EVO 2013: DoA5 has a shot! But there's a catch...


So the EVO 2013 lineup was announced just moments ago on Wakeup SRK, and it's the largest EVO roster in years. Dead or Alive 5, unfortunately, is not on the main roster. This is due in no small part to a lack of consistent offline support in comparison to other games. We've been on the upswing, especially after the solid showing at NEC, however we have a lot of building to do yet. This is something that we're still working hard on changing, but this is currently our reality.

Now, the title says we still have a shot, and we do, but that catch is really going to put us in a put up or shut up position like never before! The Player's Choice slot, EVO 2013's eighth title, goes to the community and game that donates the most money to a chosen charity. The other part was that the game had to receive more than 500 votes in the poll that ran on the EVO Facebook page, which we did pull off. As of this writing, the donation page (link at the top) states we have 21 days to donate as much as we can, or til the end of January.

This is a chance for the entire DoA community to back our game. Online players, offline players, stream monsters, EVERYONE has an equal opportunity to help out the community. If you can't travel, toss a few bucks at the donation. If you prefer online play for any reason, donate anyway. If you do travel, definitely donate. Everyone should be donating as much as they can so that we can get our game back on the EVO main stage. Even if that doesn't happen, your money still goes to charity.

So DoA community: FSD members and DoAWorld members, online and offline players, casuals and pros...the time to step up or stay off to the side is coming!
You guys are fucking up royal this time.

A) The money you're sending to breast cancer RESEARCH foundations is going mostly to promote breast cancer AWARENESS.

B) This is really generic and exploitative and you're not helping a single person.

Why not find a terminally ill child who wants to go to the superbowl (or a WWE show, UFC, Nascar, Whatver) or find a family thats having trouble paying a kids medical bills or someone who lost their home during Sandy?

What you guys are choosing to do is the most generic, unthoughtful, detached donation process you can do.

Breast Cancer? Really and who EXACTLY are you helping with that.

DOA won't make evo because of this and someone who could really use our help won't get it - congratulations guys. . .seriously, wheres the fucking poll thread for this idea?

Someone needs to talk to the EVO staff and get our Donations sent somewhere else - be different DOA Community.
Evo chose the charity, not us. It's not up for debate. I will say I agree that there are charities out there that would be more meaningful to donate to, but it's not our call to make.
Evo chose the charity, not us. It's not up for debate. I will say I agree that there are charities out there that would be more meaningful to donate to, but it's not our call to make.

You know that girl at the tournament who might be single but you're not sure?

You'll never know if you do nothing but wonder - ASK! You, Mr Wah, Rikuto and whom ever else has a name needs to ask. This is really the difference between this going to evo and not.

And even if you guys don't have the same moral issues with this as I do think about it very simply - if we don't change it we won't go to EVO. How easy would it be to drum up outside money for something like helping the families of New Town victims?

Thats a morbid way to put it and I feel more filthy typing that than I did after the time I got high at Buy.com and made an ass of myself but it is what it is people.
Hey Julias, have you ever had a family member with breast cancer? If not, then stfu. My aunt has it, and she caught it to late and she is now past the point of being saved and only has a few months left, but at least with these donations the research could save someone else.

So ya, stfu you low life pos.
Hey Julias, have you ever had a family member with breast cancer? If not, then stfu. My aunt has it, and she caught it to late and she is now past the point of being saved and only has a few months left, but at least with these donations the research could save someone else.

So ya, stfu you low life pos.

Uncle: Died of lung cancer, 1996
Uncle: Died of lung Cancer 2006
Grandmother: Died of Lymphoma cancer 2007
Grandfather: Died of Brain cancer 1994
Aunt: Died of ovarian cancer 2012
Father: Cancerous polyps in colon last year, on watch.

A) Learn to spell my name. (Hint, look at the screen little boy)
B) Death touches everyone.
C) Lets focus on helping the living.

The 2000 or however many dollars we raise isn't going to make the differnece between finding a cure and not - thats just going into the wallet of a telelvsion broadcaster who's airing the commerical for breast cancer awareness.

Some woman who was dying of breast cancer is alive and well but swamped in medical bills - lets help her.

Thats my point.

Edit: I'm not going to stoop to your level - today.
lol I don't think DOA will ever make it... I'm surprised Persona beat out SC but I really have no clue how these rosters are decided. I'm assuming it's a popularity contest, whichever game beings in the most money.
(it could be used to fund Wiz' McRibs for all I care).

Well the McRib is fucking disgusting and anyone who sends money to keep that piece of shit sandwich on the menu is two nuggets short of a happy meal (See what I did there.)

My REAL point is this - the more reasons you give a person to donate the more likely he is to donate.

Donating to something as inpresonal as a large foundation like that - one that you're really not sure where and how the money is being used - doesn't appeal to as many people as help a single person or family.

We donate to a person who HAS breast cancer - finding one of those is as simple as calling a mayo clinic. Once you attach a name, face and story to these things you'll get more people interested - people not even in our community may give us money for it and all we'd have to do is to collect the money and submit it to the charity page or have them donate themselves through said page.

