Search results

  1. reddyxm

    DOA5U [October 26th] FIGHT Or FRIGHT! (Inglewood CA)

    Thank you SOCALDOA for hosting another amazing tournament! I'm always happy to see returning faces and seeing a new playing every week! We're building. Slowly but surely. :) Everyone plays a different character. We got a nice variety of matchups going on. Great experiences to be had. AFD...
  2. reddyxm

    DOA5U [October 26th] FIGHT Or FRIGHT! (Inglewood CA)

    I signed up. See everyone there.
  3. reddyxm

    The Official SoCal DOA Thread

    I'm loving the consistency I'm seeing at WNF and SoCal DOA. Let everyone know we aren't going anywhere! Thank GAWD. I'd rather play against your Ayane than Gen Fu not because I have a chance against Ayane but because I hate seeing Gen Fu's ugly mug.
  4. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    Congrats to Top 3 at WNF! \o/ Casual Saturdays? Hell yeah!
  5. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    Ugh stupid work. I'll be there next time! Congrats to the Top 3!
  6. reddyxm

    The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

    LOL. Zack looks freaking great. Love the Succubus Helena, Vampire Christie and Fiend Rachel.
  7. reddyxm

    Favorite Cartoon/Anime Thread

    My favorite anime is CardCaptor Sakura. The anime that got me into anime when I was little. Followed by Hajime no Ippo then Hunter x Hunter! Kill la Kill is Tengen Toppa Gurrent Lagann and Panty&Stocking craziness all over again! I love it.
  8. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    Thank you everyone who showed up tonight! You guys don't even know how happy I was when I heard 18 people came out to support DOA. We even surprised Mr. Alex Valle who was yelling on his mic "Good Sh!t DOA!" Keep it up! And as always if you need transportation, leave a message here. Can't wait...
  9. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    All the SSBM players came out when Super Arcade decided to open doors for them on Sundays. Where are all the DOA players hiding? SoCal has one of the largest FG scenes and this is the few DOA players we have? 70% of DOA WNF regulars are beginners including myself. Where are the veterans? 5700+...
  10. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    Send me a PM for transportation if you're near the Irvine/Tustin area. Where you guys at?!?!?!
  11. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    Thank you to everyone that came out tonight for WNF! If any local in the Southern California region wants to attend WNF but doesn't have the means of transportation, please leave a post here that you're interested and where your location is. If it's not crazy miles out of our ways, then we will...
  12. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    I hope to see some new faces tomorrow!
  13. reddyxm

    Fightstick Vs. Pad (Like it really matters.)

    It's all about preference and what YOU feel most comfortable in. Doesn't matter what people say.
  14. reddyxm

    DOA5U Live Streamed Tournament by 1337 Lounge Live - 9/21/13

    It was nice being able to play against you Snakz. You won very convincingly. I'm still learning DOA in general. Next time I'll definitely give you a challenge. :) It was nice meeting you Brute! I wish I got the chance to play you and others I didn't get to play either like Nuks and Kal-El.
  15. reddyxm

    [Sep 21, 2013] 1337LoungeLive's DOA5U Tournament in SoCal... (Los Angeles, CA)

    Congrats to NukNuks! It was really nice to see Nuks' and A1rGear's hype and passion when playing even though it was a casual tournament. Great spirit! Glad I could meet new people and play against them outside the usual players I see at WNF. You could definitely see my lack of DOA "versus"...
  16. reddyxm

    Killer Instinct Thread

    Orchid in the building!!!
  17. reddyxm

    [Dec 18, 2013] DOA5U @ Wednesday Night Fights (Walnut, CA)

    Last week, WNF was streaming some DOA casuals before the tournament. Then 30 minutes of the tournament. After that I don't know what happened. lol Having no car isn't an excuse. You should contact any folks (doesn't matter what game they are playing) going to WNF that passes by your area for...
  18. reddyxm

    Killer Instinct Thread

    Fulgore has got to be one to be one of the two remaining characters yet to be revealed because Fulgore's face is on every previous boxart. KI has proven their point saying they want more female characters in the game by creating Sadira so I'm going to assume Orchid will be the other character.
  19. reddyxm

    DOA5U DOA5U should be played on xbox 360 for tournaments

    EVO will be running XBox360 next year so it would be best to run offline tournaments on the Xbox360.
  20. reddyxm

    DOA5U [9/18/13] Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate will be at WNF!

    I'm definitely going to be there! Is there enough copies for the 360? If need be, I can bring my Xbox DOA5U copy. I'll just bring it in case. For those around the area, please don't feel intimidated by the arcade atmosphere or feel that you aren't skilled enough to compete in this tournament...