Final Fantasy Thread


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Whoops, forgot to mention this. Now people get to watch Aerith's death for the milllionth time in 60fps 1080 stabbed by momma's boy. I mean, it is for....THE PLANET.
Really? Editing mistakes, clearly missing the vital point, and all? In 1080p fps? I thought the PS4 version covered all this!

And didn't Cloud technically kill Aerith by letting her sink into the river?


Well-Known Member
The """dodging""" system that worked when it felt like working, the lack of a proper story was a huge problem for me. The prologue with Ifrit was completely unnecessary and the game would've been better without it. From Chapter 1 all the way up to Chapter 9.... barely anything happens in the story. Everything in Chapter 9 happens at once and as soon as you're done, the story's back to being the same fckn chore but even worse. Then once you're at the end, it's kind of a "is that it?". The story itself is rushed and was chopped into four parts (Brotherhood, Kingsglaive a King's Tale, XV) and because of it, feels extremely incomplete. I get that it had to be out in 2016 and they couldn't delay it anymore, there was still no excuse for a story to be so poorly written and executed. It's a really big problem when the most anticipated game SE's had since XIII launched has one of the worst stories in the series. And this is supposed to be a series that's crowned for it's fantastic and well-written stories and characters above all else? Okay sis.

The lack of character development. Literally no one in this game develops at all, everyone is the exact same as they were when you first start a new game. Even after the 10 year timeskip, no one changes. Prompto's big character reveal was the definition of wasted potential. It happens and everyone's like "oh wow. so with that out of the way, we're moving on." It deals with loss in a really shitty way as well and practically shuns it's main character for it, like? K. There's also the wasted character potential that happened after the timeskip. Aranea and Iris are both still alive, still kicking Daemon ass and Cidney is in charge of a bunch of Daemon hunters? Well where are they? Idk sis. Lunafreya's COMPLETELY unnecessary death that served no purpose other than Noctis' development was just... lmfao.

The gameplay is trash outside of the magic system, btw. It's literally hold O to win. There's nothing engaging about it and it's borderline impossible to actually game over in it unless you suck complete ass at the game. And people come for XIII's shoddy gameplay when XV's is even worse? Yikes.....

It lacks an actual identity on top of all of this. I get what direction they wanted to go with it but it was executed horribly but that doesn't excuse the fact that this game feels nothing like a Final Fantasy. It wants to be a western RPG, it wants to be Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear all at the same time with some fantasy elements. One of the few things it does that makes you remember that it's a Final Fantasy game is how grand and overwhelming the summons are in this game (which I loved btw, just wish there were more).

I could go onnnnn and onnnnn about a lot of other things I disliked about the game before it turns into a whole ass mess, but I'm gonna save everyone's time and not.

But I don't hate EVERYTHING about the game....... the Soundtrack is one of my favorites in the series... LOL.

I don't agree with everything but there's certain things I definitely do so allow me to get salty about them for a moment, for things I haven't mentioned just assume I liked. I'll put them in spoilers. ( PS: I feel like XV is old enough that we should just be able to talk about it openly now, right? )

Luna's death was so pointless, Her story just kind of ends... like seriously we learned that she was healing the ill of some kind of disease and that when she cured them she absorbed it and it brought her closer to death. While doing this pilgrimage she's also summon the... summons to receive their power then... I've forgotten whether she fails or Ardyn messes her up but Leviathan goes crazy and destroys an entire city. ( we learn nothing of the repercussions of an entire city being destroyed and the aftermath that would happen but... oh well...

Then she's stabbed. And dies... and they built her up pre launch as this incredible force and character...

And yeah Noctis and the viewer were honestly punished ( by Gladio's dumb ass no less ) for daring to not get over Luna's death that had happened not a few days prior. Like is it impossible to multitask? He could grieve and also continue to fight at the same time. To be honest as good looking as he is Gladio very quickly became my least favorite for his completely random outbursts of anger. It doesn't help that this is when it get's onto the completely linear part of the game were the open worlds closed off.

Seriously I needed a codex or something in this game because the world seemed really interesting but then we weren't allowed to know much about the world,cities,people or creatures.

And the dark world did seem rushed, I really wanted to see Cidney and the others and then we just had to walk around the garage. Cidney, Arenea, Luna and Iris seriously need more screen time If they make more dlc for XV.

Okay that's me done, that was so salty that I can't finish the meal tbh, I really did like XV and enjoyed it but I just wanted to mention some of the things I didn't like.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Really? Editing mistakes, clearly missing the vital point, and all? In 1080p fps? I thought the PS4 version covered all this!

And didn't Cloud technically kill Aerith by letting her sink into the river?

Heh good point on the last sentence. Apparently Phoenix Downs no longer works in these situations. Guess drowning also makes Phoenix Downs useless if we are to vehemently change things around.
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I think people are forgetting the mean things people said back in the day and are distracted by XIII and XV's 80% range hampering what used to be a guaranteed 90 at least. When I was in elementary school I was almost constantly battling off Ocarina players that wanted to say Cloud looked like a smurph and Link would chop his head off.

It was a tough duty because I loved Ocarina as well, and the 64 was a better experience for me as a kid because of all the good multiplayer games.


Active Member
Heh good point on the last sentence. Apparently Phoenix Downs no longer works in these situations. Guess drowning also makes Phoenix Downs useless if we are to vehemently change things around.

I'm pretty sure he's referring to a silly Game Theory video where the youtuber made a video trying to convince people the wound she suffered at from Sephiroth wasnt fatal but caused shock instead. Therefore her true cause of death was drowning while in shock.

