DOA5LR The Kunoichi of Destiny - DOA5LR Kasumi Comprehensive Breakdown


Well-Known Member
Does anybody feel like there's a difference among Kasumi's Flash Kicks Teleports:

It feels like launching with :P::P::7::K::6_: or :7::K::6_: is more likely to get Kasumi to sneak right underneath the opponent..... :K::K::7::K::6_: seems to be more usefull if you don't want to cross up.... it also seems to have better relaunching properties.

And since we're on the subject of Teleports:
It seems like :9::P::K::6_: on airborne opponents will always Re-bounce the opponent up to the exact same height everytime.... meaning her :K::K: from her "Hot Shampoo" stance will always be Guaranteed as long as :9::P::K::6_: connects.

Although I could sworn I've seen her use "Hot Shampoo" :P: after :9::P::K::6_:.... I must have imagined it.:confused:



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Standard Donor
It feels like launching with :P::P::7::K::6_: or :7::K::6_: is more likely to get Kasumi to sneak right underneath the opponent..... :K::K::7::K::6_: seems to be more usefull if you don't want to cross up.... it also seems to have better relaunching properties.

Of course is there a difference between these moves / strings. KK7K contains three kicks that cause a stun on normal hit, deal higher damage and therefore increase the stun level faster as PP7K or a single 7K do. Not sure what you mean with "cross up", but if you're talking about moving right underneath the opponent with a free cancel after the 7K launch, PP7K and 7K will only work from stun level 2 or higher due to this.

And since we're on the subject of Teleports:
It seems like :9::P::K::6_: on airborne opponents will always Re-bounce the opponent up to the exact same height everytime.... meaning her :K::K: from her "Hot Shampoo" stance will always be Guaranteed as long as :9::P::K::6_: connects.
Although I could sworn I've seen her use "Hot Shampoo" :P: after :9::P::K::6_:.... I must have imagined it.:confused:

There's nothing weird with it. Yes, KK will always hit, but using the P ender has also it's benefits sometimes.

And it's called "Hoshinpo" btw.


Well-Known Member
Of course is there a difference between these moves / strings. KK7K contains three kicks that cause a stun on normal hit, deal higher damage and therefore increase the stun level faster as PP7K or a single 7K do. Not sure what you mean with "cross up", but if you're talking about moving right underneath the opponent with a free cancel after the 7K launch, PP7K and 7K will only work from stun level 2 or higher due to this.
I know.... I've been using other attacks to ensure that the the Final Move, :7::K::6_:, always lands on the desired Critical Level.

Anyway... it seems like the ability to move right underneath the opponent has a bunch of weird factors. To give you an example of what I mean... a raw :7::K::6_: on normal hit is enough to get her to sneak right underneath Gen Fu..... with no possible Follow Ups obviously. However, :K::K::7::K::6_: doesn't seem to have the same effect, at best Gen Fu lands right ontop of Kasumi.... from there it can go either way... Kasumi can either sneak right underneath or be at some weird angle next to Gen Fu. My current theory is the :K::K: pushes the opponent back, causing the Flash Kick to barely connect..... meaning Kasumi is less likely to Sneak underneath... its not impossible though.... its just not Likely.

A raw :7::K::6_: also seems to have a slight Delay before Kasumi teleports....

I don't know what it is but it seems like using different strings leading into :7::K::6_: and a raw :7::K::6_: will yield different results even if you can get them to land on the same Critical Level.

It just feels like :7::K::6_: and :P::P::7::K::6_: are more likey to get her to Sneak under her Opponent due to it being less likely to create a big gap inbetween her and the opponent.... atleast as far as Gen Fu is concerned.

It seems like I need an entirely differen't theory for lighter Characters.

There's nothing weird with it. Yes, KK will always hit, but using the P ender has also it's benefits sometimes.

And it's called "Hoshinpo" btw.
I know, Sweetness.... its just not as catchy and memorable :oops:.... I'l be sure not to use my special name for it in front players not familiar with the character..... I call Hayabusa's Ongyoin Stance The "Onion Stance". Anyway:

"Hair Shampoo" :K::K: and :P: seem to have the same Wall Splat Range... however :P: will knock the opponent further away than :K::K: will....... I found this to be significantly advantageous on Stages with Open Ledges like Ends of The Earth and Lost World..... I would assume its the same on The Dangerzone.

I wish Kasumi's :9::P::K: could trigger Floor Dangerzones.... and I wish it had a shorter wall splat range.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Just an FYI. Neither definition of cross ups are correct. A cross up is when you attack from an angle jump from one side, going the opposite direction from the actual side. Her teleporting to the other side while the character is hanging in the air isn't a cross up. That's just a launching combo with more combo opportunity for a follow up like KK7K into PP6P6K.

An example (closests in DOA) of a cross would be Kasumi's 9PK on an opponent's wake up. Or Ayane using 9P to force a whiff like Kasumi's 9P(K) does into a 6P.

They exist more in 2D fighters.
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Well-Known Member
Just an FYI. Neither definition of cross ups are correct. A cross up is when you attack from an angle jump from one side, going the opposite direction from the actual side. Her teleporting to the other side while the character is hanging in the air isn't a cross up. That's just a launching combo with more combo opportunity for a follow up like KK7K into PP6P6K.

An example (closests in DOA) of a cross would be Kasumi's 9PK on an opponent's wake up. Or Ayane using 9P to force a whiff like Kasum's 9P(K) does into a 6P.

