New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.


New Member
You won't find a ton of characters that have both strong pokes and hard whiff punishing, though Ayane would come close. Eliot would actually be a better choice for those reasons, with Kasumi and Rig kinda sorta fitting the bill. Hayabusa is an incredibly strong whiff punisher but he's not so much on pokes anymore. Honestly I recommend getting into training and then running through each character's exercise. You may be surprised at how a random character plays.
Thanks. :D Well from how it looks I'll be playing Mila. So hope to see you guys upon release.


New Member
Hi everyone, it's been awhile! Not sure who all here remembers me, I recognize quite a few of you tho. I used to play a lot of DOA back when it was one of the few FGs on LIVE. Like floating tumbleweeds few. It' seems crazy that that was almost 7 years ago, longer if you count ultimate (which you should).

Used to go by DoomHunter back then and I think most people that will remember me (of the few that do haha) will probably remember me for tearing it up with Helena. You know, back when it was just me and Dr.Dogg against the ninja hoard that was ultimate...good days. I've been following DOA5 over the last couple months and am really glad to see it's heading in what looks to be a stronger direction than it's last outing.

Anyways, I hope to come to virtual fisticuffs with you gentleman (and ladies) come Sept. 25. As well as seeing if some of you new bloods can prove your fighting spirit :p Here's to good games everyone.


New Member
Hi everyone.

I'm @SBladeFGC, I guess I'm semi-established in the FGC already, mainly through anime games and some capcom games over the past 5 years. I'm most recognizable through Melty Blood and KOF13. Currently I've been maining KOF the past year, I've been running commentary on stream for some Big E tournaments and Toronto tournaments, and also for the Pre-EVO FT20 Team Korea vs Team Mexico MM (streamed by arturo), I was commentating most of the time.

DOA3 was the first fighting game I ever really enjoyed, but being like 12 years old I never got "good" at the game, so I'm now coming back into DOA5 planning to be fully competitive. However, this is my first competitive 3D fighter. I've picked up a bit of SCV and VF and understand the fundamentals for a 3D fighter and I actually really love it even though I'm not totally comfortable yet (my yomi levels have decreased after playing so much spacing games).

I'll be at SB to play in the pre-release tournament, I also just pre-ordered my collectors edition about an hour ago and have spent some free time recently fooling around with DOA2U/DOA4.

Hopefully for one of these tournaments, I'll understand this game thoroughly enough for me to commentate, you guys might like my commentary better than Kat's :3

If anyone reading this is from Toronto and is downtown-accessible, shoot me a PM here or on twitter and I will get you weekly casuals. I'll post more about this in the regional sections.



Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Welcome. We're seeing a lot of interest in the game from other parts of the FGC and it's always interesting to hear how people aren't really just starting with DoA5. I'm sure you and I will cross paths in the future, both here and on the tournament scene so it's nice to make your acquaintance.

As for commentary, our last game was before the stream-boom in the FGC so just about everyone wants a shot at commentary. I was on for an hour or two at the last Big E tournament on Jaxel's stream and it was a blast, so good luck getting the relatively large amount of people out of the way lol.


New Member
Ello everyone!

I've been directed here from multiple people. They say this is the place to learn, this is the place to meet other DOA players! If that's the case, I'm in! I was never really good with forum's, rather posting on forum's. I just go to them, read and learn! So if I need work on something, if I come off stupid as hell, please feel free to let me know.

I've waited a long time for these last few moments before DOA5's launch. Years actually.

But wait, where are my manners?

Hi, my name is DaYaShA. I'm not known in the DOA community, and am currently garb city in the game. DOA is my favorite fighting series has been for years. The problem was, I was too young to compete in the game when 4 was big. The only scene that would take me and not pass judgement, was the Capcom scene. The scene which I have left behind for some DOA!

I've been waiting for this. I've traveled all over the States, and competed in Street Fighter 3rd strike, and Street Fighter 4. I plan to attend many majors and locals alike playing this game.

You know that feeling when your losing to someone and your face gets hot? That happens to me but, not when playing DOA. I understand being outplayed and, I hope to get some serious matches with you guys if you'll have me. Feel free to hit me up via twitter, facebook, xbl, psn, 3ds, ps vita, Freestepdodge and youtube. My ish is on my profile.

Well I won't take up all of your time, I hope to hear from you all soon!




Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Glad to have you here, man. You obviously have passion for the franchise so we'll get you squared away. Check out my thread in DoA5 General on the training sessions or hit up any of us for matches. Less than two weeks.


New Member
What's up people!
Been lurking on this site for a while now. Finally decided to make this account since DOA5's release is drawing near. Looking forward to getting involved with the community and hopefully travel to some tournaments for some good competition.