Halloween Designer Challenge 2017

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Well-Known Member
Not going to lie. It’s disappointing to see the same artists used every year, but it’s even more disappointing seeing the same artist used multiple times in the same contest..

I can only agree with you, it's not fair for everyone, and I'm not really in the right place to talk about that because I won 2 times again this year, but they should at least pick one costume per designer. I complained years ago for that.

Anyway, I think that the latest costumes are way better than the top10 one (Marie, Honoka and Leifang apart), so I'm glad to see that he Halloween feeling isn't really dead.

To finish, I want to congratulate @Tyaren for his Helena. You won, I'm sad about it because none of my 59 designs for her this year made the cut, but yours was so fitting, I never even thought about that idea for a costume dedicated for her, and I love Lorelei so much ahaha. I'm glad i lost to you ! =D


Active Member
I am more upset that some of the costumes look like costumes from past entries and are so... boring.

and a lot of em don't give ''Halloween''


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Standard Donor
To finish, I want to congratulate @Tyaren for his Helena. You won, I'm sad about it because none of my 59 designs for her this year made the cut, but yours was so fitting, I never even thought about that idea for a costume dedicated for her, and I love Lorelei so much ahaha. I'm glad i lost to you ! =D

Thank you for that really nice comment! :) Congratulations to you too.
I'm surprised someone other than me knows of this legend. I always thought Helena's character was very likely inspired by it. Lorelei was after all her home stage in DOA3 when she was introduced and she also got long, blonde hair and a beautiful voice.


Nice! Gongrats @DestructionBomb

And Congrats @Tyaren!! Glückwunsch!

Can someone confirm that the upper right teaser is for Sarah or is this Rachel?

It is Mila?!

I'm so freaking sold.

Question: I also loved the Bee and (Kill me) Pumpkin outfits, am I alone there?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for that really nice comment! :) Congratulations to you too.
I'm surprised someone other than me knows of this legend. I always thought Helena's character was very likely inspired by it. Lorelei was after all her home stage in DOA3 when she was introduced and she also got long, blonde hair and a beautiful voice.

Yeah it's my favorite stage anyway ! I was more concentrate on her love with her mother to inspire me for her costumes, so i totally forgot Lorelei and its legend (I'm in love with the Rhine landscapes and want to go there one day). You killed the game, I was counting on the fact she already has a siren costume in game to stand a chance against you, but it was obvious you were the winner at the second I saw your design.

Hope to see more concepts from you if there is some contests someday !


Active Member
Thank you for that really nice comment! :) Congratulations to you too.
I'm surprised someone other than me knows of this legend. I always thought Helena's character was very likely inspired by it. Lorelei was after all her home stage in DOA3 when she was introduced and she also got long, blonde hair and a beautiful voice.
Your Helena design was the best in the bunch IMO, if there is another contest next year for DOA6, i would love to commission you to bring my Christie Banshee design to life.


Premium Donor
They updated the Steam Database 4 days ago:

DOA5LR - DLC7c_2194 (724060) 個のデポ
Eeeehh, that makes me more excited!

Looking at the teasers I decided so that I have more photo taking material I'll get Eliot, Naotora, Marie Rose, Hayate, Jacky, Sarah/Rachel's, Helena's, and maybe Raidou. Some of the artists I don't know who won but I do like the looks of the teasers from what DB posted


Premium Donor
what did Sarah and Rachel get?

That thing next to the Helena design, strangely I don't recognize any of the designs besides DB's, the Bayman one and the Raidou one XD but I know the girl next to Helena is white for sure, the skin tone gives it away and would suit someone blonde
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