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Well-Known Member
Idk why everyone thinks Momiji and Rachel are guests :/

When they were announced it was never once done like the guests were for example "Dead or Alive 5 X Ninja Gaiden 3" or whatever they were just announced normally, plus, Momiji and Rachel get the same attention as the DOA girls and are included in packs that guests aren't included in.

They're not guests, it's pretty clear TN wants them to be part of DOA


Well-Known Member
There's been alot of collab packs lately though, Idk if its a marketing thing in Japan or whatever but if they wanted to make costumes that already exist there like over several thousand fan designs that they could easily make a bunch of theme packs and seperate packs like "Costume Awards Set Vol.2" featuring characters that weren't included in the first awards set pack or something.

Hell, they would be dumb to not do a 20th Anniversary pack this November as well, Everyone getting iconic costumes from their first DOA debut/ Ninja Gaiden for Rachel/Momiji, with some original costumes for new characters.


Well-Known Member
Anime collab packs?

Only if it's Sailor Moon for females and DBZ for males (not gonna happen since those franchises are huge and expensive but let me dream 'kay?).


Well-Known Member
There's been alot of collab packs lately

Combine that with the costume creation contests, its clear TN is being very lazy with bothering to design costumes for the game; they would rather have someone else do the work for them. Honestly though, I personally find the fanmade and crossover costumes better than what they usually make so I'm ok with this even if they charge more for crossovers.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the DLC... Like I really want the Deception and Senran Kagura packs. I can apply Darktruths message to the Tatsunoko DLC.


Well-Known Member
I just want something original and that actually fits the characters.

Same I want a pack where the main characters just get outfits that they'd actually wear whether that's on missions or casually.

At the same time though,

If it ever boils down back to fetish, I say like Kimono or Lolita DLC pack. No other ones really interest me.

If they do go back and do a fetish pack where everyone gets a similar outfit/almost exact same outfit then lolita and kimono sound like a good idea that I'd actually be interested in.


Premium Donor
As much as it'd be good to have fitting outfits, let's just be honest, let's just be real here, TN is too lazy to do that. The most we can hope for is copy paste sets with 1-3 variations that actually fit the character they paste it on.


Well-Known Member
Same I want a pack where the main characters just get outfits that they'd actually wear whether that's on missions or casually.

At the same time though
I want This


Premium Donor
Me too! ...well, as long as her hair is up in her ponytail. They also need to fix the clipping issue in the back where the hair clips in the scarf behind her.
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