Any early netcode impressions?

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Active Member
Yo are you fucking lying or something? yeah, you're lying alright.

TTT2 has lobbies. Ranked lobbies at that.
Lol calm down killer im not trying to insult your favorite game i guess i never really check before i sold it but it doesnt matter much to me im not really into tekken since i come from more of a DOA back ground. You can let your nuts drop now.


Active Member
Thank you sir i had the impression that the online was setup similar to TTT2 where there were no lobbies and this is very good news. Now i guess the only thing im really worried about is the quality of the netcode and if it isnt up to par hopefully it will be patched SOON.
Tekken Tag 2 has lobbies.


Active Member
Lol calm down killer im not trying to insult your favorite game i guess i never really check before i sold it but it doesnt matter much to me im not really into tekken since i come from more of a DOA back ground. You can let your nuts drop now.
Lol get smart dude. If you don't want to be called out for lying, you probably shouldn't lie. Not my problem you can't produce truths. By the way, trading in TTT2 for DOA5 is like trading a 20 dollar bill for a 1 dollar bill.


Active Member
So, online is confirmed to be shitty? How shitty? MK shitty? KOFXIII shitty?

Please, tell me you all have beenn trolling in the last pages... please.
Consensus seems to be that Online mode is moderately shitty at the moment. This will hopefully change due to the feedback that been seen universally here....

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
I really don't understand people's complaints about the online. The 1v1 ranked matches is freaking great. Being paired up with random people via matchmaking and no rematch option to prevent boosting. Lobby matches are fixed for casual play and no way interfere with your rank. The only real complaint that I agree with is the two round matches that need to bump to three.

I guess people don't play enough Halo 3 to understand.
You can search for 3 rounds for ranked matches and lobbies. Only simple matches cant change rules. But i dont understand the concept for boosting to get a better grade. If you suck, you suck. Your gonna just lose to a lower rank player and lose even more points since you didnt deserve your grade.


Active Member
Lol get smart dude. If you don't want to be called out for lying, you probably shouldn't lie. Not my problem you can't produce truths. By the way, trading in TTT2 for DOA5 is like trading a 20 dollar bill for a 1 dollar bill.
Oh i see now your the resident troll on this site and i bought TTT2 just to keep me busy till DOA5 was released. Someone offered me 50 bucks for it and i said to myself hey he's probably going to enjoy the game more than i am so i sold it. Nothing wrong with TTT2 great game but its just not for me. I really cant wait till you pick up DOA5 Stikku so we can brush each others hair while we wait between matches.

Is this Kunai :)?

Chris Harris

Well-Known Member
I like the way TTT2 is set up for ranked match. Keeps people from boosting and the only thing it shows is the latency.

And the online is ass hands down.

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
Not really surprised by this considering who is helping them with the online. Can't really complain. Rank matches it help stop boosting, and just making it one on one means less chance of bad laggy matches. I'm not really interested in online rank matches anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hmm from what I'm reading this won't be an issue for. This may be a change from DOA4 but I can't remember any recent fighter that allowed you to rematch a ranked match. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I've played a ton of VF5FS, SCV, and many others, including TTT2 and don't recall such an option. I saw it as an understandable norm and assumed the point is to be random and a true test, so as to avoid boosting as stated above. As far as round count goes, if i can change it in Player matches I'll be fine. I generally get good connections here, so hopefully my experience will be a positive one online.


Active Member
Oh i see now your the resident troll on this site and i bought TTT2 just to keep me busy till DOA5 was released. Someone offered me 50 bucks for it and i said to myself hey he's probably going to enjoy the game more than i am so i sold it. Nothing wrong with TTT2 great game but its just not for me. I really cant wait till you pick up DOA5 Stikku so we can brush each others hair while we wait between matches.

Is this Kunai :)?
You know, you aren't the first person to think I am someone else. Looks like some people are in denial that more than one person would think DOA5 isn't worth the wait.
DOA5 is what it is, and it can get patches and DLC - but those likely wont change the product as a whole. The game was rushed, so the best case scenario for any true fan of DOA is to wait for an enhanced re-release of Dead or Alive 5, or wait for Dead or Alive 6.


Active Member
You know, you aren't the first person to think I am someone else. Looks like some people are in denial that more than one person would think DOA5 isn't worth the wait.
DOA5 is what it is, and it can get patches and DLC - but those likely wont change the product as a whole. The game was rushed, so the best case scenario for any true fan of DOA is to wait for an enhanced re-release of Dead or Alive 5, or wait for Dead or Alive 6.
Hates on DOA5.
Expects DOA6.


Active Member
You know, you aren't the first person to think I am someone else. Looks like some people are in denial that more than one person would think DOA5 isn't worth the wait.
DOA5 is what it is, and it can get patches and DLC - but those likely wont change the product as a whole. The game was rushed, so the best case scenario for any true fan of DOA is to wait for an enhanced re-release of Dead or Alive 5, or wait for Dead or Alive 6.
Lol wow your fucking delusional.


Are you truly implying they spent the last 7 years working on this game?
Do you actually think it took them 7 years to produce so little content? It's essentially DOA4 with a facelift and missing 3 characters. Are you serious?

You never specified development in your mini-rant. >_>

On another note, are you implying that DOA4 was bad?


[ quote="CyberEvil, post: 41805, member: 386"]Yes you can. They are Lobby matches, Simple matches (random unranked) and Ranked (random...well, ranked).[/quote]

Oh, thank God. I was sweatin' there for a second lol

Jin Masters

yeah its sucks that when looking for a match. Whether simple mode or ranked match it doesnt show the latency of the opponent. But the netcode is pretty good, even when facing opponent with a 2 bar. lobby mode is awesome, you can choose to spectate or fight and when joining a room instead of waiting for a match to finish b4 you can watch. when you join the room, you start watching the fight. :)


Active Member
Hell hath no fury like a banned troll.
The Streisand Effect in action, ladies and gentlemen.
Anywhoo, about to go to bed, but before I go:

What is the best that people are expecting from the online mode? I had my hopes high when I read about all the new features that TN was attempting to implement in the mode, which is why I'm so baffled to hear about how the game is kinda tanking connection-wise. Can't build the house without the foundation, I guess...

Honestly, I'm just hoping for consistency. If a couple frames are dropped here and there, I'll live if I never reach SS rank. I just hope a lot of newcomers don't let a subpar feature of the game leave a negative lasting impression...
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