The stupid "hyuk hyuk why they die when they have phoenix downs" bit was never funny. Never.


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But see you kinda have to understand where they are coming from with the details behind that. When you read text such as "Revives fallen party members", there is the vague part of whether they are truly dead or just re-healed from a KO. Some FFs actually fixed that minor detail, but then you have these magic and supers that blow up planets from another dimension and it kinda does make you wonder, however it wouldn't be a fun video game if one of the party members is permanently dead in a battle.

As for that Game Theory video, could be not true or could be not true, we don't have definite sources for that so who knows. All that we know is that she died there from the plot writers.
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Well-Known Member
I mean the game theory guy is the same guy that gave undertale to the pope and thought ness was sans so... lol. Also I feel left out lol, I missed all this old school FF stuff.


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Speaking of which, do you guys think FFVII remake will be on PC? I recently built a monstrous PC and bought FFXIII and the sequels on Steam. There's already mods out as well so I was thinking of doing mods on it.

Oh man, if FFXV was on PC I could of done so much modding.


Well-Known Member
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But see you kinda understand where they are coming from with the details behind that. When you read text such as "Revives fallen party members", there is the vague part of whether they are truly dead or just re-healed from a KO. Some FFs actually fixed that minor detail, but then you have these magic and supers that blow up planets from another dimension and it kinda does make you wonder, however it wouldn't be a fun video game if one of the party members is permanently dead in a battle.
Suikoden says hello.


Premium Donor
Speaking of which, do you guys think FFVII remake will be on PC? I recently built a monstrous PC and bought FFXIII and the sequels on Steam. There's already mods out as well so I was thinking of doing mods on it.

Oh man, if FFXV was on PC I could of done so much modding.
I know what type of mods I would do if i had PC...


Well-Known Member
I know what type of mods I would do if i had PC...

So does everyone else. :p

Speaking of which, do you guys think FFVII remake will be on PC? I recently built a monstrous PC and bought FFXIII and the sequels on Steam. There's already mods out as well so I was thinking of doing mods on it.

Oh man, if FFXV was on PC I could of done so much modding.

Probably I guess but maybe later like a year later or something. Hopefully we'll see some... I was going to say hopefully we'll see something about the remake at e3 and then remembered I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere they aren't showing anything at e3 so...

Square please stop announcing games years before they come out.


Well-Known Member
Apperently on the 27th FFXV will receive a 1.09 update.
-"Stable Mode" added for PS4 Pro users, which aims to keep a stable frame rate.
-New option to change the size of the font for some menu screens, equipment and subtitles.
-Timed hunts are back, this time with a ranking system.
-New stickers for the Regalia and new tracks for the music player.

Nothing really meaningful, though I'm really interested in which tracks will be added, since I feel that some FFs currently don't have enough.
Font size is appreciated, but this option had to be added way, way earlier.
Speaking of which, do you guys think FFVII remake will be on PC? I recently built a monstrous PC and bought FFXIII and the sequels on Steam. There's already mods out as well so I was thinking of doing mods on it.

Oh man, if FFXV was on PC I could of done so much modding.
I could definitely see it on PC eventually, FFVII is way too popular to not make it.


Well-Known Member
Apperently on the 27th FFXV will receive a 1.09 update.
-"Stable Mode" added for PS4 Pro users, which aims to keep a stable frame rate.
-New option to change the size of the font for some menu screens, equipment and subtitles.
-Timed hunts are back, this time with a ranking system.
-New stickers for the Regalia and new tracks for the music player.

Nothing really meaningful, though I'm really interested in which tracks will be added, since I feel that some FFs currently don't have enough.
Font size is appreciated, but this option had to be added way, way earlier.

I could definitely see it on PC eventually, FFVII is way too popular to not make it.

Its actually taking so long for the dlc to come out for this game that I expect to me in my 30's before they're all out. The next one isn't for a little under 2 months and then who knows when Ignis' is.

I'm guessing @Aerospark and @Chapstick aren't getting them anyway? I don't know why but I got the impression you two didn't like the game? :p


Active Member
I dont care about the bro dlc. They just didnt leave an impression on me at all and I feel the cast is definitely the weakest ff one including ff1. They shoudlnt of dedicated time to pre decided dlc and waited for feedback, that way we may have interesting dlc like Aranea or something.

But honestly I miss my 3 good solid FFs. Id rather have they working on a new ff getting ready to launch early 2018. A dark Fantasy like that witch tech demo would be nice. I feel like theyre going to beat ffxv to death with dlc.

I understand they want to save money and did it with xiii buy just reusing assets in sequels and now theyre trying a dlc approach but I think they wouldve been more profitable if FF was still sacred title and when one was announced people would get hyped instead of a milk title. FF this world of ff that, dissidia ff, ff fff-93 fff, ff of ff etc.

But we are where we are.


Premium Donor
With all the patches coming in and still no wifi source to download it all I'll never finish this game...i hope it doesn't have to come down to me selling it like I did overwatch


Well-Known Member
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Its actually taking so long for the dlc to come out for this game that I expect to me in my 30's before they're all out. The next one isn't for a little under 2 months and then who knows when Ignis' is.

I'm guessing @Aerospark and @Chapstick aren't getting them anyway? I don't know why but I got the impression you two didn't like the game? :p
"ended up hating it more than I already did LMFAO" - me, last wednesday


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i saw these a few days ago and the thought of having a samurai + red mage ashe build............
this is good.gif