Dead Or Alive 6 Builds On Franchise's Core Strengths While Renewing Focus On Inclusivity

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Everyone will still play DOA6. TN will likely pull a same situation with DOA5 and thus my expectations would be correct once again.

Your expectation is that 'because it happened before, it will happen again.' I don't believe that.

Based on videos we've seen, we can already see that they are actually serious this time. If any of you actually played the alpha demo, you'd know it was the same as DOA5 vanilla at launch, minus fixing Hitomi's monkey face. The cleavage was still there, the physics were there and the boobs were the same as ever.

DOA6 has already shown all of this to be changed. Perhaps for the better, as some experts here tell me.

Overall, this whole story regarding it's identity is already a meme in itself. Things will stay intact so this whole topic is full of lols.

I disagree.

Things have already been changed. You think Team Ninja is going to eat multiple interview's words and even modify character models now? lol

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Most people here say if you like the boobs you are "not a 'true' fan." I know Rikuto and some other have expressed this sentinment on numerous occasions. So to them here, YOU are not a true fan.

Eh, I've seen Rikuto defend that he was a fan, and that a competitive player typically is a fan if for no other reason than for having to sink more hours and time into the game and system than a casual or enthusiast player would. I have never seen him tell anyone they were not a fan or true fan.

And frankly, everyone here should chill out, because you're bickering in circles.


Well-Known Member
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Eh, I've seen Rikuto defend that he was a fan, and that a competitive player typically is a fan if for no other reason than for having to sink more hours and time into the game and system than a casual or enthusiast player would. I have never seen him tell anyone they were not a fan or true fan.

And frankly, everyone here should chill out, because you're bickering in circles.

Users signing up on the site throwing in petitions and lol topics isn't going to stop the upcoming sequel of the bickering circles though. But yeah, I agree.


Eh, I've seen Rikuto defend that he was a fan, and that a competitive player typically is a fan if for no other reason than for having to sink more hours and time into the game and system than a casual or enthusiast player would. I have never seen him tell anyone they were not a fan or true fan.

And frankly, everyone here should chill out, because you're bickering in circles.


Ah, you're right... he didn't actually say they weren't fans... just that fans who liked the boobs were basically toxic and needed to be removed.

I wonder what you guys will do when no one buys your game? How do you expect your community to grow when you spout things like this?


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I hope people buy my game, but it's nowhere near done. Don't even have two characters done for it. But I don't see how Rikuto's comments have anything to do with my game.

His thoughts echo the vast majority of so-called experts here. I'm telling you flat out - you are going to have a very hard time building up a community when that kind of elitist attitude prevails around these parts.

You said you didn't recall where he said people who liked the boobs 'weren't real fans.' I posted a comment he made on some guy's youtube video. No, he didn't specifically say they 'weren't real fans' but rather, 'they're not the type of fans you want in your community.' That speaks volumes, doesn't it?

So all the tens of thousands of fans who wasted - and yes, wasted is an apt term - their money on the first past iterations of DOA, the ones who bought even one DLC costume are basically scum that need to be removed, huh? Gee, great attitude. Who wouldn't want to join such a great community? : /

I'm telling you - as an idiot who wasted their money on the first 5 games in this series - the direction they are going in is going to fail them. It will NOT bring in new players and attitudes like Rikuto's and many others around here are certainly NOT going to help.

Matt Ponton

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Standard Donor
His thoughts echo the vast majority of so-called experts here. I'm telling you flat out - you are going to have a very hard time building up a community when that kind of elitist attitude prevails around these parts.

You said you didn't recall where he said people who liked the boobs 'weren't real fans.' I posted a comment he made on some guy's youtube video. No, he didn't specifically say they 'weren't real fans' but rather, 'they're not the type of fans you want in your community.' That speaks volumes, doesn't it?

So all the tens of thousands of fans who wasted - and yes, wasted is an apt term - their money on the first past iterations of DOA, the ones who bought even one DLC costume are basically scum that need to be removed, huh? Gee, great attitude. Who wouldn't want to join such a great community? : /

I'm telling you - as an idiot who wasted their money on the first 5 games in this series - the direction they are going in is going to fail them. It will NOT bring in new players and attitudes like Rikuto's and many others around here are certainly NOT going to help.

OH, you were referring to Dead or Alive. That's not my game, that's Team NINJA's game. Man, if I actually had the power to do what I want to do with Dead or Alive, but all I can do is tweet them, and go to events where the director is so I can chat with him. But for every suggestion I and other players gave, there were 10s of suggestions that never got implemented. That's most likely because Dead or Alive is Team NINJA's game, and the only people who are going to change Dead or Alive is Team NINJA. I'm doing nothing more than any other fan is able to do.


OH, you were referring to Dead or Alive. That's not my game, that's Team NINJA's game. Man, if I actually had the power to do what I want to do with Dead or Alive, but all I can do is tweet them, and go to events where the director is so I can chat with him. But for every suggestion I and other players gave, there were 10s of suggestions that never got implemented. That's most likely because Dead or Alive is Team NINJA's game, and the only people who are going to change Dead or Alive is Team NINJA. I'm doing nothing more than any other fan is able to do.

Yet yours and his names even appear in the credits for 5. Convenient, that, how quickly you see to own or disown this series as it best suits you.

So you're content with DOA6 failing then? That's interesting and highly dubious.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Yet yours and his names even appear in the credits for 5.

I don't know about him, but my name was in that credits because of the Make Your Move contest. :D

Vanessa, Kayane, and Chosen1 were in that list too.

how quickly you see to own or disown this series as it best suits you.

I also never claimed ownership of it, and have always said Team NINJA is the owner. I am just the type of fan who puts $300 a month into server space and other stuff so that fans of the game can congregate and share their fandom. Are you going to suggest I disown Twitter too because I used it to contact Team NINJA with my opinions?


In the SPECIAL THANKS area. That means they both didn't develop the game or work for TN, but go off.

Back from the shop. DOA wasn't in stock and I got the Milk and Eggs.


Still appears and he and many of the other so-called experts here have all chatted with the developers and many even outright told them to remove the fanservice. Remember the costume bans in tournaments? Pepperidge Farms remembers. That all began here.

Where else did Shimbori hear how "embarrassed" all these DOA fans are of titties?
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