They exist more in 2D fighters.

Or Alpha's :9::P::h: F.L.O.A.T. :K: at point blank.

I know exactly what a cross up is..... I just didn't know how to phrase whatever it is Kasumi's Teleports do.

Man I'm greatfull for a Guard Button. I'm not big on Directional Blocking....


Well-Known Member
*reviving the thread*
Hey, are the types of combos where you hit them with :6::6::K::~::K: 2 times still possible or feather weight only? Just switched to kasumi recently and read about hitting them 2 times with it for max damage after her 236T throw but i couldn't connect the delayed second kick.. only the fast follow-up


Well-Known Member
I thought max damage for like light and medium weights was 236T>6K>PPKK.
That's one of the weakest no-timing ones. 66K~K 66K~K PP6PK is the strongest "no-timing" (other than getting the 66K~K's perfect) one while KK7K PPKK is the strongest period but only works on lightweights with very strict timing
*reviving the thread*
Hey, are the types of combos where you hit them with :6::6::K::~::K: 2 times still possible or feather weight only? Just switched to kasumi recently and read about hitting them 2 times with it for max damage after her 236T throw but i couldn't connect the delayed second kick.. only the fast follow-up
Yes it's still possible, I just checked it on Bass and it still works


Premium Donor
Ah, my mistake, I see panic and render do that one all the time and I have a habit of thinking everything they do is max damage XD


Well-Known Member
Oh you are right, thank you !
But is it really worth it ? Doing it once and ending with her usual stuff isn't that much worse and way more reliable especially in competetive play ?


Well-Known Member
Oh you are right, thank you !
But is it really worth it ? Doing it once and ending with her usual stuff isn't that much worse and way more reliable especially in competetive play ?
I would never do it in an actual match and especially not online lol. I do 6K PPKK if I'm in a weird spot near any walls but not close enough or lined up well enough for K 33P BT 2P PKK7K or I'll do 66K~K 7K~KK if it's in open space and not too laggy.


Well-Known Member
So its still posiible :)

I haven't been able to do it, I went into the dojo and turned on Page 3 of the details. I wasn't aboe to get a consistent follow up interval from :6::6::K::~::K:. If Damage was that important to me I'd just play Phase 4....


Well-Known Member
I don't do 6K PPKK anymore due to how often 6K whiffs I can't stand the move. I'll just go for KK7K(6)K,Pp6Pk or pp6p6k depending on what I'm trying to set up


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
<<-------- Scrubby player trying to play Princess Kasumi.
After 236T, I typically just go for :P::K::K::7::K::6_::9_::K: :6_: :K::K: or some string that triggers an environmental hazard.
I tested it on Bass and it still works okay in a flat area and it seems to work okay vs heavies (I know there is a combo thread but I just need confirmation on what is optimal for 236T). Is that juggle sequence decent or are there other follow ups to keep in mind when you use 236T as a combo starter? Also, what set-ups do you guys use after 236T?


Premium Donor
I'm always afraid of lag ruining my combos so what I use is simple:

I need to probably beef those up a bit, I remember once chap asked why I did the second one XD


Well-Known Member
I'm always afraid of lag ruining my combos so what I use is simple:

I need to probably beef those up a bit, I remember once chap asked why I did the second one XD
I still don't know why you do it since lag has a hard time screwing up 6K PPKK lol. Any uneven ground at all will make 6K whiff tho which you have to watch for
<<-------- Scrubby player trying to play Princess Kasumi.
After 236T, I typically just go for :P::K::K::7::K::6_::9_::K: :6_: :K::K: or some string that triggers an environmental hazard.
I tested it on Bass and it still works okay in a flat area and it seems to work okay vs heavies (I know there is a combo thread but I just need confirmation on what is optimal for 236T). Is that juggle sequence decent or are there other follow ups to keep in mind when you use 236T as a combo starter? Also, what set-ups do you guys use after 236T?
The problem with 9PK's in juggles is you can't be anywhere near any walls because the splat distance is so far. But, if you're in a lot of open space with no chance of a wall screwing it up PKK7K~9PK~KK is pretty good.


Premium Donor
If only you knew Chap XD I was playing with Gurimmjaw and Grunt a couple days ago and I tried doing the 6K>PPKK combo literally in the flow still whiffed even though I timed it right and en point. ~_~.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
I still don't know why you do it since lag has a hard time screwing up 6K PPKK lol. Any uneven ground at all will make 6K whiff tho which you have to watch for

The problem with 9PK's in juggles is you can't be anywhere near any walls because the splat distance is so far. But, if you're in a lot of open space with no chance of a wall screwing it up PKK7K~9PK~KK is pretty good.

Understood. Should the wall be nearby, it might be a good idea for us to go for a string that allows us to take advantage of the environment hazards. At the same time, we need to keep track of the possible okizeme and/or max damage combos in mind in order to get that W.


Well-Known Member
If only you knew Chap XD I was playing with Gurimmjaw and Grunt a couple days ago and I tried doing the 6K>PPKK combo literally in the flow still whiffed even though I timed it right and en point. ~_~.
Flow's too wobbly if you're not dead center on the platform unless you mean the lower part of it. I used to main her and I've managed to do it in every connection imaginable, the only thing that screwed me up was uneven terrain with 6K. Which part whiffs? If it's 6K the floor screwed you and if it's PPKK you did 6K too slow. Then there's Rachel who you have to do 33P PPKK on because Rachel's weird