higher, would rather go for the guaranteed stuff, UNLESS im in a situation where guaranteed dmg wont kill but the breakable will, then i'll risk it, but until then, i will not give my opponent the opportunity to break

    unless i know that my oppoent sux at breaking then in those i'll go for the breakable stuff all day
    characters having their best offensive options locked behind a stance is fine, but when the options to enter that stance are limited and boo boo, that's when i crai
    man, crossovers have been kinda random as of late, Fallout x Smash Brothers, For Honor x Samurai Showdown, KoF x WWE, Yu Yu Hakusho x Grand summoners, da hell is going on lol
    For once I actually agree. That Fallout x Smash Bros is new to me, will look that up. KoF X WWE, as well as For Honor x Samurai Shodown was just random. KoF X WWE contains hilarious memes but still random yeah.
    On coverage, I mostly like crossovers that make sense or try to make sense when you put the pieces together, but the recent ones just now are some crossovers that can lead to random/bad ones, which can make crossovers seem as a bad thing or can be used as leverage of why people wouldn't want one with a specific title.
    Specifically the KOF x WWE as an example. Sure it's hilarious, like the one bug where John Cena was actually invisible talking to Iori that sparked a meme trend in the KOF discords, but in the collaboration itself, it just seemed it was just thrown in there for no reason that didn't really make sense. But hey, money is money I guess.
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