A Discussion of sexualised design of male/female characters


New Member
Mika's physique difference can be easily explained, Mika may follow Zangief's philosophy, but she isn't directly trained by him.


Well-Known Member
My point is it depends on what the physical regiment is, and in the case of videogame females, MOST all fight in similar ways, flips, kicks, twirls and slaps. So it makes sense they would all generally have the same toned gymnast body.

It kinda does and it kinda doesn't.

I agree that characters like Tina, or Mila or Rachel should have more muscle mass to it, but i think that it is nice that they have already somewhat larger shoulders and bigger builds. but they wouldn't be necessarily ripped, since that also comes from specific diets to remove the body fat, but yeah, put a bit more muscle mass in those girls. And muscle and fat are not mutually exclusive, you can have both, and you can have none. or you can have one and the other.

Though i don't understand as much as how body structure goes, i know for a fact that there are people that have more stamina, strenght, and better performance on their physical task while being somewhat fat compared to people that are really fit in all aspects.

Zangief is a bodybuilder, so he makes sense for himself, but in general, i think that birdie would be more convincing as a strenght based character.

yet they only chose slight alterations

yeah, no, mika is about way thicker and more muscular than any SF female character, necro's girlfriend is just as weird as himself.

SF's artstyle is somewhat limited, every character is very ripped in with most of them having defined muscles (even Dhalsim or necro or FANG), what really make characters unique in SF besides all design elements, is the differences in body shape, which they have a lot going on for both male and female.

But just compare Cammy to Laura, they're both really strong womans, but they look nothing like each other, Laura has what is supposed to be a more natural body in a lot of ways, she doesn't have defined abs, she is tall, but her focus is more on her technique.

Cammy looks genetically engineered from beginning to end, every muscle well defined, everything in place, smaller breasts, like someone that would be the perfect mix of speed and power.

Mika, mika Looks like a wrestling enthusiast from beginning to end, she has larger build in general, larger shoulders, while not being as ripped as cammy, she has way more muscle mass in general, showing her focus on brute force.


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SF's artstyle is somewhat limited

its not limited at all. several of the men are scarred up, ugly, freaks of nature, or all of the above. where as ALL of the women are made to be sexy and attractive. thats the point that is being made in the video.


Well-Known Member
where as ALL of the women are made to be sexy and attractive. thats the point that is being made in the video.


While there isn't any female character in SF designed to be specifically ugly, there is a lot of designs that are just cool and amazing without even touching sexyness or lewdness in any sense


Well-Known Member
Can we stop using StreetFighter as an example? All the characters have monstrous proportions that makes them all look like Beast from X-Men.


How bout blazblu? It has pretty varied female designs.

Like forget Chun Li, if you wanna talk thunder thighs, go check out Bullet, Jesus Christ!


Side note. Throughout the game everyone comments on her ass being her most notable feature but you can never really see it aside from certain single frame spinning animations lol. Yet she has one of the top three largest chests in the series (which is really saying something) and loooong legs.


As for other body types they have a Loli, and, massive chest aside, Litchi is ridiculously slender. Then Noel is tiny and petite, but hips for days, while the physical powerhouse Makoto is notably ripped and muscular compared to all the other girls. Then kokonoe has no figure at ALL.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Um, ALOT of people have pointed out Bullet's insane chest size for her frame. It was in fact her hips which wasn't as emphasized in comparison.

But yeah, Blazblue does have alot of female diversity which comes from the fact that the creators are pretty insane in what they want from their world and characters. It's the same as Guilty Gear.

That's pretty much what I want: If we are going to have diverse female casts, have them be interesting for the reasons the creators want not just have them be walking quotas.


Well-Known Member
Um, ALOT of people have pointed out Bullet's insane chest size for her frame. It was in fact her hips which wasn't as emphasized in comparison.

But yeah, Blazblue does have alot of female diversity which comes from the fact that the creators are pretty insane in what they want from their world and characters. It's the same as Guilty Gear.

That's pretty much what I want: If we are going to have diverse female casts, have them be interesting for the reasons the creators want not just have them be walking quotas.

No no, in the real world people note her chest.

But in-universe she's nicknamed Butt Lady for a reason XD


Well-Known Member
I know that, but my point is from even the creators, they point out her breasts first. The only reason they don't ingame is because Litchi already fits the Boobie Lady name.

Also because her fighting stance is largely "head down ass up that's the way we like to fuck" coupled with buttfloss jean shorts.

As for breasts hell even Taokaka has enormous breasts she's actually like second or third biggest.

I know THE biggest blazboobs belong to Litchi, I just can't remember the order of 2nd 3rd and 4th between Makoto, Taokaka and Bullet.

Anyways yeah I was just pointing out the humor of her ass being her defining feature when its literally the least defined part of her design and appearance.


Well-Known Member

Anita has imo a very good point here. There' s hardly any body or age diversity in female main characters in gaming.



Honestly, as much as I enjoy the game, Overwatch is a rather big offender on this point. If you look at the female cast alone, it's not too bad, with characters like Zarya and Ana (and Meibe Mei). But then if you look at the whole cast at once, you see a huge disparity. You have no less than three "giant" male characters, who all have distinct builds from each other, two male robots (an Omnic and a Cyborg), who again, have distinct builds, scrawny-ass Junkrat with a peg leg, the dwarf Torbjorn...


There are males in the game who fall into the typical "Muscly Guy" thing, just like there are females who fall into the "Slender and well-endowed" thing. The main difference is that, on the male side of the cast, the characters who don't fall into their generic pull much, much further away from it than the females who don't fall into theirs.


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@Project Bokuho and @UpSideDownGRUNT will have to be strong now...
Final Fantasy XV's sexy dragoon Aranea Highwind now got pants instead of just a crotch piece and is thus a bit less sexy.






She still has multiple nipple armor though. :)



Well-Known Member
I actually didn't notice the change but she looks more mature to me now that she has full trousers and that maturity to me makes her more sexy than she was before.

Edit: Also like you said she still has clevage and everything so she's still sexy! :D


Premium Donor
What's the appeal to her? I don't really like her same with Cindy. Luna and that other girl with the long black hair and blunt bangs look way better imo.


Well-Known Member
What's the appeal to her? I don't really like her same with Cindy. Luna and that other girl with the long black hair and blunt bangs look way better imo.

The long girl with the black hair is Gentiana, Luna's assistant. I really like her as well. We don't really know anything about Aranea yet so I don't know how to feel about her quite yet.

But yeah I think she looks good regardless, the clevage and bare mid drift make her sexy the open trousers aren't really needed for her outfit.