A Discussion of sexualised design of male/female characters


Well-Known Member
An even worse example: (yes this is actually IN THE GAME!) lol
Slightly NSFW(?)

EDIT: Ashamed of words and deeds apparently lol

Too Awkward Didn't watch: Quiet showers over sexually while DD soldiers say things like "ooh such a naughty girl" and other crap lol


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It's actually a little wonder that it took us so long in this thread to finally talk about Quiet, which is probably (edit: scratch the "probably"! XD) the most blatant sexist depiction of a woman in recent video game history.


Well-Known Member
Well, you can't really completely equate female sexualization with male sexualization. If a woman wears hotpants you can't just give the same hotpants to a guy to equally sexualize him. For this reason I wrote: "equally sexualized in their respective gender roles"
Here's a good example how sexualization does NOT work:


(He's wearing Qiet's exact same outfit.)

This is not how you would effectively sexualize a man for a female or gay male audience, is it? A large majority wouldn't find that attractive but pretty weird and ridiculous looking.
What Gladiolus may lack in overall nakedness or female sensuality he makes up for with something else within his gender role. Cindy openly displays her boobs, Gladio openly displays his muscular torso. When you mention Cindy's hotpants, Gladio's fetishy leather biker attire might be a good comparison. Cindy's tanlines could be compared to his tattoos or scars and her cute behaviour compares to his very manly behaviour...
Male sexualization is also most of the time a little more subtle than the female kind. Gladio's sexualization is however not subtle at all, lol. I think he's a walking, talking sex cliché very similar too Cindy.
I know sexualization is different and I still don't agree they're on the same level. To be on the same level I think his shirt would have to be completely sleeveless and more open. The pants would be tighter showing his ass better and that gif of him lying down would be his entire character just like bending over is Cid's entire character.


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I know sexualization is different and I still don't agree they're on the same level. To be on the same level I think his shirt would have to be completely sleeveless and more open. The pants would be tighter showing his ass better and that gif of him lying down would be his entire character just like bending over is Cid's entire character.

Hm...lets agree to disagree, okay? ;) Having him just as naked, in just as tight clothing and suggestive poses would imho not fit the male gender role anymore. Most people would find this very uncomfortable to watch and not sexy at all...XD
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If I remember correctly many people felt this way about Cid.

And now imagine Gladio was depicted just as she is. Even more people would say, no thanks!

Lets talk about this again, when Gladio jumps around half naked and sweaty in that basketball mini game they are planning. ;)


Well-Known Member
An even worse example: (yes this is actually IN THE GAME!) lol
Slightly NSFW(?)

EDIT: Ashamed of words and deeds apparently lol

Too Awkward Didn't watch: Quiet showers over sexually while DD soldiers say things like "ooh such a naughty girl" and other crap lol

Jesus Christ what a mess. Stuff like this actually gives feminists a leg to stand on when it comes to a female character who clearly exists for nothing more than "sex appeal" even though I have no idea how anyone could find this appealing.

Hm...lets agree to disagree, okay? ;) Having him just as naked, in just as tight clothing and suggestive poses would imho not fit the male gender role anymore. Most people would find this very uncomfortable to watch and not sexy at all...XD

I think for men it would be a matter of different poses from women present them in a sexualized manner. E.g. : with a woman it might be her leaning with her hand on her hip while with a man it would be him sitting with his legs open while resting both his arms behind his head.


Well-Known Member
Lets talk about this again, when Gladio jumps around half naked and sweaty in that basketball mini game they are planning. ;)
Maybe I'll get FFXV day one after all. I'm surprised they can put all this stuff in one game without releasing it in pieces like they say FFVII needs to be.


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Going to cautiously leave this here...because actually very relevant to this thread. >__>

As always she does have one or the other good point...though there's a whole lot of cherry picking going on too, when she wants to get certain points across, no matter what.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to watch it because just seeing the face of that con artist agitates me. But on the topic of butts, I wonder who had the first bare ass in gaming. Joe Higashi?



Well-Known Member
Going to cautiously leave this here...because actually very relevant to this thread. >__>

As always she does have one or the other good point...though there's a whole lot of cherry picking going on too, when she wants to get certain points across, no matter what.
I can't watch the video but I can guess.

Honestly I'll start taking complains about women's portrayals seriously when I stop walking down the street and seeing ladies from 14 to 44 wearing leggings and short shorts just like in the games.

There's a point where complains don't hold a lot of weight. Like this one lady complained about a girl in a miniskirt in a cartoon. I'm all "were sitting in front of a Victoria's secret with panty displays in the window across from the toy store while everyone can see the print on your panties through those leggings and a couple sluts just went by showing off their thongs with the low rise jeans, yet you try to complain about a skirt that MIGHT show panties? In a cartoon?!"