[Oct 6, 2012] DOA World Series "Proof of Concept" Online Tournament (Xbox Live)

Maybe you should split the lobby up that's what we did. Faster match results and less lag. I had red bars with everyone as well and I'm glad to say the matches weren't that bad.

ey3boxx ON1

New Member
GGs to all! Online Tourneys are not for me...lmao! Thanks PowerPlayX2 for setting it all up...I know it was hectic but overall...it was cool!


Well-Known Member
Unless the finals are going to happen tomorrow, go ahead and DQ me. I'm not waiting this fucking long for the next bracket.


New Member
This was organized poorly. Next time start it earlier, do standard double elimination and assign people to run each block.


New Member
I did pretty horrible most of my matches as I expected, but I had a good time. The lobby freezes sucked pretty bad, but that wasn't the fault of any of the players at all. Thanks guys for making my first tourney experience feel fun and comfortable. Sorry if I wasn't very good competition overall; I'm still really amateur and I've got a lot to learn.


Active Member

Final eight. Sorry to everyone for the disaster that was this tournament. If I run another tournament, it'll end up being all double elimination. Sorry everyone. :(
Powerplay, you did your best to put together a fun event. I don't see anyone else attempting to run something for the community. And you let people know this was a "test" run. People should expect it to have issues. So I want to say thank you. Thank you for putting together a fun tournament that allowed me to meet other players and level up my game. And hopefully the next one you run, we can put together some of what we learned and get things a bit better organized.

Like i mentioned before. EFNET will allow every person participating in the tournament to be in one chat lobby. And it is extremely easy to use. Just edit the original post with the channel name and have people that want to participate be in the room before the start time. Then you can use Challonge to set up the tournament brackets. Then as the organizer all you have to do is take down match results and keep the bracket updated. And the players can be the ones to invite each other. DoA5s netcode will work better this way as well. having extra spectators in the lobby just adds to potential lag. Best to keep the connection as simple as possible.


Active Member
Final eight. Sorry to everyone for the disaster that was this tournament. If I run another tournament, it'll end up being all double elimination. Sorry everyone. :(
It's alright, just needs some more planning. It was a lot of fun and I got a perfect round off of Rikuto. Felt great despite my 30% success rate on my SS execution (stupid online). But all of my matches, barring one, were largely lag free. I'd still prefer offline but online is by no means unacceptable. Rikuto also held an awesome ghetto block courtesy of his own effort. Otherwise, our block was going nowhere lol. I think we started an hour and a half late.


Active Member
It's down to Nightantilli (who won the winners finals), and Yawbus Don and NykNyks in losers finals going on right now. :)


Well-Known Member
First two rounds were close, one for him, one for me. After that I started losing and he took the first 4 out of 7. Basically he needed to win another 4, but it has been decided to leave it like this, so, he won, I'm 2nd place. Doubt I could've had a comeback anyway, even though my title is comeback artist lol. I'm glad with the result, especially considering it's past 8AM and I'm sleepy and tired as hell lol. So.. Off to bed I go.


Ghetto block is best block.

I was hoping to get a match against Rikuto. Sadly that didn't happen xD

Rikuto is, in fact, human. Being human makes him prone to lag, error, and generally having too much fun BS'ing to give a 100% effort all of the time. I imagine if I was capable of such continuous effort, I would probably be a final boss and not a mid boss.

Also, I prefer the feeling of rising to the occasion to defeat the odds around me. Not being the occasion for everyone else to rise to.

That all said, I'm always up for games.


Well-Known Member
Ghetto block was a blast. Hanging with Rikuto and meeting everyone was a really cool experience.


New Member
Sorry if I sounded like a jerk in my last post. I was trying to give constructive criticism but it might not of come off that way.

I think starting the next one at 3:00 or 4:00 pm eastern might be good. Might be a little early for west coasters but the people in Europe won't have to stay up insanely late to play. Also limiting it to 32 people would be a good idea. That way everyone can be in a party together but also off fighting their matches.

Has anyone thought of doing an asynchronous tournament over the course of a week? You post the brackets and the people playing then have a day or two to fight who they're matched up against and then either post or PM the results. With a little coordination each match could potentially be live streamed this way. Could also start an online league this way.