The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well-Known Member
Figured I would post this in the casual thread in case some of you haven't seen it:

I would have loved Alpha's theme from Dimensions included in DoA5U like personal one of Phase-4, but the music played in the background against the boss fight it's really good too in my opinion: if this end to be her them, I will be really satisfied ;)


Well-Known Member
While K-Alpha's theme is pretty awesome, it's also fairly psycho sounding, which doesn't seem to fit Phase-4 that much. But...the destroyed lab stage sounds too Resident Evil final boss for me. Fine for the circumstances in story mode, but for random lady showing up on a beach somewhere, not quite.

I find it odd that they did a remix of Blood Tie for Lorelei when they probably could've used normal Blood Tie and no one would've cared. But, here, they reused a song from story mode that doesn't really seem tailored to this specific character. After all, P4 is not quite the undead looking metamorph that you fight at the end of story mode...


Well-Known Member
While I still do prefer Blazed Up Melpomene Remix, I think Blood Ties Remix is somewhat a compensation for not putting up the individual remix soundtracks on the game. Not much of a loss I suppose. DOA1 soundtracks weren't included too (sans Bass' theme).

David Gregg

Well-Known Member
Don't hold me to this, but I really do think P4's destroyed lab theme is a remix (I'm hearing things that don't match the least I think I do. o_O).

And for me at least, the theme sounds dark but there are parts of it that sound sad which I think fits Phase 4 really well.


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It's interesting they gave Phase-4 a remixed destroyed lab theme, because in my DOA5U, I gave Alpha-152 the regular Lab theme ("Liberation"). I felt that it fit her more, because I don't really like Alpha-152's theme.


Well-Known Member
Wait, wait. Listening to it, isn't the destroyed lab music itself just an arrangement of DOA5's main theme? So, Phase 4 just kinda hijacked the pause music.


Well-Known Member
I haven't played previous DOAs but watching that video. Idk what it is but the stages seem so much "larger" in scale than the ones in 5 or maybe it's just the giant staircases. Even falling off unlimited cliffs didn't give me that feeling.


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I haven't played previous DOAs but watching that video. Idk what it is but the stages seem so much "larger" in scale than the ones in 5 or maybe it's just the giant staircases. Even falling off unlimited cliffs didn't give me that feeling.
The stages in past DOA games were definitely on a more grander scale than the current ones in DOA5. I think what it is in DOA5 is that most of the stages have too much open space, and thus, seem empty.


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Standard Donor
One stage that doesn't make sense in DOA5 is Scramble. Like, in Story Mode, a random explosion just happens out of nowhere. What makes it even more hilarious and nonsensical was Kokoro's reaction. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
It's not really 'out of nowhere.' According to the timeline, Lisa fought Ryu in Scramble at about the same time Kokoro was passing by. Of course, that makes the whole thing pretty ridiculous when you think about it. Lisa canonically got into a fight with Ryu at the top of a skyscraper, that ended with her falling into the streets. From a skyscraper. Not only is she perfectly fine immediately afterwards, she immediately ends up getting into a fight with Kokoro for an absurdly trivial reason while there's a collapsing building in the immediate area.

Or, to put it simply, that explosion didn't happen for no reason. It happened because Lisa's a damn tank.
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