So maybe we do donate to breast cancer but just to one person and I bet money the evo staff wouldn't really object to this if we explained our want to help one person.

We have to think outside the box if we want to out raise those other communities.
Your ignorance is amazing.

No you're just not as smart as me and that sucks but then again my dick isn't as long as Lexington Steels - thats how life works.

Now I'm suggesting an idea to help get us to EVO because I think we can all admit to ourselves that the game that EVO is having us play is rigged - we will not win that. Will they allow us to change the rules a bit? Maybe, maybe not but we need to ask, else wise we just shrug our shoulders and get ready for IPL.

But I'm not ok with that and neither should any of you be. This is what most of you have been dreaming of since fucking 2006. You had your chance to get the game voted in - you blew it. Deal with it and start looking for another way in that isn't skewed in the direction of another community.

My idea has the potential to gain traction outside of the fight game community as well as within.

You're igonrant to your lack of mental agility and you're probably one of those dumb fucks who buys that rib shaped piece of baloney day 1 every year Ronald McDonald pulls it out of his rectum.
You're dumb as shit if you think that EVO will allow one single game to donate under a different set of rules. Smashboards has already shot itself in the foot thinking that and bickering over it, don't let the same happen to DOA5.

Y'all just have to accept the fact that this is basically, "pay to get your game in." The fact that it's going to a charity is just a happy result. You need to apply good fighting game mentality to this - do whatever it takes to win.
You're dumb as shit if you think that EVO will allow one single game to donate under a different set of rules. Smashboards has already shot itself in the foot thinking that and bickering over it, don't let the same happen to DOA5.

So you asked Evo if we could change it? Its not a different set of rules dummy, its to a different charity to than the one they gave us.

Seriously: When this doesn't get into EVO I'm going to shed a tear because the people with the loudest voices in the room are reading off a script given to them by the opposition.
God I love myself and its by the grace of the almighty that I give you chodes the 67 seconds it takes for me to drum one of these savant-esque, game changing forum posts.

Get down on your knees you dirty fucks, I won the game of life.
You were actually pretty nice until you said this^. You just ruined the moment, tho, that's why people don't take you seriously and think that you are a dumb fuck. ( no offense.)
I won't give an opinion of the main topic, I posted, and gave my support, going to EVO is more a thing of the community than the game itself. Enough
You guys know that last part was very funny and if you deny it than gosh darn it - so fuckin what?

Its still funny and I'm still right.
You do realize that Wiz and the Cannon's chose the charity that they did for a reason right? Besides, all this complaining about them not giving to so-and-so charity just sounds like a childish tantrum because something you support isn't the one the money is going to. All it's doing is shitting on the guys who have donated in support of the game (including guys like Mr Wah who I believe has already donated a shit ton of money for this).
You do realize that Wiz and the Cannon's chose the charity that they did for a reason right? Besides, all this complaining about them not giving to so-and-so charity just sounds like a childish tantrum because something you support isn't the one the money is going to. All it's doing is shitting on the guys who have donated in support of the game (including Mr Wah who I believe has already donated a shit ton of money for this).

Its not about me its about principle - the money we donate to charity won't help a single individual where as with my idea we'll help a person or family directly.

It'll make us look better, it'll get more support than just donating to some generic pink ribbon foundation and if I'm wrong (And I could be) than we end up just getting the same number of people from FSD to donate to something else- people who would have donated to the EVO provided foundation anyway, so then there was really no harm done in the first place right?

All we have to do is ask and all Mr. Wah and everyone else has to do is call their credit card provider or bank and stop the payment.

I don't think I'm wrong here, I really feel like what I'm proposing is the best way to go about this - and if you look at my track record I don't post unless I'm really passionate about the subject.
Its not about me its about principle - the money we donate to charity won't help a single individual where as with my idea we'll help a person or family directly.

It'll make us look better, it'll get more support than just donating to some generic pink ribbon foundation and if I'm wrong (And I could be) than we end up just getting the same number of people from FSD to donate to something else- people who would have donated to the EVO provided foundation anyway, so then there was really no harm done in the first place right?

All we have to do is ask and all Mr. Wah and everyone else has to do is call their credit card provider or bank and stop the payment.

I don't think I'm wrong here, I really feel like what I'm proposing is the best way to go about this - and if you look at my track record I don't post unless I'm really passionate about the subject.
And at the end of the day, this doesn't do anything for the intended goal, which is getting the game into EVO.

And if this is simply being pessimistic about the game's chances to get in, then lemme' quote the same thing I said to Havik.
The game that deserves the last spot is whichever community donates the most. Nothing else.
It's this exact kind of pessimism that's hurting the fighting game community in general. If you don't got nothing good to say and aren't willing to help, then get out.

Your attitude is an insult to anyone who's given their blood, sweat and tears to build a community. To guys like Mr. Wah, Virtua Pai, Rikuto, Dr. Dogg, etc. To guys from other sites like Jaxel from 8WR, Master Chibi and the Melty Bread crew, heck even to Wiz, Seth and the Cannons who built SRK from scratch to what it is today. So let me repeat myself, GET THE HELL OUT!

And if that's not enough, three words: MELTY BLOOD EVO2010.