Halloween Designer Challenge 2015

Patrick Wimmer

Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Hey guys, I have some ideas for a costume for Nyotengu and Brad. But i can't draw very well. If someone don't have an idea but can draw well, just ask me :)


Well-Known Member
Can I put anything in addition to "DOACostumes" in the subject line? That would make it easier to distinguish between the submissions. They didn't make it very clear on their page.

Not sure what you mean but you can write everything you wish in the subject line, the only important thing is to include at least the hashtag "#DOACostumes" =)


Well-Known Member
Putting a Skeleton in Alpha-152 is a brilliant idea

I imagine in game it would look something like this.

That's awesome. But after attempting to mod the game I don't think it's possible for TN to do anything other than recolors or transparent outfits for her, due to how her character model is set up (it's just one flat texture) :(


Well-Known Member
That's awesome. But after attempting to mod the game I don't think it's possible for TN to do anything other than recolors or transparent outfits for her, due to how her character model is set up (it's just one flat texture) :(

I hope that this isn't true, the possibilites become so limited in this way...*sigh*
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Active Member
Hey guys, I have some ideas for a costume for Nyotengu and Brad. But i can't draw very well. If someone don't have an idea but can draw well, just ask me :)
I did a GenFu entry, and main Brad, but don't have an idea for him yet. Feel free to reply here or send me a PM. He has less competition than Nyo, so I'd be probably be willing to try him.


Well-Known Member
I've to agree with @Ashlette: that outfit of Honoka is without doubt great in the mix of characteristics already mentioned, and I was one of the people to make the congratulations to the author and to like the thought to see it in the game. However to make so sure declarations as to have already a winner can appear intimidating for all those people that haven't so good skills and maybe are just working in this moment on an outfit for that character, ending to think that it's useless to continue with their work and never bothering to complete it considering themselves already out of the games. Of course I know that everyone should think with his head (so shouldn't be influenced from the critiques to external works), but in the end everyone is more or less influenced.

The challenge is still open, let's wait for the end of it and when hopefully Team NINJA will post a wall of all of them, then everyone will be free to judge more knowingly having in front of him all the entries for the character. Also remember that in the past the originality of the design was something got in consideration for the selection of some outfits (one example on all the Ayane's design prized from Shimbori), so this is something so radicated in the concept design (and not in the drawing skill) where everyone can manage to realize it if make a wise use of his/her fantasy =)
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Standard Donor
People confuse artistic ability with creativity.

Those are two different things:
Artistic ability defines the talent needed to create works of art.
Creative ability defines the talent that incorporates imagination and execution.

TN contests have always been more about creativity based on their relative opinion than actual art skill -- some of the ones that made it into the game for example didn't necessarily look professional. The only time art skill actually mattered was during the community votes, and even those were only eligible for prizes and not a guaranteed spot in the game.

So, no art skill -- while important -- doesn't matter. As long as you can get your point across in a drawing, and show that you put your heart into it; you did exactly what this contest is asking you to do.
So don't let anyone artificially hold you or your design back based on your artistic ability. There were some really good creative ones the last few contests that trumped the more artistic ones, but it all comes down to being lucky with your idea and if you're in sync to what TN can manage (and be impressed enough) to put into the game.


Well-Known Member
The dress reminds me of that Ni no Kuni chick, it would be awesome to see with a parallax effect

Would like to see more stuff for Honoka, P4 or Lisa, so far there's really nothing that I'd buy


Premium Donor
Jann Lee fills out the mummy costume even better than Momiji :p

That's actually a pretty good costume! It's a mummy themed costume we've seen enough, but it's an interesting take on male fanservice, and looks distinct enough from Ryu's version. Nicely done!


Well-Known Member
Don't get me wrong, i have nothing against male fanservice, but with so many creative options and designs, you opt for just putting some bandages over him? smh.


Well-Known Member
Im just more concerned about the scar above his "area"... whats all that about? I think Jann Lee got neutered. Poor Lei Fang.